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General Purpose Level Ultrasonic Sensor -
Janesville, WI 53546 (608) 757-2000 WARRANTY LIMITED WARRANTY: All SSI products are warranted against defective materials and workmanship for a period of one (1) year from the date of delivery to the original purchaser. Any product that is found to be defective within the one year period will be replaced at the discretion of SSI.
Request a catalog -
REQUEST A CATALOG. Introducing our 2023 Short-Form Vibration Monitoring Solutions Catalog. DOWNLOAD our 2023 Catalog Now!. The Wilcoxon product catalog is the resource you need to make confident and informed vibration monitoring product and accessories decisions for your industry and application.
Minitek Pwr Wire-to-wire / Wire-to-board - Amphenol CS
©2023 Amphenol Corporation 8 Operating Temperature: -40°C to 105°C Environmental Technical Documents Performance Characteristics Durability: 30 cycles Mating Force: 14.7N per contact max. Un-mating Force 1N per contact min. Current Rating: Up to 9A per contact (up to 13A for HCC version) Voltage Rating: 600Vrms Contact Resistance : 10mΩmax
What Cable Tray Does Your Machine Need? - TPC Wire
Most of us have a startling amount of tangled cables and connectors on, below, and behind our desks. Multiply that by a hundred or even a thousand, and you have a better idea of the cables and wiring that need to be managed for machinery in an entire manufacturing facility.