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Loopback | Fiber Optic Test Equipment & Tools - Amphenol Fiber Systems ...
AFSI has developed the Loopback as an aid to system maintenance and troubleshooting of the tactical cable reels and systems that use them.
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c:userspdfsmp-msld-pct - Amphenol RF
Title: Created Date: 6/1/2010 2:36:10 PM
Amphenol-Antenna-Image-BA6012-1 - Amphenol Antenna Solutions
Amphenol-Antenna-Image-BA6012-1 - Amphenol Antenna Solutions
TN-24 Selecting Accelerometers for and Assessing Data From ... - PCB
After first clarifying what mechanical shock is and why we measure it, basic requirements are provided for all measurement systems that process transient signals. High- and low-frequency dynamic models for the measuring accelerometer are presented and justified. These models are then used to investigate accelerometer responses to mechanical shock.
Real Time Data Logger | Flexible Real-Time Temperature Data Logger - KAYE
The Kaye ValProbe RT Real-Time Data Loggers are available in various sensor configurations, including rigid, bendable, and flexible sensors. The flexible real-time data loggers offer configurations with one, two, or five temperature sensors.
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PCB Piezotronics | Measure vibration, pressure, force, and more
Created Date: 1/27/2010 9:56:13 AM
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