Search Results for wi-fi テザリング android
Tri-band WiFi 7 Sealed Omnidirectional Antenna - PCTEL
The high-performance WiFi 7 tri-band omnidirectional antenna series is designed to cover frequencies from 2.4-2.5 GHz and 4.94-7.125 GHz for broadband access applications. With its integral N Female and N Male connector options at the base, this antenna can be directly mounted on the radio equipment.
R-VPX Evolution - VITAコネクタ|アンフェノール・ソカペックス
Amphenol SocapexのR-VPX Evolutionは、VITA 46および47規格を上回るモジュール式COTS相互接続システムです。この相互接続システムは、16 Gb/秒の性能を提供し、既存のVITA 46コネクタと完全に相互嵌合可能です。4点接触システムは堅牢で、嵌合力が小さく、接触電流定格は1.5アンペアです。
jaybeam-wireless-thumbnail - Amphenol Antenna Solutions
jaybeam-wireless-thumbnail - Amphenol Antenna Solutions
Connectors | Products - Amphenol
Amphenol has been designing and manufacturing electrical and electronic connectors since the company’s inception in 1932. For nearly a century, we’ve been helping customers transmit power, data and signal in the harshest environments, from subsea applications to the outer reaches of space and everywhere in between.
Ferret Lite IP67 WiFi Inspection Camera Kit - Gemeco
The Ferret Lite incorporates all of the design and innovation of the original award-winning Ferret WiFi. Features. Built-in WiFi hotspot; Wireless; Connects to your smart device; Rechargeable; IP67 rated (Dust-proof & Waterproof) Wireless range up to 50' Digital Zoom; Adjustable bright white LEDs;
Coach ™ Magnetic Mount Multiband LTE MIMO, WiFi 6E Antennas ... - PCTEL
These magnetically mounted antennas deliver optimal LTE and dual-band WiFi coverage in a single, low-profile housing. The design incorporates PCTEL’s unique high rejection GPS/GLONASS technology for high performance and support of carrier voice and data networks.
Model 357A67 | PCB Piezotronics
Model 357A67:Triaxial Charge Accelerometer, 0.40 x 0.45 inch, 3.0 pC/g, M3 thread, 4-pin conn
Wireless accelerometer design challenges - Wilcoxon Sensing Technologies
Last week, I ran into an engineer who had recently designed a wireless vibration sensor using MEMS chips as the vibration sensing source. During our conversation, he explained that he had gone to great lengths to get the MEMS vibration chip to meet the performance stated on the data sheet. The MEMS manufacturer had even admitted that they are ...
PCTEL Fact Sheet - PCTEL
Solving complex wireless challenges PCTEL® is a leading global provider of wireless technology, including purpose-built antenna systems, Industrial IoT devices, and test and measurement solutions. Download our corporate fact sheet for an overview of PCTEL, our products, and the markets we serve.
With built-in Wi-Fi, ethernet and NMEA (0183 and 2000) connections, a SmartBoat module provides a one-device Signal K solution, eliminating the need for multiple, expensive translation modules, engine conversion boxes and cabling. This makes it the most compact and cost-effective method of implementing Signal K.
協力と透明性 アンフェノール・ソカペックスの経営陣は、協力と透明性の精神で協働し、成長を推進するとともに、組織全体で革新と継続的改善の文化を育むことを約束します。 アンフェノール・ソカペックスの経営陣は、職場における多様性とインクルージョンの推進に尽力し、すべての ...
Wireless Sensor Core | Industrial IoT (IIoT) Devices - PCTEL
The PCTEL Wireless Sensor Core (WSC) is a versatile Industrial IoT product line that offers multiple radio connectivity options including cellular, LoRa, Bluetooth® 5, NFC as well as 802.15.4 support. In addition to several radios, the PCTEL WSC includes several sensors to monitor a variety of physical conditions. These sensors can detect gas ...
Kaye IRTD 400 Intelligent RTD Secondary Standard
IRTD, sensörleri kalibre etmek için Kaye Validasyon sistemlerinin bir parçası olarak kullanılan yüksek hassasiyetli izlenebilir bir sıcaklık standardıdır. Sensör kalibrasyonu / doğrulaması sırasında, sensörler IRTD ile karşılaştırılır ve ofsetler otomatik olarak hesaplanır ve saklanır.
MCX to MCX Adapters - RF Coaxial Adapters - Amphenol RF
Amphenol RF offers a full range of MCX to MCX Adapters designed for radio frequency applications. MCX to MCX Adapters feature all industry standard connector interfaces in between-series and in-series designs.
Rogue Wave WiFi System -
Support. Cables & Adapters. Mix and Match Cables 1kW; Mix and Match Cables 600W; Mix and Match CHIRP Cables; Transducer Identification. B744V/VL Newer Version
AllDisc Combi MIMO Wifi-7/LTE Sec GNSS+ - PCTEL
AllDisc Combi MIMO Wifi-7/LTE Sec GNSS+ platform can be configured to support several antenna systems: Cellular MIMO 2×2 LTE / 5G, GPS/GLONASS/Galileo or MIMO Wifi 6E. It has a low profile casing with durable design and is ground plane independent which enables flexible and easy installation, making it perfect for fleet management, track and trace, navigation, cargo handling and V2X.
ROKK Wireless - Wireless Phone Receiver Patch Micro USB - Gemeco
Micro USB wireless charge receiver patch for Android. Specifications. Brand: ...
MultiFin GNSS + WiFi 6E + Cellular MIMO Combination Antenna
The Smarteq brand MultiFin antenna platform offers excellent RF performance in a discreet rugged, low-profile design. These multifunctional antennas support; 2×2 MIMO for LTE/5G and 2×2 MIMO WiFi 6E/LTE Secondary, active GNSS antenna. The GNSS LNA version has a pre-filter enabling co-existence with other radio systems. The Cellular and WiFi antennas are equipped with 10KΩ diagnostic ...
Model 356A44 | PCB Piezotronics
Model 356A44:Platinum Stock Product; Triaxial ICP® accel., 50 mV/g, 100 g, 1/4-28 4-pin connector, Adhesive mount, TEDS 1.0
SeeHawk® Central Brochure - PCTEL
SeeHawk Central is an automated workflow management platform for in-building critical communications.It simplifies the planning, reporting, approvals process for grid-based coverage tests and BDA commissioning tests with time-saving planning and collaboration tools.