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MDCU Installation Guide - Amphenol Antenna Solutions
local regulations. The implied precautions and obligations are not detailed here. IMPORTANT IMPORTANT NOTER les numéros de série indiqués sur l’étiquette du MDCU. Il y a autant de numéro de série que de bande de fonctionnement pour l’antenne. NOTER en regard le numéro de série de l’antenne dans laquelle va être installé le MDCU.
Amphenol Supplier Code of Conduct
students’ rights in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. Suppliers shall implement an appropriate mechanism to verify the age of workers. The use of legitimate workplace learning programs, which comply with all laws and regulations, is supported. Suppliers shall provide appropriate support and training to all student workers.
Full hemispherical coverage due to quadrifilar helix antenna element. Built-in high gain, low noise amplifier. Input filter for thorough RF-overload protection.
Board-to-Board - SV Microwave
1 ANATOMY OF A BOARD-TO-BOARD RF CONNECTION Figure 1: Cross Section Example of Board to Board Interconnect Figure 2: Radial Misalignment Measurement
Automotive | Markets - Amphenol
Amphenol is a leading supplier of advanced interconnect systems, sensors and antennas for a growing array of automotive applications. In addition, we have developed advanced technology solutions for hybrid and electric vehicles and are working with leading global customers to proliferate these advanced interconnect products into next-generation automobiles.
Regulatory Affairs and Compliance | PCB Piezotronics
PCB Regulatory Affairs & Compliance . PCB Piezotronics is committed to ensuring compliance with applicable global laws and regulations. To maintain effective compliance risk management strategies, and controls consistent with our deep compliance culture, PCB Piezotronics builds compliance accountability, oversight, and risk management into all levels of the business.
Learn About Glow Wire Compatibility - Amphenol CS
The quality of any electrical connection is predominantly measured by the safety it assures. Glow wire compatibility is a test that ensures safety and avoids mishaps caused by human mishandling, over-current, or short circuit failures especially within appliance wiring systems.
GNSS Combination Antennas ProNexus - AMPHENOL PROCOM
Model Product No. Description; ProNexus W-G1-L4-W4: 132000282: 4x4 MIMO 4G/5G, 4x4 MIMO WiFi, 1x GNSS, White Cover: Add to quote: ProNexus W-G1-L4-W6: 132000283
Amphenol Supplier Responsible Labor Policy (EN)
applicable sanitation, safety and health laws, regulations, and company-specific requirements. • Worker potential for exposure to health and safety hazards (chemical, electrical and other energy sources, fire, vehicles, and fall hazards, etc.) are to be identified and assessed,
used in food and beverage applications . However, compliance with FDA regulation can be achieved by third party testing and certifying a product per the applicable Code of Federal Regulation (CFR) Title 21is the codification of the general and permanent rules . CFR published in the Federal Register by the executive departments and agencies of the
Declaration -
ITEM # SVHC CAS PPM 7012-1291 LEAD 7439-92-1 4,000 SV Design Engineering Department Signed for and on behalf of SV Microwave, Inc
BMA (Size 8) D38999 Pin Contact to SMA Male 12" Cable ... - SV Microwave
EU REACH Regulation (EC) No. 1907/2006 SVHC > Threshold. These products contain one or more EU REACH Substances of Very High Concern (SVHC) > 0.1% by weight (1000 ppm). Details related to the SVHC are displayed. REACH SVHC: LEAD, CAS #: 7439-92-1, PPM: 30000 . Use personal protective equipment as required.
Declaration -
ITEM # SVHC CAS PPM 3202-6000 LEAD 7439-92-1 4,000 SV Design Engineering Department Signed for and on behalf of SV Microwave, Inc
FM102 accelerometer mounting fin for motor vibration monitoring
Fin mount, 0.50” wide, 2.00” long. The FM series of accelerometer mounting fins is designed for motor vibration monitoring. Fin mounts can be epoxied or welded between the cooling fins of large electric motors.
Railway Sensors | Cabin Control
Browse Amphenol's selection of railway sensor solutions for cabin control applications
Operation Manual E-Series ET SSI - Temposonics
• Local prevailing standards and regulations 10.Any parts of the equipment which got stuck (e.g. by frost or corrosion) may not be removed by force if potentially explosive atmosphere is present. 11.The formation of ice on the equipment has to be prevented. 12.It is not allowed to open the sensor.
Vibration transmitter, displacement, peak to peak, 40 mils
Vibration transmitter, 4-20 mA output proportional to displacement, peak to peak, full scale 40 mils (±5%), 1/4-28 mounting hole (stud included), top exit 2-pin MIL-C-5015-style connector
Vertical True Flex™/Horizontal Splitters Model ABS2200H/VF Broadband ...
Description: DOCSIS 3.1 ready splitter with low loss to 1675 MHz and performance optimized for MoCA applications. Zinc die cast housing and fully soldered back ensure the best electrical
Point Level Switch -
Multiple Point Control – Fluid-Trac™ PLS can be used for liquid level regulation to either keep a tank between two or three critical level set points or to activate two or three different external operations at each critical set point.
712F-M4 high frequency accelerometer with integral cable
High frequency accelerometer, 100 mV/g, side exit 16' Teflon-jacketed integral cable, M4 mounting thread, case isolated. High frequency accelerometers are used on machinery with gear mesh or small bearings, such as high-speed machine tool spindles and compressors.