Search Results for zzy-ac
PCB Piezotronics | Measure vibration, pressure, force, and more
Created Date: 11/26/2007 4:37:48 PM
BarKlip vertical connector - Amphenol CS
Test Voltage - 1000 volts AC RMS. b. Test Duration - 60 seconds. c. Test Condition - 1 (760 Torr - sea level). d. Points of Measurement - Between adjacent contacts. e. Unless otherwise specified, the leakage current shall not exceed 1 mA 6.4 Current Rating The temperature rise above ambient shall not exceed 30 deg C at any point in the system ...
Telaire T3030 CO2 Sensors for Harsh Environments with Analog Input
Telaire T3030 CO2 Sensors for Harsh Environments with Analog Input
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2 milliamps current leakage@2000 volts ac. 2.5 insulation resistance: 500 megohms min. 2.6 ip--class:ip67&ip69k(mated condition). 2.7 mating cycles durability:500 cycles. 2.8 rohs compliant. 3. all dimensions are for reference use only. 4. part number and wire range: Ø1.6~2.8mm (22~14awg) p detail p
Amphenol-Air LB | Home page
Amphenol-Air LB is the first choice for reliable connections. Our innovative connector solutions ensure secure data transmission in the areas of space travel, military technology and industry.
UK23.021A UK Declaration of Conformity UK Konformitätserklärung ...
Temposonics GmbH & Co. KG, Auf dem Schüffel 9, DE-58513 Lüdenscheid · Tel. 2351-9587-0 · Fax +492351-56491 - · · Amtsgericht Iserlohn HRA 3314 · Persönlich haftende Gesellschafterin: Temposonics und Verwaltungs GmbH, Amtsgericht Iserlohn HRB 4044 · Geschäftsführer: Dipl.-Ing.
Charles Industries, LLC
PK !N·Bí¨ [Content_Types].xml ¢ ( ´•MOÂ@ †ï&þ‡f¯†.z0ÆPøqT 1ñºìNau¿²;¨ü{§ C€¢ÐK :ó¾ï³³¡3¸ù¶&û„˜´w ;Ïû, '½ÒnR°×ÑCïŠe …SÂx ›Cb7ÃÓ“Áh e¤v©`SÄpÍy’S°"å>€£Jé£ H?ã„ !?Ä øE¿ É¥w {Xy°áà J13˜Ý Óë É{€ Ën UVÁ´ ê ߢù³$‚Ik ‚ÑR Õù§Sk‡é- ’“²îIS Ò 5lI¨*Û –º'º ¨ dÏ"⣰ÔÅ¿|T ...
Level Plus - Temposonics
GENERAL INFORMATION MTS PHONE NUMBERS To place orders: 800-457-6620 Application questions: 800-457-6620 Service: 800-457-6620 Fax: 800-943-1145 SHIPPING ADDRESS
Model 1403-15A/084A100 PCB L&T fatigue rated load cell low profile, 5 ...
PCB Load & Torque, Inc. Toll-Free in USA 866-684-7107 716-684-0001 GENERAL PURPOSE LOW PROFILE LOAD CELL OPERATION MAN UAL
Radsok - Amphenol Sine
7 Radsok® Electrical Characteristics Radsok Mechanical Characteristics All electrical measurements have been performed with RADSOK-terminals in standard configuration RADSOK Attribute 3,6 6,0 8,0 Transition resistance < 0,2 mΩ < 0,1 mΩ < 0,1 mΩ
PCB Piezotronics | Measure vibration, pressure, force, and more
Created Date: 1/27/2010 9:56:13 AM
PCB Piezotronics | Measure vibration, pressure, force, and more
Created Date: 4/13/2009 1:25:53 PM
UK23.025A UK Declaration of Conformity UK Konformitätserklärung ...
Temposonics GmbH & Co. KG, Auf dem Schüffel 9, DE-58513 Lüdenscheid · Tel. 2351-9587-0 · Fax +492351-56491 - · · Amtsgericht Iserlohn HRA 3314 · Persönlich haftende Gesellschafterin: Temposonics und Verwaltungs GmbH, Amtsgericht Iserlohn HRB 4044 · Geschäftsführer: Dipl.-Ing.
Model 3743F112G Accelerometer, VC, 2g, triaxial, damped, differential ...
Model 3743F112G Accelerometer, VC, 2g, triaxial, damped, differential, stud mount, integral 9-pin connector Installation and Operating Manual For assistance with the operation of this product,
PCB Piezotronics | Measure vibration, pressure, force, and more
PCB Piezotronics | Measure vibration, pressure, force, and more