Search Results for エクセル 1行目 固定
IBflex® Scanning Receiver | Test & Measurement - PCTEL
The IBflex scanner combines a lightweight design with the power to test multiple technologies and bands simultaneously.It can be used to deploy 5G New Radio networks in sub-6 GHz spectrum, verify public safety coverage, optimize dense small cell deployments, and improve the reliability of IoT systems.
PL182X-301-50-G15 二芯 50mm2 直头插头组装规范 PL182X-301-50-G15 2 POS 50mm2 180D ...
1:有 HVIL 0:NO 1:WITH ... 固定外壳与电缆, 以10~12N∙m拧紧尾盖,依次完成此端线束组装。 Step8:Insert the semi-finished product into ① Shielding shell assembly as shown below, pay attention to the correct direction to prevent damage to the HVIL terminal, after insert it into the end, turn over the connector, open ...
Model 352C34 | PCB Piezotronics
Model 352C34:Platinum Stock Products; High sensitivity, ceramic shear ICP® accel., 100 mV/g, 0.5 Hz to 10k Hz, 10-32 top conn.
HEX658CU0100x(1) - Amphenol Antenna Solutions
HEX658CU0100x(1) - Amphenol Antenna Solutions
PowerLok 14mm G1 单芯弯头插头组装规范 PowerLok 14mm G1 1POS 90D Plug Assembly Manual
步骤7:把连接头前端固定,以26~28N∙m拧紧后盖。 Step7:Fix the front end of the connector shell, tighten back shell with torque 26~28N∙m. 步骤8:在线缆组装好后需要做绝缘电阻和耐压测试,建议客户参考下面的测试参数
1.27 2.54 idc | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
These 1.00 mm pitch, vertical and right-angle card edge connectors enable all generations of PCI Express ® signaling in desktop PCs, workstations, and servers by supporting data rates up to 32GT/s per differential signal pair. Amphenol's Cool Edge family of card edge products is known for its impeccable high-speed performance.
Temposonics® E-Series ET Position Sensors
Available in stainless steel 1.4404 (AISI 316L) Operating temperature up to +105 °C (+221 °F) ATEX / IECEx / CEC / NEC / CCC / EAC certified; Programmable set points; Outputs: Analog, SSI, Start/Stop; Available as rod version for cylinder integrated position measurement; profile version for position measurement of a motion axis
CFRS Datasheet 1RU 2RU 4RU_CFRS Datasheet -
CFRS Datasheet 1RU 2RU 4RU_CFRS Datasheet -
PL18X-201-50-G46 单芯50mm2直头插头组装规范 PL18X-201-50-G46 1 POS 50mm2 180D Plug ...
步骤2:将编织打散并反折固定在外被上,按图示要求长度剥芯线。 Step2:Scatter the braid and fix it on the outer jacket, and strip the insulation to the required length as the figure. 步骤3:将编织返回并包住前端,取各1pcs的⑧尾盖, ⑦密封圈 Sealing和⑥外铜套, 依次穿过线缆。 ...
MA300X05 - Amphenol Antenna Solutions
MA300X05 - Amphenol Antenna Solutions ... MA300X05
PL29X-301-XX-3-EV 10.0 单芯弯插头组装规范 PL29X-301-XX-3-EV 10.0 1POS Right ...
步骤2:将编织均匀打散如图2示反折固定在外被上。 Step2: Break the braiding evenly and fix the braid to the outer jacket as shown in Figure 2. 步骤3:按图3示尺寸剥芯线。 Step3:Strip the insulation as shown in Figure 3.
HB114-13U6S12-40M-01 - HYBRIFLEX® Hybrid Feeder Cabling Solution 6x12 ...
HB114-13U6S12-40M-01 - HYBRIFLEX® Hybrid Feeder Cabling Solution 6x12 ...
PL18X-301-70-G95 单芯直头组装规范 PL18X-301-70-G95 1 POS 180D Plug Assembly Manual
固定外壳与电缆,以10~12N∙m拧紧尾盖,完成此端线束组装。 Step8:Insert the semi-finished product into ① Shielding shell assembly as shown below, pay attention to the correct direction to prevent damage to the HVIL contact spring, then insert it into the end, push Seal into its place,
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PowerLok 14mm G1单芯直头插头组装规范 PowerLok 14mm G1 1POS 180D Plug Assembly Manual
步骤9:把连接头前端固定,以26~28N∙m拧紧螺套组件。 Step9:Fix the front end of the connector shell, tighten screw sleeve assy with torque 26~28N∙m. Manual P/N: 8P1139_ Rev.03 20240730 PowerLok 14mm G1 单芯直头插头组装规范 PowerLok 14mm G1 1POS 180D Plug Assembly Manual
The Assembly Manual For HV3228X-50-1 2POS HV flange Plug
步骤1:选取合适线缆,按照表1尺寸剥外被,线材用量为2根。 Step1:Select the right cable, prepare the cable according to the sketch and Table1 below,The amount of cable is two. 表1 : 剥皮尺寸 Table 1: Strip length 线材尺寸 Cable Size 电线外径(mm) Wire OD 导体结构(mm) Conductor 外被 Jacket A (mm)
Model 356A33 | PCB Piezotronics
Model 356A33:Platinum Stock Products; Triaxial, ceramic shear ICP® accel., 10 mV/g, 2 to 7k Hz, titanium hsg, 1/4-28 4-pin conn.
Charles Plug Installation For Plastic Split Cover Below Grade Enclosures
Charles Plug Installation For Plastic Split Cover Below Grade Enclosures
PL28X-301-70-G97 10.0 单芯弯头插头组装规范 PL28X-301-70-G97 10.0 1POS 90D Plug ...
步骤7:屏蔽处理 7-1 自右向左推动金属套盖住绝缘套 7-2 外翻屏蔽线,将其覆盖到金属套上,剪切屏蔽线, 保留长度约15mm 7-3 剪切尺寸约120mm*25mm的铜箔,包裹住屏蔽线,确保尾端被包紧 步骤8:组装金属后壳 Step8:Assemble the Back shell 8-1 将金属垫片与密封圈前移,紧靠金属套。
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