Search Results for 11-0493-01 open
Low Noise Coaxial Cables for Sensors | PCB Piezotronics
Low Noise Coaxial Cable Types : Model. 003. 030. 006. 038. 098. Cable Style. General Purpose. Miniature, Flexible. Rugged. Rugged. Flexible. Jacket Material. TFE ...
31-4803-75 | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
TPC WIRE & CABLE USA 800-521-7935 CANADA 800-545-0122 MEXICO 001-877-283-1696 Speci˜cations ubject o hange. or omplete peci˜cations nd vailability, k our TPC Sles Representative r all 00-521-7935.
FAKRAtoAMC4 Cable Assemblies Cutsheet Final o
Title: FAKRAtoAMC4_Cable_Assemblies_Cutsheet_Final_o Created Date: 2/22/2021 11:15:48 AM
backshell catalog inmeta:gsaentity_divisions%3damphenol%2520aerospace ...
Search Results for fpc inmeta:gsaentity_divisions=amphenol%20fci FCI Basics High-Speed flex connectors can transfer data rates up to 10Gb/s. It has a 0.30mm pitch, in-line layout and backflip actuator coupled with locking feature for strong FPC retention.High-speed FPC provides a low profile and compact solution while maintaining high-speed ...
Gewicht: Ca. 11 g Flächenpressung: Max. 40 N/mm Anzugsmoment für M4-Schrauben: 1 Nm Betriebstemperatur: −40…+105 °C Material: PA-Ferrit beschichtet Gewicht: Ca. 13 g Flächenpressung: 20 N/mm2 Betriebstemperatur: −40…+100 °C Positionsmagnet O-Ringe Stützring 97° 30° 9,5 1,5 2 1,4 U-Magnet OD63,5 Artikelnr. 201 553 O-Ring für ...
10G-BASE-SR & 10G AGNOSTIC EMBEDDED - Amphenol Aerospace
on a shell size 11 MIL-DTL-38999 with an embedded MT contact suitable for use in ruggedized environments. ... W/ TX-30100-FEP-01 TWINAX CABLE MAIN KEYWAY 4-40 UNC-2B THREAD.268 MIN HOLE DEPTH.005 4 PLACES J J CAP PROTECTIVE 38999 III STYLE CONNECTOR SHELL SIZE 11 W/ 12F MT FERRULE REF: CF-69W011-M1S 2 S 3-Z--Z--B--Z--Z--Z-1.900 MAX 1.500 MAX 2. ...
Connector Contacts | Amphenol
Search our portfolio of Connector Contacts products and select your specifications. We offer a wide range of reliable and cost-effective products from standard solutions to custom designs.
Thermo-Trex® 200-HD Single Conductor Cable - TPC Wire
Thermo-Trex® 200-HD Single Conductor Cable is a high-temperature cable for power and control applications that can withstand a maximum conductor temperature of 200°C / 392°F.
CAST - Airmar
Experience the power of Airmar's CAST software for advanced transducer calibration and configuration. Maximize the performance and accuracy of your marine sensors with CAST's intuitive interface and real-time diagnostics. Streamline your calibration process and unlock precise data for your marine applications.
Accelerometer Mounting Accessories | PCB Piezotronics
PCB ® manufactures sensors used by design engineers and predictive maintenance professionals to test and measure vibration, pressure, force, acoustics, load, and shock in research and development as well as industrial applications.. Divisions of PCB
VME 标准 AC&DC/DC 电源转换器 - 电源转换器 - Amphenol Socapex
通用交流输入和 11-36vdc 输入,1 输出,500 瓦 ... 申请. ps 系列设备解决方案数据表 数据表 最后更新 : 01/01/2023 阅读 下载 相关产品 电源转换器 vita 62 vpx 电源转换器 ...
TV µCom-10Gb+ - Amphenol PCD
TV µCom combines µCom-10G+ speed with 38999 Series III size 11 shells robustness. Main Features Description Markets & Applications C4ISR, Battlefield, Ground vehicles Navy Commercial Aerospace Railway ... M22520/2-01 crimping tool Insertion tool for crimp contacts Part number: 31056 Part number: 31132 Part number: 31133 Brazing tool for in ...
awm-3p | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
-C22.2 No. 107.1-01 for general use power supplies and features 300 W of maximum power, 52 V of DC output and a maximum current input of 10 A. Amphenol’s connectors and junction boxes offer the highest voltage and current ratings in the PV market. ... b atm04-3p-xxx a3 11 d.parks 18/jun/13 none receptacle, 3 pin, atm series 16.2 41.2 requires ...
F:DWGCONNEXR422 Model (1)
Title: F:DWGCONNEXR422 Model (1) Author: kj-42 Created Date: 11/11/2013 8:49:04 AM
F:DWGCONNEXz137-10z137-10 Model (1) - Amphenol RF
Title: F:DWGCONNEXz137-10z137-10 Model (1) Author: kj-42 Created Date: 2/18/2011 11:11:39 AM
We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us.
15 5.09 (11.24) 0.46 (1.01) 25 8.44 (18.66) 0.81 (1.8) 37 12.51 (27.65) 1.1 (2.47) Materials and Platings Shells Steel, tin over nickel plating Insulator Glass-filled thermoplastic, UL 94V-0 Contacts Brass, with selective gold plating Boardlock Brass with nickel plating Screwlock Brass with nickel plating Electrical Data Current rating 5A
TABLE A. DASH # A Ø Max. B Max. C Max. D Max. E Closed. ±.031. ±.787. inch. mm. inch. mm. inch. mm. inch. mm. inch. mm. 08. 0.86. 21.79. 0.77/0.51. 19.56/12.95. 1. ...
Telephone Jacks - Amphenol NEXUS Technologies
About Us. Blog; A Guide to Audio Connectors; Telephone Plugs and Jacks; Products. TAC Connectors; M55116 Mil-Spec and Mil-Spec-type Connectors; 7- and 10-Pin Waterproof Breakaway Connectors
NOTICE: These drawings, specifications, or other data (1) are, and remain the property of Amphenol corp. (2) must be returned upon request; and (3) are confidential and not to be disclosed to any person other