Search Results for zigbee mhz
LTE 4G/5G Antennas UWTA 600-6000 - AMPHENOL PROCOM
600-6000 MHz: Add to quote: Mechanical Dimensions . Typical VSWR curve. Radiation Patterns. 650 MHz: 750 MHz : 900 MHz: 1800 MHz : 2100 MHz: 2600 MHz : 3500 MHz: 5500 MHz : Related products. Compact Combiners. View all Amphenol Procom hybrid Tx/Rx Compact combiners for VHF & UHF. To be used e.g. in mobile TETRA/PMR/LMR control stations.
Ground Plane Antennas 5001000 - AMPHENOL PROCOM
Ground Plane Antenna 112-156 MHz: 5001000: 112 - 156 MHz: Add to quote: Galvanised steel parallel bracket 32-60mm (PAIR) 0300120/00: Add to quote: Extruded Parallel Tube Clamp, 50 - 76mm: ETC-250: Add to quote: Related products. Brackets and Mounts.
PRO-DIPX 1000/1550-... XS
The diplexer can be operated together with any set of transceivers operating within the 0 - 1000 MHz and 1550 - 2500 MHz frequency bands. Dual-frequency antennas are available for both mobile and base station applications. Related products. Power Splitters and Dividers.
695-960 / 1710-6000 MHz - Amphenol Antenna Solutions
695-960 / 1710-6000 MHz 5052400 Multi Band | Ceiling Mount Omni | VV-Pol | 360° / 360° | 2.1 / 5.0 dBi Ordering Options Antenna Only Antenna with L-Bracket Antenna with N-Type Connector 5052400 5052400L Antenna with 4.1/9.5 Mini-DIN Connector 5052400-mDIN 5052400L-mDIN
Hybrid Combiners PRO-PHY150-3 - AMPHENOL PROCOM
170 - 182 MHz: Add to quote: Note * The isolation between the Tx ports is directly dependent on the terminating VSWR on the antenna port. With an antenna load VSWR = 1.5, the isolation between the two Tx ports will be reduced to 20 dB @ 5 MHz bandwidth. ** The VSWR of the load’s should be < 1.1! Each load should be able to dissipate 2/3 of ...
LPCA 10 Low Profile Combination Antenna - PCTEL
LPCA 10 is a rugged, low profile combination antenna designed for use in telematics applications. The antenna is the perfect choice when the application needs a multifunction solution with CDMA450, cellular and GPS combined for e.g. buses, heavy vehicles, ambulances, forest machines or other M2M applications.
Hybrid Combiners PRO-PHY150-2DI - AMPHENOL PROCOM
RF Cavity Combiners by Amphenol Procom for Tx 150-300 W radio systems in 60-500 MHz. Standard products are 2 to 8 channels. Read more here. Explore all Cavity Combiners. Combiner Components. Amphenol Procom offers a wide range of specific RF components to be implemented in combiner systems or as stand-alone radio parts. See various options here.
Yagi Antennas 7031140 -
Model Product No. Frequency; 2 element Yagi: 7031140: 137 - 150 MHz: Add to quote: Accessories; Galvanised steel crossover bracket 32/50 mm: 0900912/00: Add to quote
C2U3MT360X06Fxys0 - Amphenol Antenna Solutions
Canister, 2FT, 12-Port, Omni Pattern, XPOL, (1x) 696-960 | (2x) 1695-2700 | (2x) 3550-3700 | (1x) 5150-5925 MHz, Fixed Tilt
Diplex Filters DIPX 240/330-... - AMPHENOL PROCOM
within the 0 - 240 MHz and 330 - 1300 MHz frequency bands. Dual-frequency antennas are available for both mobile and base station applications. Related products. Power Splitters and Dividers. Power Dividers and Splitters in 2-4-way configurations. Max. power up to 500 W in frequency range 70-2700 MHz. Read more.
Zubehör PRO-ATT ... dB-100-3 - AMPHENOL PROCOM
Huge range of high-performance Hybrid- and Directional Couplers low loss in the frequency range 100-2700 MHz. Learn more at Amphenol Procom. Alle Richtungs- und 3 dB Koppler anzeigen. Messrichtkoppler. Broad range of directional and bi-directional power monitors covering frequencies from 66-960 MHz. Can withstand up to 250 W. Learn more.
Yagi Antennas S.8Y-445 -
Model Product No. Frequency; 8 element Yagi antenna: S.8Y-445: 420 - 470 MHz: Add to quote: Accessories; Galvanised steel crossover bracket 32/50 mm: 0900912/00
Yagi-Antennen 7014450 -
450 - 470 MHz: Verfügbarkeit: Zur Angebotserstellung: Accessories; Galvanised steel crossover bracket 32/50 mm: 0900912/00: Verfügbarkeit: Zur Angebotserstellung: Pressed steel cross clamp 2" x 1-1/4" (JBL73) 0302032/68: Verfügbarkeit: Zur Angebotserstellung: Cast aluminium cross clamp, circular:
LTE 4G/5G Antennas UWTA 600-6000 -
For Cellular, IoT and WiFi connections in 600 MHz - 6000 MHz frequency bands; 2G/3G/4G - and 5G-ready; Low profile design which enables installation in locations where it is not practical for a normal antenna to be located. Mount on glass, fibreglass, or other non-conductive surfaces. Protected to IP67 for installation in all weather environments
Duplex Filters DPF 3/6-HX-150 -
The DPF 3/6-HX-150 is a six-cavity high-power mobile or base station duplexer for the 112 - 136 MHz band. This type of filter uses six large 40 x 40 mm cavities, all equipped with 3.5 mm silver-plated helical resonators, diameter 19 mm. The use of large cavities and resonators means higher Q, resulting in smaller duplex spacing with lower loss. ...
NovaSensor NPB 102 Pressure Sensor -
NovaSensor NPB 102 Pressure Sensor -
Broad range of directional and bi-directional power monitors covering frequencies from 66-960 MHz. Can withstand up to 250 W. Learn more. Alle Messrichtkoppler anzeigen. Leistungssplitter/-teiler. Power Dividers and Splitters in 2-4-way configurations. Max. power up to 500 W in frequency range 70-2700 MHz.
Filtros de paso de banda BPF 900/3 -
In Amphenol Procoms Low Pass Filters the spectrum of pass band are from 0-2100 MHz and stop band from 138 MHz to 12.4 GHz. View our products line here. Explorar todos losFiltros de paso bajo. Accesorios. Amphenol Procom provides Mounting Kits for a wide range of Multiplexers and Duplex Filters with repeater. Learn more of our product line here.
Bandsperrfilter BRF 70/...-200 - AMPHENOL PROCOM
Bandsperrfilter für Feststationen mit hoher Leistung im Bereich von 400–470 MHz. Durch Verwendung großer Resonatoren (200 mm ø) wird eine hohe Güte und somit ein sehr schmalbandiger Sperrbereich erzielt. Die großen Abmessungen ermöglichen eine hohe Sendeleistung. Die Leerlauf-Güte Q eines einzelnen Resonators beträgt ca. 7000.
Ground Plane Antennas 5001000 -
Ground Plane Antenna 112-156 MHz: 5001000: 112 - 156 MHz: Add to quote: Galvanised steel parallel bracket 32-60mm (PAIR) 0300120/00: Add to quote: Extruded Parallel Tube Clamp, 50 - 76mm: ETC-250: Add to quote: Related products. Brackets and Mounts.