Search Results for world digital competitiveness ranking
Medical - Martec
Martec develops and manufactures high reliability, innovative interconnection devices used in variety of medical applications. Our hermetic solutions are designed to often perform in critical life-sustaining medical equipment. Working in an innovative and advancing field, you’ll know that superior engineering solutions are vital for the medical industry in regards to safety, productivity and ...
Ethernet Fiber to Copper Switches and Media Converters
Rugged Ethernet switches that can run up to 1G on fiber or copper (Base-T). A small form factor, rugged, and versatile. These products are perfect for a wide variety of harsh environment applications including shipboard, aerospace, ground-based, or industrial systems that need copper and fiber channels.
MIL規格コネクタのまめガイド|技術情報|アンフェノールジャパン株式会社 -航空宇宙・産業機器用コネクタ-
mil規格コネクタのまめガイド 生い立ち. mil規格、即ち米軍用規格のコネクタは、米軍の航空機に搭載される電子機器接続用として発展してきた歴史があります。