Search Results for 1915(e)(2)
Liquid Level Sensors for Diesel Generator Set
Epqshiu & . 8fdiopmphft. NNE 2 Fpd0 /CP Tfw0 & ssi-sensorsco Fluid-Trac® and Acu-Trac® Liquid Level Sensors Fluid-Trac® and Acu-Trac ® liquid level sensors use ultrasonic technology to generate a high frequency sound wave and measure the time for the echo to reflect off the diesel fuel’s surface and return.
Not To Scale -
Not To Scale
Weight 6.1 lb 2.7 kg Sensing Element Magnet Magnet Housing Material Aluminum Alloy Aluminum Alloy Electrical Connector Screw Terminals Screw Terminals Screw Terminal Wire Size 24-14 AWG 0.2 - 2.5 mm² Cable Input 3/4-14 NPT 3/4-14 NPT Sensing Geometry Inertial Element Inertial Element [1]
IDS-40 A he - Amphenol
Ofice C-3 7P Box 2 10 Ajma nFr eZo , U E el: + 9716- 42 Fax: + 97 16- 42 E m ail: efz @ . Asia: Amphenol Technology Shenzhen Ltd Block 5 Fuan 2nd Industrial Park Dayang Rd, Fuyong Baoan Baoan, Shenzhen, China 518103 Tel; +86 755 2881 8389 Fax; +86 755 2991 8310 Email:
Leading the Evolution of RF/Microwave Technology on a Global Scale | SV ...
2.92mm Connectors SF1521-60070-1S. Add to compare list Datasheet. Part # 8032-4018 SMPM Female Termination (1/2 Watt) Available Inventory: 425. 8032-4018. SMPM Components 8032-4018. Add to compare list Datasheet. Part # 3211-40121 Threaded SMPM Male PCB Edge Launch Connector, SB
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(3741 E) CPCB P/EZOTRON/C5 MTS SYSTEMS CORPORATION 010-84477840 _Eìõ: 021-64855800 0755-28765909 028-85826229 029-89567618 . 3711E, 021-64855800 3713E, 3E1ž3711 ( pk) 3713E 3711E I OrnV/g 40mV/g 80mV/g 200mV/g 20mV/g 40mV/g 80mV/g 160mV/g 400mV/g 2000mV/g 3000Hz 2000Hz 1500Hz 1 3713E 3mg 1 mg 0.3mg 0.2mg 3711E
Temposonics Linear Position Sensors & Liquid Level Transmitters
Temposonics Linear Position Sensors & Liquid Level Transmitters
68273F0E - Amphenol Antenna Solutions
Dual Band, 4-Port, Panel, XPOL, 65°, 698-960 | 1695-2690 MHz, 10.5|14.0 dBi, Fixed Tilt (0°|0°), 590 mm (23.2 in)
36210006 - Amphenol Antenna Solutions
Mounting Kit, 2-point mounting & downtilt bracket
Product Finder - Lutze Inc.
LUTZE Inc. 13330 South Ridge Drive • Charlotte, North Carolina 28273 • USA Phone: 704-504-0222 • Fax: 704-504-0223 • E-Mail: info (at)
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We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us.
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1143_Datasheet MiCS-6814 rev 8 - SGX Sensortech
Sensitivity factor (see note 2) S60 - 1.2 50 - Performance OX sensor Characteristic OX sensor Symbol Typ Min Max Unit Sensing resistance in air (see note 1) R0 - 0.8 20 kΩ Typical NO 2detection range FS 0.05 10 ppm Sensitivity factor (see note 3) SR - 2 - - MiCS-6814 1143 rev 8 Notes: 1.
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We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us.
DAS Antennas 5211460 -
Model Product No. Frequency; Indoor ceiling mount antenna, 450-470 MHz: 5211460: 450 - 470 MHz: Add to quote
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Owego - Amphenol Aerospace
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