Search Results for why rdl is better than pcb
Understanding Press-Fit Technology - Positronic Connectors
Press-fit technology is an alternative to the soldering method and is characterized by the connector’s contacts being collectively pressed into the PCB’s plated through holes.
Understanding Safety Integrity Levels - PCB
two following conditions hold true: The component’s Probability of Failure is equal to or better than the Probability of Failure range .
Road Load Sensors | PCB Piezotronics
PCB’s line of rugged sensors for RLDA provide a high level of confidence in data acquired during even the most aggressive road events.
Impact and Drop Testing - PCB
ICP® force sensors achieve higher frequencies since frequency is proportional to the square root of stiffness and inversely proportion to the square root of the mass. The rise time of a force sensor must be faster than the expected impact pulse width in order to measure properly.
Comparative Analysis of Dielectric Materials In PCB Connectors | SV ...
The dielectric material around the center conductor within a PCB connector significantly impacts its ability to transmit RF signals effectively. This analysis delves into the characteristics of three prominent dielectric materials – PTFE, Epoxy, and Glass – to determine their suitability for solder reflow processes.
Reduced Flange Jam Nut Receptacles - Amphenol Aerospace
The MIL-DTL-38999 Series III style connector features a reduced flange design that saves space, weight, and reduces your footprint when used in PCB applications. More connectors are able to be fit on a box or board due to the reduced flange having a smaller diameter than a standard jam nut receptacle.
Sensors for road load data acquisition (RLDA) must be robust and reliable to survive the shock, heat, humidity, and contamination associated with various measurement locations on the vehicle and test track.
Choosing The Right Connectors For PCB - Amphenol CS
Choose a flexible, robust, and durable connector from our range of board-to-board and wire-to-board connectors for your PCB. Check out the quick slide summary below.
Introduction to Piezoelectric Force Sensors - PCB
Why Only Dynamic Force Can Be Measured With Piezoelectric Force Sensors
PCB has combined piezoelectric crystals and ICP® technologies for use in dynamic strain measurement. The resulting sensors measure high frequency changes in strain with exceptional linearity over their measurement range.
Check the Spec | PCB Piezotronics
We encourage you to not just compare published specifications from your sensor provider but compare actual measured results from the sensors you select.
Load Cells | PCB Piezotronics
Our broad selection of competitively priced load products will help you meet the most demanding test and measurement requirements. Used in automotive, aerospace and defense, R&D, and process control applications, our drop-in replacement load cells are designed to provide years of dependable performance.
Introduction to Piezoelectric Industrial Accelerometers - PCB
The low end is governed electrically by a resistive capacitive circuit that determines the discharge time constant (t=R*C). The higher the DTC, the slower the signal is bled off and hence the better the low end frequency response (see table 1). The DTC can be compared to a funnel.
Capabilities of PCB | PCB Piezotronics
PCB® manufactures sensors used by design engineers and predictive maintenance professionals to test and measure vibration, pressure, force, acoustics, load, and shock in research and development as well as industrial applications.
Introduction to Dynamic Pressure Sensors - PCB
PCB® manufactures two types of pressure sensors. Charge mode pressure sensors generate a high impedance charge output. ICP® (Integrated Circuit Piezoelectric) voltage mode sensors feature built-in microelectronic amplifiers that convert the high impedance charge signal into a low impedance voltage output.
PCB has compiled their most common technical sensor information into four comprehensive quick reference guides; Accelerometers, Acoustics, Pressure, and Force. Each guide provides the technical basics of sensor construction, general physics, performance specifications, application / installation guidance, and a wealth of equations to support ...
Why Calibrate? Even in the business of Test and Measurement, the sound practices of calibration, verification and maintenance are often an afterthought. As a manufacturer of calibration systems and a provider of calibration services, the questions often arise: Why should I calibrate my sensors? How often do I have to?
Introduction to Piezoelectric Accelerometers - PCB
All PCB accelerometers require power from a constant current DC voltage source. PCB offers different types of ICP signal conditioners that provide 2 to 20 mA of current at a DC voltage level of +18 to +30 volts. Do not attempt to power ICP sensors with commercially available power supplies.
Quality System Certifications - PCB
Users typically have more confidence in products and services that conform to international standards. The aim is to facilitate trade, exchange and technology transfer through: increased distribution efficiency, and ease of maintenance. Assurance of quality system conformity is provided by certifying bodies and through our internal auditing system.
Calibration and Repair - PCB
Regular calibration validates all relevant performance parameters of your sensor against the original factory specifications. Each calibration is a quality record allowing you to ensure your sensors are functioning properly and enabling you to trend performance over time with confidence in your measurements.