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00111976802 - Amphenol Air LB
In-line junctions 1119 series are available in 1 to 4 contacts versions, for copper or aluminum cable contacts, and also exist in components carrier versions (diodes, resistors or fuses inserted). Fully sealed, compact, thin and easy to use, they are perfectly suited in a cable harness, to easily insert a component and change a signal, or ...
Staying in time – Data acquisition and transmission ... - Temposonics
In addition to synchronous start, the synchronous mode 2 also includes linear extrapolation. Here, during the position measurement, a linear estimation about the movement of the position magnet is performed based on the previous data. Since the sensor knows the polling cycle of the controller and when the next position value will be requested, the sensor extrapolates the position of the magnet ...
404 - Amphenol-Air LB
Amphenol-Air LB - innovative Steckerlösungen garantieren die sichere Übermittlung von Daten. Und die verlässliche Bereitstellung von Energie, wo immer sie benötigt wird.
Por que a Casco - Casco Automotive Career
Para atender rapidamente às necessidades em constante evolução dos clientes, a Casco opera sob uma estrutura de gestão que reduz níveis desnecessários de gestão, para que a comunicação possa fluir livremente e as decisões possam ser tomadas rapidamente.
D38999 sorozat III TV-CTV - 38999 sorozat | Amphenol Socapex
A38999 III sorozatú csatlakozókat szigorú katonai és ipari környezetben való használatra tervezték. Ez a sorozat az érintkezési elrendezések és héjtípusok széles választékát kínálja, így ideális választás a maximális súly- és helytakarékosságot igénylő alkalmazásokhoz.