Search Results for 1200
3 Section 1200W Antenna for Mast Mounting -
Frequency Range [MHz]: 1.4 - 30. Connector: Sidefed Bolt. Max. Input Power [Watt]: 1200 PEP. This antenna is a 3-section omnidirectional side-fed HF transceiver antenna for automatic antenna tuned systems for both commercial vessels and leisure.
Model 300A31 | PCB Piezotronics
Model 300A31:End of Line Testing Kit, 353B18 Accelerometer + 080A245 probe, BNC connection.
Extreme High Temperature Sensors for Propulsion Testing - PCB
PCB manufactures high temp (up to 1400 F) accels/pressure sensors for testing/monitoring aircraft gas turbine engines and rocket propulsion/exhaust systems.
PCB Product Finder for Cables (en)
3425 Walden Avenue Depew, NY 14043. Sensorline SM 716.684.0001. +1 800-828-8840
Data Sheet R-Series V RH5 Analog - Temposonics
2 Temposonics® R-Series V RH5 Analog 3 1 Measurement cycle 1 Current pulse generates magnetic fi eld 2 Interaction with position magnet fi eld generates torsional strain pulse 3 Torsional strain pulse propagates 4 Strain pulse detected by converter 5 Time-of-fl ight converted into position Sensing element (waveguide) Position magnet (magnetic fi eld)
Model 012A30 | PCB Piezotronics
Model 012A30:Low-cost, black coaxial cable (RG58/U), 30-ft, BNC plug to BNC plug
SCF12-50J - 1/2" CELLFLEX® Superflexible Foam-Dielectric Coaxial Cable
ATTENUATION @ 20°C (68°F) AND POWER RATING @ 40°C (104°F) Frequency, MHz dB per 100m dB per 100ft Power, kW 1 0.31 0.1 22.6 100 3.21 0.98 2.20
Model 030A10 | PCB Piezotronics
Model 030A10:Miniature, low-noise, blue coaxial cable, 10-ft, 3-56 plug to 10-32 plug
Calibration of Industrial Accelerometers | PCB Piezotronics
Calibration of Industrial Accelerometers. IMI Sensors not only calibrate every new sensor before it leaves the building, but also offers after-market recalibration services for both its own sensors as well as competitors’ sensors.
ATM06-12SB-SF1BK 12 Position Plug, Socket, Keyed B, Snap-Fi - Amphenol Sine
ATM06-12SB-SF1BK 12 Position Plug, Socket, Keyed B, Snap-Fit End Cap, Black Body (Requires Wedgelock AWM-12S). Comparable to PN# DTM06-12SB-E003
Model 354C10 | PCB Piezotronics
Model 354C10:Triaxial, thru-hole mtg, ceramic shear, miniature ICP® accel., 10 mV/g, 2 to 8k Hz, ground isolated, integral cable
Model 003C03 | PCB Piezotronics
Model 003C03:Low-noise coaxial cable, blue PTFE jacket, 3-ft, 10-32 coaxial plug to BNC plug
Model 353B17 | PCB Piezotronics
Model 353B17:Platinum Stock Products; High frequency, quartz shear ICP® accel., 10 mV/g, 1 to 10k Hz, 10-ft integral cable
Troubleshooting Using Bias Voltage | PCB Piezotronics
Troubleshooting Using Bias Voltage Using Bias Voltage as a Diagnostic Tool. Piezoelectric sensors are dynamic measuring equipment. They use piezoelectric sensing elements to convert or transduce the mechanical phenomena to an electrical signal.
Power Supplies | PCB Piezotronics
PCB ® manufactures sensors used by design engineers and predictive maintenance professionals to test and measure vibration, pressure, force, acoustics, load, and shock in research and development as well as industrial applications.. Divisions of PCB
Model 106B51 | PCB Piezotronics
Model 106B51:ICP® microphone, 1000 mV/psi, resolution 0.00005 psi (+84 dB) accel. comp.
Low Outgassing Accelerometers | PCB Piezotronics
PCB low outgassing accelerometers include mini-triaxial, shock, and high temperature options for multiple aerospace applications.
Model 3711F1230G | PCB Piezotronics (en)
3425 Walden Avenue Depew, NY 14043. Sensorline SM 716.684.0001. +1 800-828-8840
PTFE Jacketed Cable | PCB Piezotronics
PTFE Jacketed Cables. Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) jacketed cables slide easily through cable trays and will survive in acidic environments when paired with the right connector.
Low Frequency ICP® Accelerometers - PCB
Low amplitude vibration levels go hand-in-hand with low frequency vibration measurements. IMI Sensors offers accelerometers combining extended low frequency response with high output sensitivity.