Search Results for 10-504637-023
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61083-064402LF | Bergstak® | Amphenol
Amphenol is one of the leading manufacturers of 0.80mm Board to Board/Wire Connectors. Contact us today for more details of BergStak ® , part number 61083-064402LF.
Contact TABLE A DASH # Shell Size Code A Ø Max. B Max. C Max. D Max. E Closed ±.031 ±.787 inch mm inch mm inch mm inch mm inch mm
Fax: 716-684-0987 -
Model Number 086D50 Revision: J ECN #: 54793 Performance ENGLISH SI Sensitivity(± 15 %) 1 mV/lbf 0.23 mV/N Measurement Range ± 5,000 lbf pk ± 22,240 N pk
10143473-400A001LF | PwrMAX® | Amphenol
Amphenol is one of the leading manufacturers of PWRMAX® POWER CONNECTOR. Contact us today for more details of PwrMAX®, part number 10143473-400A001LF
10165430-101000LF | Bergstak ® 0.50mm | Amphenol
Bergstak® 0.50mm Receptacle 10 Positions, 7.5mm mating height. 10165431-301000LF. Bergstak® 0.50mm Receptacle 10 Positions, 8mm mating height. 10165431-401000LF. Bergstak® 0.50mm Receptacle 10 Positions, 8.5mm mating height. Part Specification Detail. Part Specification Detail.
10146997-04000LF | Minitek®Pwr 5.7 | Amphenol
10158453-04LF. Minitek® Pwr 5.7, Dual Row Receptacle Housing, 4 Position, GW Compatible Nylon66 (UL94V0), Black Color.
MCX Straight Crimp Jack 1.37 mm Micro-cable Bulkhead Rear Mount 50 Ohm
RF Connector MCX Straight Crimp Jack 1.37 mm Micro-cable Bulkhead Rear Mount 50 Ohm
10.31. 1.690; 42.93. 1.750; 44.45. 1.217; 30.91. 1.250; 31.75. 6-32; Materials & Finish. Coupling nut, strain relief, strap and self locking spring - com-posite in accordance with AS85049 Interface Ring, EMI Shroud - Brass/Nickel plated Clamp Hardware - Stainless steel/passivated. Braid-Copper/nickel plated.
ExaMAX® 56Gb/s High Speed Orthogonal Connector System - Amphenol CS
10 60 10130335-101LF Yes 10131764-12JLF 10131764-11JLF 10130335-103LF No 12 72 10129181-101LF Yes 10131766-12JLF 10131766-11JLF 10129181-103LF No 14 84 10130338-101LF Yes 10131768-12JLF 10131768-11JLF 10130338-103LF No 16 96 10128316-101LF Yes 10131770-12JLF 10131770-11JLF 10128316-103LF No ExaMAX® 56Gb/s High Speed Orthogonal Connector System
LUTZE Power Supply Catalog
LUTZE Power Supply Catalog
68001-103HLF | BergStik® | Amphenol
Amphenol is one of the leading manufacturers of 2.54mm Board to Board/Wire Connectors. Contact us today for more details of BergStik ® , part number 68001-103HLF.
NTC Type SA -
NTC Type SA Interchangeable Thermistors Interchangeable thermistor with bare lead-wires. Features • Low cost solid state sensor • Standard ±1°C accuracy from 0°C to 120°C
Electrical Motor Power - アンフェノールジャパン株式会社
10 9 8 7 6 4 3 5 1 Item Description Material 1 Pin Contacts High conductivety copper alloy 2 Plug shell High strength aluminium alloy 3 Coupling kits High strength stainless stell screw kits 4 Insert Thermoplastics (EN45545) 5 Gland Copper alloy with EMC spring 6 Socket contacts High conductivety copper alloy with RADSOK® technology
Cable Probe Temperature Sensors
10 22797 20980 24710 -7.97 8.39 1.77 -1.86 15 18263 16845 19752 -7.77 8.15 1.78 -1.87 20 14728 13613 15894 -7.57 7.92 1.79 -1.87 25 11951 11070 12871 -7.38 7.69 1.79 -1.87 30 9756 9055 10486 -7.19 7.47 1.80 -1.87 35 8010 7449 8592 -7.00 7.26 1.80 -1.87 40 6614 6162 7080 -6.83 7.06 1.81 -1.87
Thermometrics NTC Diode Thermistors -
Thermometrics NTC Diode Thermistors -
10108777-10213SLF | PCI Express | Amphenol
Amphenol is one of the leading manufacturers of Storage and Server System. Contact us today for more details of PCI Express Card Edge Connectors, part number 10108777-10213SLF
10132797-051100LF | Bergstak® | Amphenol
10132798-051110LF. BergStak® 0.5mm Mezzanine Connector, Board To Board Connectors, 50 position, 2.15mm height receptacle connector.
SERIES 3711F, 3713F, 3741F & 3743G VC MEMS Series 3743G ACCELEROMETERS
n Measurement ranges from ± 2 to ± 200 g n Improved frequency response n Reduced spectral noise n Improved broadband resolution n Single-ended or differential output signal n Lightweight titanium or aluminum housings | 1 800 828 8840 LOW FREQUENCY MEASUREMENTS WITH GAS-DAMPED, SILICON MEMS . TECHNOLOGY. PCB ® Series 3711 (single axis), 3713 (triaxial), and 3741 (single axis,