Search Results for 春日電機7.5kw スターデルタ始動器
Distributor Network - Positronic The Science of Certainty
Room 1007-1010, Z Plaza, No. 7 Pubei Road Xuhui District Shanghai, China. Tel: +86 21 24268500 email. Thailand. DigiKey (TH) 701 Brooks Avenue South Thief River Falls MN 56701 USA. Tel: 1800-013-021 001-218-681-7979 Fax: 001-218-681-3380 email.
Micro HDAS - micro connecteur PCB - Amphenol Socapex
Le connecteur Micro HDAS PCB est un connecteur robuste à haute densité conçu pour être utilisé dans des environnements sévères. Il présente un pas de seulement 1,27 mm, ce qui le rend plus petit et plus léger que les autres connecteurs, tout en étant solide et durable.
7-16 Plug to N-Type Jack Adapter 50 Ohm Straight | APH-716M-NF
7-16 Straight Solder Plug RG-402 0.141-inch Conformable Times Tflex 402 50 Ohm 272109 4.1-9.5 Straight Clamp Jack 1/2-inch Annular Corrugated 50 Ohm 332111 7-16 Right Angle Clamp Plug 1/2-inch Annular Corrugated 50 Ohm 272FPRA4
Circular, Plastic, Waterproof Connectors for Indoor/Outdoor Applications Available in 6 Shell Sizes and 30 Insert Arrangements for Power, Mixed Power/Signal, Coax and RJ45 layouts. Amphenol Sine Systems’ ecomate® Aquarius™ Series of waterproof connectors provide an IP67/69K waterproof rating (in mated condition) for industrial applications, and ...
N-Type Jack to N-Type Jack Adapter 50 Ohm Straight Bulkhead
N-Type Jack to N-Type Jack Adapter 50 Ohm Straight Bulkhead
Notes techniques | PCB Piezotronics
TN-7 - Conduite de longs câbles. Télécharger maintenant . Titre : TN-8 - Surveillance à distance de l'état électronique à l'aide de capteurs de pression dynamique sanitaire PCB®. Télécharger maintenant . Titre : TN-11 - Mesure des chocs et des explosions - Capacité de temps de montée des systèmes de mesure ?
Automotive Solutions Brochure 2024 | Amphenol
6 7 A U T O M O T I V E S O L U T I O N S 6 7 WireLock® 1.80mm • Highly vibration resitant, low mating force • USCAR-T2V2, LV 214 S2 compliant • 2A per contact, TPA and CPA MicroSpace™ High Voltage Selective Loaded Crimp-to-Wire Connector Platform • Compact, robust and versatile • LV214 S2 compatible
Model 061A59 | PCB Piezotronics
Model 061A59:Mounting adaptor, 3/8-24 external thd to 5/16-24 internal thd, Acetal (for Series 111, 112 & 113)
Amphenol Automotive High Voltage Connectors Amphenol-Tuchel Electronics GmbH Amphenol Amphenol-Tuchel Electronics GmbH 20 Tianshan Road,Changzhou • Jiangsu • China • Phone +86/0519-85601880 • Fax +86/0519-85118840 •
DIN-Rail Enclosures - PCB
DIN-Rail Enclosures. DIN-rail enclosures offer a simple and economical way to centralize the mounting of products such as the 4-20 mA Vibration Transmitter (Model 682C03) and Bearing Fault Detector Plus (Model 682B05).
Model 3743F11100G | PCB Piezotronics
Model 3743F11100G:Accelerometer, VC, 100g, triaxial, damped, differential, stud mount, integral 9-pin connector
Model 333D01 333D Dual channel 24 bit digital accelerometer ... - PCB
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Model 3713E1150G | PCB Piezotronics (en)
3425 Walden Avenue Depew, NY 14043. Sensorline SM 716.684.0001. +1 800-828-8840
Model 357B53
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696-960 / 1695-2180 MHz -
696-960 MHz (2x) 7/16-DIN Female 1695-2180 MHz (2x) 7/16-DIN Female Diplexed No Lightning Protection Direct Ground Operating Temperature -40° to +60° C (-40° to +140° F) Mechanical Characteristics Dimensions (Length x Width x Depth) 1189 x 397 x 187 mm 46.8 x 15.6 x 7.4 in Weight without Mounting Brackets: MET 15.4 kg 34.0 lbs
7-16 Panel Mount Plug 4-Hole Flange Round Post 50 Ohm
7-16 Plug to 7-16 Jack Adapter 50 Ohm Straight 716-225 7-16 Straight Crimp Jack RG-55 RG-142 RG-223 RG-400 50 Ohm 272141 4.1-9.5 Right Angle Clamp Plug 1/2-inch Annular Corrugated 50 Ohm 332118
Model 74-2k-10 | PCB Piezotronics
3425 Walden Avenue Depew, NY 14043. Sensorline SM 716.684.0001. +1 800-828-8840
ABS Coaxial Cable Product Type: T11TSFx77-LTV Black -083M
Dielectric Foamed Polyethylene 0.280 7.11 1st Outer Conductor Sealed APA Tape 0.288 7.32 2nd Outer Conductor 77% Aluminum Braid 0.312 7.92 3rd Outer Conductor APA Tape (ShieldX®) 0.316 8.03 Floodant Moisture Inhibiting lifeTime®--- --- Jacket PVC, Outdoor Grade, Black 0.400 10.2 Twisted Pairs ----- --- Messenger Galvanized Steel 0.083 2.11
P-MRJ-548X-XF-REVA - Sheet1 - Amphenol CS
7 dimensions are in rev 8 8 76543 date apprd. feb22/08 k.l. revisions product drawing (ear 13229) ecn, ern no. a ear 13229 millimeters code id. no. dimensions are in millimeters tolerances: fractional angular: mach bend mrj series rugged modular jack, 8 position vertical, led, thread & tail options, rear panel mount, blind mounting, p-mrj-548x-xf
RJF RB - Connecteurs Ethernet, USB et d'affichage - Amphenol Socapex
Compatible avec des câbles de 5,5 mm [0.216 in] à 7 mm [0.275 in]. Autres caractéristiques techniques: Etanchéité : IP68; Brouillard salin > 1000 h; Retardateur de feu / Faible dégagement de fumée : UL94 V0 et NFF 16102, DIN 5510-2; Choc thermique : 5 cycles à -40degC/+100degC; Température de fonctionnement : - 40degC / +85degC