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Model 106B | PCB Piezotronics
Model 106B:ICP® Acoustic Pressure Sensor, 300 mV/psi, resolution 0.0001 psi (+91 dB), accel. comp.
R-VPX - VITA 连接器 | 安费诺 Socapex - Amphenol Socapex
Amphenol Socapex R-VPX 是一种高速板对板互连系统,设计符合并超过 VITA 46 标准。它是一种模块化商用现成 (COTS) 互连系统,支持以太网、光纤通道、InfiniBand 和其他协议。该系统坚固耐用,专为恶劣环境设计,是商用和军用航空航天、电子系统和 C5ISR 应用的理想之选。
Wireless Network Solutions - Charles Industries
Reliability, Flexibility and Value. Charles CUBE Enclosures, Concealment Shrouds/Poles, Fiber Optic Solutions, and Composite Pad Mounting Platforms have become integral elements to today’s wireless networks, providing field-proven environmental protection for mission-critical network infrastructure.. Backed by superior pre- and post-sale customer support, Charles offers innovative enclosed ...
Pressure Sensors for Blast Testing | PCB Piezotronics
Pressure sensors with quartz, ceramic and tourmaline sensing elements are used for a wide variety of shock wave, blast and explosive testing. All of these applications require high frequency response and durability, ability to drive long cables and operate in adverse environments.
Hyper Cool Edge Connectors | Storage and Server Systems - Amphenol
Amphenol's Hyper Cool Edge supports the Pluggable Multi-purpose Module (SFF-TA-1034) with high-speed, sideband, and power for server and storage use.
About Us -
SSI Technologies, LLC builds robust and cost-effective sensors and gauges for the global market. Based in Janesville, Wisconsin, SSI produces the highest quality and most reliable pressure, level and magnetic sensors, digital pressure gauges, and digital level gauges for the automotive and industrial market.
Test & Measurement - Amphenol CS
AI / MACHINE LEARNING. amphenol-cs. amphenolcs. AmphenolCS. Amphenol_CS. amphenolcs. Title: Test & Measurement Brochure 2024 | Amphenol Subject: From benchtop test equipment to mobile, handheld, and miniaturized versions with increased precision; Amphenol offers robust, high\nperformance connector solutions that help easure ...
Amphenol Assembletech
Amphenol Corporation was founded in 1932,It is one of the largest manufacturers of interconnect products in the world. The Company has been actived in China since 1984, and was listed on the New York Stock Exchange in 1991.
2M MICRO MINIATURE PYTHON - Amphenol Aerospace
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Amphenol Socapex - Đầu nối, đầu nối quân sự, đầu nối tròn, đầu nối PCB ...
Các giải pháp đáng tin cậy được xây dựng cho các ứng dụng hàng không thương mại & quân sự. Amphenol Socapex dẫn đầu ngành hàng không vũ trụ với các giải pháp kết nối đáng tin cậy được tin tưởng bởi những người chơi chính trong các ứng dụng hàng không thương mại và quân sự.
Leonardo DRS - Custom Cable
Situation. Leonardo DRS is a leading defense technology contractor, serving all arms of the U.S. military—Army, Marine Corps, Air Force, and Navy at a global scale.
NovaSensor P1905 Backside Absolute Pressure Sensor Die
Backside Absolute Pressure Sensor Die P1905 Features • Harsh media compatible • Highly reliable, solid state silicon absolute pres-sure sensor die pressurized from cavity side
part, Carbon PEEK Thermoplastic parts use less material, and generate less process waste than machining Ti-AI-4V. Highly resistant to most chemicals and fluids, Carbon PEEK Thermoplastic solutions are suitable for fuel, cooling and heat pipe applications. And unlike TI, Carbon PEEK Thermoplastic does not suffer from Cold Dwell Fatigue, helping
Amphenol CS-SAS2MUKPTR-000.5 External Mini-SAS Cable (Pull-Tab) - 4x ...
Buy 0.5m Amphenol CS-SAS2MUKPTR-000.5 Cables Direct from the Factory at Cables on Demand. Amphenol External 26-pin Mini-SAS to Mini-SAS (SFF-8088 to SFF-8088) Cables maximize SAS drive and storage array performance with SKEWCLEAR cable technology. Spectra-Strip SKEWCLEAR shielded parallel-pair wire guarantees sustained data-rates up to 6.0 Gbps per lane, reduced signal loss and improved cross ...
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AI Development – Custom Cable
Future-Proofing Your Network: Cabling for Tomorrow’s AI-Powered Needs In the ever-evolving world of telecommunications, staying ahead of the curve is essential. Businesses today rely on data networks more than ever, and as technology advances, so do the demands placed on network infrastructure.
EU RoHS II Certificate of Conformance -
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EU RoHS II Declaration -
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Amphenol SF-NDAAFJ100G-003M 3m (9.8') 100GbE QSFP28 Cable - Amphenol ...
Amphenol 3m (9.8') QSFP28 (100G QSFP) 100GBASE-CR4 802.3bj qualified passive copper cables provide next generation performance by combining four SFP channels operating at speeds up to 28.0 Gbps (SFP28) into one affordable high-density package (QSFP28) capable of combined speeds in excess of 100-Gigabits per second. Our QSFP28 cables integrate a new 100G Ethernet-optimized (100GbE) 38-position ...