Search Results for エクセル 1行目 固定
FAKRA Generation 4.0 Solutions Guide - Japanese
VSWR 最大1.4(DC - 2 GHz) 最大1.5(2 - 3 GHz) 挿入損失 最大0.3 dB 絶縁抵抗 最小100 mΩ 中心コンタクトの抵抗 最大24 mΩ 外部コンタクトの抵抗 最大5 mΩ 誘電耐圧 最小800 Vrms 機械的仕様 耐久性(接続回数) 最低25回 接続時の力 最大45N 解除時の力 最大75N
MS3106F18-1S | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
ms3106e-22-19s torque | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol Search Results for ms3106a16s-1s PCIe Connectors | Card Edge | PCI Express® Gen 3, Gen 4 & Gen 5 Standards The connector designs provide support for 2.5GT/s (Gen 1), 5.0GT/s (Gen 2), 8.0GT/s (Gen 3) and upgrade to 16GT/s (Gen 4), even further to Gen 5 32GT/s per differential signal pair.
CCO1-VU0 - Amphenol Antenna Solutions
CCO1-VU0, In-Building Antenna, 1-Port, Ceiling Mount Omni, Transparent, Circular, HPOL, 360°, 617-5925 MHz, 3.6-5.4 dBi, SISO, Thru-mount
PowerLok G1 单芯接头通用安装说明 PowerLok G1 One POS Plug General Installation ...
3.1 安装不良示例1:按扭顶部被挤压。。 3.1 Bad installation example 1: 3.2 the press latch on plug top is been squeezed, it should be in free state. cable not been fixed. 3.2 安装不良示例2:弯曲半径过小, 线材未固定。 Bad installation example 2: bending radius is too small,
Amphenol Network Solutions > 2" FlexTrax End Clamp
Use the 2" FlexTrax™ End Clamp when joining the end of the channel to a flat surface such as a cable drop from overhead raceway or the top of a vertical cable manager. Sharp steel teeth bite into metal or plastic and a rubber pad helps to keep the clamp from sliding. The end clamp can be attached to the rear or side walls of the FlexTrax channel.
180度水平安装铜管端子 - 组件 - Amphenol-gec
1芯. 180度水平安装铜排端子; 90度垂直安装铜排端子; 500安培. 1芯. 180度水平安装铜排端子; 螺栓端子; 圆管端子; 90度垂直安装铜排端子; 插头. 120安培. 1芯. 注塑式直头插头; 注塑式弯头插头; 2芯. 组装式直头屏蔽款插头; 组装式弯头屏蔽款插头; 注塑式直头插头 ...
气囊连接器的技术要点 - Innovation and Entrepreneurship Platform - Amphenol ...
1.根据气囊插头的频率范围,需要选用合适频率的电线类型,Amphenol选用DIN72551T6typeA双绞线 . ... 按钮在连接器插入后按下,从上图可以看出,它会顶住连接器的外侧卡勾,使连接器更好的固定在插座中,在汽车的行驶颠簸过程中不会弹出导致失效。
AMP 0.1-100 -
AMP 0.1-100 -
10131762-101lf | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
10131762-101lf. ExaMAX® 56Gb/s High Speed Backplane Connector 92Ohm, 6-Pair, 8 column, 160 position, Right Angle Receptacle, No Guide Pin. ... 10052838-101LF | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol 10035388-102LF is a power edge card with 55+3 spl vertical or right angled connectors, pressfit or solder contacts, and various terminal pin ...
ターミナルブロック|製品情報|アンフェノールジャパン株式会社 -航空宇宙・産業機器用コネクタ-
5a~32a/150v~600vなどの電気仕様、ピッチ、形状や、基盤固定型、取り外し可能タイプなど取付方法も豊富で設計に合わせた選択が可能; プロセス制御、fa、計装、hvac、データ伝送など幅広い用途に対応; i/o接続用などターミナルブロックの使用が拡大中
THDM Series MT Connector System | Amphenol Fiber Systems
The THDM is a MIL-PRF-28876 derived mechanical transfer (MT) rugged fiber optic connector for military and aerospace applications.
PowerLok G2 插座安装说明 - Amphenol
1 面板厚度需依照如下表格 1 Panel Thickness should According to bellow Table 安装板厚度 Panel Thickness ... 4 然后将插座用M4或M6螺丝固定在安装面板上,平垫圈尺寸需符合 ISO7092 要求。 Then fix the receptacle on the mounting panel with M4 or M6 screws, and the plain washers size must ...
Marine Antennas Marifix 1 / Marifix 2 / ADT / MBS - AMPHENOL PROCOM
The MariFix 1 is made of chromed brass. The MariFix 2 is made of UV resistant polycarbonate. Max. antenna height with the MariFix 1 and MariFix 2 mounts. MariFix 1: Max. 4.5 m; MariFix 2: Max. 2.0 m; To prevent damage it is recommended to lay down long antenna elements when the vessel is operated at high speed.
Amphenol Network Solutions > 1RU 240A DUAL-FEED, 9/9 TPA/GMT FUSE PANEL
The Amphenol Network Solutions 240GT54/nrg240GT54 combination fuse panels are 240A dual-feed and provide 5/5 GMT fuse positions and 4/4 TPA fuse or circuit breaker positions. Our 240GT54/nrg240GT54 panels feature ±12/±24/±48V operating voltages to serve both legacy and “next-gen” network applications.
iLO4M6-6Gx-(1) - Amphenol Antenna Solutions
iLO4M6-6Gx-(1) - Amphenol Antenna Solutions
PowerLokTM 10.0 单芯弯头插头组装规范 PowerLokTM 10.0 1POS 90D Plug Assembly Manual
1 U 键位黄色 Yellow 50 50mm² V 1芯,V键位绿色 301 带高压互锁 的300系列 300 Series1POS , Key ”W” Red With HVIL T W 1芯, W 键位 红色 70 70mm² 1芯, T 键位 蓝色 1POS , Key ”T” Blue 线材尺寸 Cable Size A (mm) B (mm) 35mm² 18±1 27 ±1 50mm² 18±1 27 ±1 70mm² 18±1 27 ±1 ① 端子Terminal ×1
Company News | Amphenol TPC Wire & Cable
Posted by Amphenol TPC Wire & Cable on Jan 13, 2025 1:26:28 PM Tweet . Nos enorgullecemos en anunciar la apertura de nuestro renovado y ampliado Laboratorio Interno de Pruebas de Rendimiento de Productos. Este moderno espacio ha sido diseñado para garantizar la calidad y confiabilidad de nuestros cables, además de evaluar materiales que ...
CRO2-VU0 - Amphenol Antenna Solutions
CRO2-VU0, In-Building Antenna, 1-Port, Ceiling Mount Omni, Transparent, Rectangular, HPOL, 360°, 617-5925 MHz, 3.6-5.4 dBi, SISO, Thru-mount
10159717 | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
Amphenol is one of the leading manufacturers of PWRMAX® POWER CONNECTOR. Contact us today for more details of PWRMAX ®, part number 10141042-403A000LF.
PL28(X)-50(X)-XX-2-G30 -
3-1 将 ⑤内铜环从右端移动到屏蔽线下方,屏蔽线覆盖在铜环表面 3-1 Move the ⑤ inside copper ring from the right side to the side below the shield. The shield line is covered on the surface of the copper ring 3-2 取1pcs ④外铜环,铜环从左端安装到屏蔽线上,铜环从屏蔽线的左端开始完全覆盖,并压接在其上(规格参