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G:SharedAmphenol Customer DatasheetsEcoMate RMRT0W Kit ...
ecomate® RM/RSSM - Contact Size 20, PC Tail Options Amphenol Sine Systems 44724 Morley Drive, Clinton Township, MI 48036 USA 09/2021 Machined, PC Tail Contacts Part Number Contact Size (AWG) Description Plating Male Female MP20W12E06F MS20W12E06F 20AWG Short Version Gold Flash
JDM 6/12/17 JDM 6/12/17 GCD 6/12/17 1 7 7 6 4 PCB Piezotronics Inc. claims proprietary rights in the information disclosed hereon. Neither it nor any reproduction thereof will be disclosed to others without the written consent of PCB Piezotronics Inc. REVISIONS REV DESCRIPTION DIN D UPDATED TITLE 46894.156 [3.96].11 [2.8].23 [5.7] 4 1 2 3 6 ...
EU Declaration of Conformity - AMPHENOL PROCOM
Address: Smedetoften 12, DK-3600 Frederikssund, Denmark Product description: Miniature Junction Box Product name/Type no: JB0.01-110 JB1-1G JB1-1G-2G We declare under our sole responsibility that the above mentioned products, to which this declaration relates, are in conformity with the applicable requirements of the following EU Council ... - Amphenol Aerospace
Contact, Size 12, Pin and Socket, Twinaxial, Type LJT-R & TV-R, (MIL-C-38999 Series I & III) Crimp Installation Instructions See table on reverse side for cable recommended and crimp tool information. A. 1. Assemble outer ferrule over cable jacket (small diameter end first for tapered type ferrules). 2. Strip cable as illustratred. B. 1.
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GS-12-1301 TYPE 製 品 規 格 PRODUCT SPECIFICATION TITLE PAGE REVISION 10131287 シリ-ズ HSFPC 用コネクタ (0.3mm ピッチ、SMT タイプ、下接点タイプ) 10131287series HSFPC connector (0.3mmpitch, SMT type, Down contact) 3 of 10 D AUTHORIZED BY DATE N.Sasame 1/13/’17 CLASSIFICATION UNRESTRICTED
AT06-12SD-OMRDBLK 12 Position Overmolded Plug, Socket, Reduc
AT06-12SD-OMRDBLK 12 Position Overmolded Plug, Socket, Reduced Seal, Keyed D, Black-12 Position Overmolded Plug, Socket, Reduced Seal, Keyed D, Black Call Us 1-800-394-7732 My Account
Connectors | Products - Amphenol
The EUROLENS-Connector-System, available with 2, 4, 8, and 12 channels, is compatible will all MIL-DTL-83526/20 and bulkheads MIL-DTL-83526/21 connectors. Amphenol Precision Optics EV Series Power connectors EV series connectors specially designed for connecting power cables within mobile & stationary power supplies. ...
FA1-NXRJ-CO4-0 - アンフェノールジャパン株式会社
Title: FA1-NXRJ-CO4-0.pdf Created Date: 9/13/2002 12:05:11 PM
D xx P 24A 6 xx 12 LF Packaging specification - Amphenol CS
D LS06-0220PCR 2006/12/21 E LS07-0050HLE 2007/03/02 F I10-0120 NG 2010-05-27 G I10-0197 NG 2010-10-14 catalog no SEE TABLE CUSTOMER COPY sheet 1 of 2 G dwg no C01-8646-0876 title straight for tape and reel packaging SUB DELTA D PIP MALE Rev. Appr SUDHIR V 2010-10-14 Product family SUB DELTA D PIP Spec ref-
NTC Type NK -
• Wire lengths 0.47 in to 1.57 in (12 mm to 40 mm) (±1 mm) Data • Minimum operating temperature: -40°F (-40°C) • Maximum operating temperature: See table • Thermal time constant: 15s (cooling), 2.45 (ambient change) ... 2/15/2018 10:15:33 AM ...
HTXCW331821x000 Spec Sheet - Amphenol Antenna Solutions
Electrical downtilt 0-12° 0-8° Impedance 50Ω VSWR ≤1.5:1 ≤1.5:1 Upper sidelobe suppression -16 dB -16 dB Front-to-back ratio > 25 dB > 27 dB In-band isolation > 23 dB > 28 dB Isolation between ports > 28 dB > 28 dB IM3 (2x20W carrier) < -150 dBc < -150 dBc Input power 1 x 500 W 1 x 300 W Lightning protection Direct Ground
Frequenz: 4G/5G 2x2 MiMo : 617 - 960 MHz, 1710 - 3800 MHz WIFI 2x2 MiMo : 2400 - 2500 MHz, 5000 - 6000 MHz
242141 -
Title: D:\242\242141.PDF Author: Garrick R. Sillers Created Date: 9/22/2002 12:10:49 PM
TABLE A L MAX K MAX G MAX H M ±0.062(1.57) ±0.03(0.76) SCREW SIZE INCH ...
1.510 38.35 1.500 38.10 1.540 39.12 0.406 10.31 1.009 25.63 6-32 1.660 42.16 1.625 41.28 1.620 41.15 0.406 10.31 1.050 26.67 6-32 1.760 44.70 1.750 44.45 1.690 42.93 0.406 10.31 1.085 27.56 6-32 h ±0.062(1.57) m ±0.03(0.76) screw size table a a dia max b max inch mm inch mm inch mm ...
Cable Assemblies | Products - Amphenol
These fixed-length 6" and 12" cable assemblies are available in SMP and SMA series in both Ø.047" and Ø.085" cable types. SV Microwave 5GFlex® 18 Assemblies 5G Flex Assemblies are dependable and flexible, outdoor rated, general-use coaxial cable assemblies fitting for many 5G applications. ...
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