Search Results for what is orcid
Basic Definitions - Accelerometers | PCB Piezotronics
Transient Acceleration - acceleration that varies over the duration of the event, but is not repetitive. Examples include the deceleration that an automobile undergoes during braking or the acceleration effects experienced by a roller coaster as it negotiates its track.
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Amphenol Single-mode Optical Line AFSI 525N-60-SM Fiber Systems
Fiber Optic Solutions Amphenol Fiber Systems International AFSI 525N-60-SM Single-mode Optical Line Test Set MTCK-005 Specification Summary of LEDs CentralWavelength 1310nm±30nm 1550nm±30nm SpectralBandwidth <170nm <170nm Stability
Catalog - Amphenol
CALL CENTER HOURS OF OPERATION: Monday through Friday 8:00am to 5:00pm ET (5:00am to 2:00pm PT)
Thermometrics Surface Mount Devices
Features • Nickel barrier tin plated terminations for soldering • High sensitivity to changes in temperature • Wide operating temperature range -40°F to
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Introduction - Marport
Scala2 is Marport’s advanced trawl monitoring system that collects, processes, stores and displays data sent from multiple sensors, sounders and other connected devices. It gives you full control over the fishing operations. In order to suit the working conditions, gear and sensor data type available, this monitoring system offers unparalleled flexibility and is easily configurable.
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Wire Harness Cable & Electromechanical Assemblies Mexico - ICA Holdings
ICA de Mexico, formerly Atronix is one of the largest and most diverse manufacturers of specialty wire harnesses, cable assemblies & electromechanical assemblies in the U.S. & Mexico. Learn more.
5962300G Archives - Amphenol Antenna Solutions
Explore Amphenol Antenna Solutions' 5962300G product archives.
Trex-Onics CC-Link Cable - Color Code Conductor Number Color - TPC Wire
Conductor Number Color Component A C1 Blue C2 Yellow C3 White Component B C1 Black C2 White Trex-Onics® CC-Link Cable - Color Code
(8 5r+6 ,, &huwlilfdwh ri &rqirupdqfh 0dufk 'hdu &xvwrphu ,q uhvsrqvh wr \rxu frpsoldqfh vwdwxv lqtxlu\ uhjduglqj wkh iroorzlqj surgxfw $pskhqro $hurvsdfh
form by any means; electronic, mechanical, photocopying or otherwise, without the express . written permission from . Marport. “Marport”, the Marport logo and Software Defined Sonar are
Benefits & Challenges Of Modernizing The Electric Grid - TPC Wire
Electrical grids require constant updates in order to support the policy goals of the energy industry. Those necessary updates to modernize the power grid include conventional updates as well as advanced digital information and telecommunication technologies.
Item # MJ-132, Microphone Jack - Amphenol NEXUS Technologies
Browse Item # MJ-132, Microphone Jack in the Amphenol NEXUS Technologies catalog including Item #,Item Name,Description,Conductors,Application,Overall Width,Overall Height,Overall Length,Contact Material,Body Material,Alternate P/N
CRO1-VU0 - Amphenol Antenna Solutions
CRO1-VU0, In-Building Antenna, 1-Port, Ceiling Mount Omni, Transparent, Rectangular, HPOL, 360°, 617-5925 MHz, 3.6-5.4 dBi, SISO, Thru-mount
PCB Piezotronics | Measure vibration, pressure, force, and more
PCB Piezotronics offers a range of sensors for measuring vibration, pressure, and force.
The SmartBoat ® Solution - Gemeco
Welcome to Gemeco's SmartBoat® Customer Support page, your one-stop destination for all things SmartBoat. Find expert assistance, resources, and troubleshooting guides for maximizing the potential of your SmartBoat system. Discover a wealth of knowledge to optimize your marine experience, from installation tips to software updates. Unlock the full potential of your boat's intelligence with ...