Search Results for amphenol ms3102e28-12s 3d model
Circular Connectors Archives - Amphenol PCDAmphenol PCD
Drawing & Models; Careers; Distributors; NEWS. 11/17/2023 Change of CAGE CODE – Amphenol India; 11/17/2023 Bayonet Connectors Product Roundup; 11/17/2023 Commercial M81714 Junction Modules; STAY CONNECTED. Sign up to receive the latest news from Amphenol PCD. Email.
R-VPX VITA 46 Connector System | Products | Amphenol Aerospace
Amphenol’s R-VPX VITA 46 Connector System is a ruggedized, high-speed, board-to-board interconnect system capable of data rate speeds of more than 10 Gb/s, meeting and exceeding VITA 46 standards. This connector system gives users modularity and flexibility via PCB wafer construction allowing for customized wafer-loading patterns.
Innovative Interconnects - Amphenol Ltd
Amphenol LTD has been at the forefront of using the latest technology for over 50 years to meet the needs of interconnect in a variety of applications. 3D Models and Drawings. Markets. Defence Aerospace; Commercial Aerospace; ... 3D Models & Drawings. Latest news. View more. Press Release / 17 January 2025
SS12A1T Socket Contact, Stamped, Tin, Wire Range 2.5mm - Amphenol Sine
SS12A1T Socket Contact, Stamped, Tin, Size 2.5mm, Wire Range 14-12 AWG
Printed Circuits | Products - Amphenol
Search for Amphenol products by Amphenol market or product application. (current ) Products Markets ... -density packages, chip on board, lead-free, and conformal coating (UR, UL, Parylene). Process validation capabilities: 3D Solder Paste Inspection (SPI), Pre and Post-Reflow Automated Optical Inspection (AOI), 3D X-ray, and aqueous and non ...
Reverse bayonet modular connector GCB-M according to VG96955 (in progress), in housing size 32, to accommodate 4 modules according to EN4165 for contacts AWG 23 - AWG 8, FO contacts (MTP, MPO), RJ45, coax, quadrax Contacts.
AmphenolAmphenol Line Replaceable Module (LRM) - Amphenol Aerospace
12 Amphenol Aerospace Contact Amphenol Aerospace for more information at 800-678-0141 • LRM (Line Replaceable Modules) Staggered/ GEN-X Hybrids - Fiber Optics/ Hi Speed/RF/Power Options/ Accessories High Density HDB 3 • HSB 3 LRM with RF Contacts Hi Speed Low Mating Force MIL-DTL-55302 Standard Brush Hybrids ...
are given by Amphenol Corp. the furnishing of these drawings, specifications, or other data by Amphenol Corp., or to any other person to anyone for any purpose is ... C. VIGORITO 12-Oct-18 MATERIAL SEE NOTES DATE 12-Oct-18 DRAWN C. VIGORITO FINISH DRAWING NO. 901-XPFXXXYYYAX ITEM NO. 901-XPFXXXYYYAX PART NO. 901-XPFXXXYYYAX
Marine Antennas CXL 70-3LW/... - AMPHENOL PROCOM
CXL 70-3LW/… is a 3 dBd, vertically polarised, omnidirectional base station and marine antenna, which covers the UHF band in 4 models with up to 10 MHz overlap. The antenna meets the demand for a medium duty, cost-effective antenna to be chosen, when the exceptional mechanical capabilities of our extremely rugged heavy-duty model CXL 70-3C ...
High density and low mated force PCB connector - Amphenol Socapex
Amphenol Socapex 48, promenade de l’Arve BP2 74311 Thye Cedex - France Phone: 33 (0)4 50 8 28 00 We reserve the right to modify our products in any way we deem necessary. Any duplication is prohibited, unless approved in writing. Follow Amphenol Socapex on social media : Designed by Amphenol ...
board to wire | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
Board-to-board connectors connect signals between two printed circuit boards (PCBs) without a cable. At Amphenol, we offer a variety of board-to-board options to fit your specific needs and design these connectors to provide you with the best performance for each application.
High Power Matrix 38999 Connector - Amphenol Aerospace
A hybrid of the High Power Matrix 5015 series and D38999 military connector, Amphenol's High Power Matrix 38999 connector uses mil-spec qualified inserts from the Matrix 5015 and combines them with the mechanical interface of the D38999 to bring you the best of both worlds.
mil-dtl-38999 series iii connectors - tv - Amphenol
The TV-CTV connector with 75 ohms coaxial contacts from Amphenol Socapex is a ruggedized connector designed specifically for video transmission applications. It is derived from the MIL-DTL-38999 series III and offers more than 50 inserts, including high-speed and signal mix options, and 9 shell sizes ranging from 09 to 25.
Backshells, Strain Reliefs, Caps, Dummy Receptacles - Amphenol ...
Amphenol offers a complete collection of backshells, protective caps, and other accessories for all of our D38999 connectors. Custom solutions are available upon request. Consult an Amphenol Representative for more information.
PRODUKTPASS | ECTA 133 - Amphenol-Air LB
Operating temperature range: from -40 ° to + 125 ° C; Protection class: IP66 / 67; Metal push-pull; Salt spray test: 96 hours; Mating cycles: 1,000 / 5,000 / 100,000
backshell catalog | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
Search Results for fpc inmeta:gsaentity_divisions=amphenol%20fci FCI Basics High-Speed flex connectors can transfer data rates up to 10Gb/s. It has a 0.30mm pitch, in-line layout and backflip actuator coupled with locking feature for strong FPC retention.High-speed FPC provides a low profile and compact solution while maintaining high-speed ...
Military to Commercial Shell Style Conversion Table - Amphenol Aerospace
12 100° 80° 68° 132° 120° ... Contact Us: 800-678-0141 • 23 38999 III 38999 II 38999 I SJT Aquacon 2M 83723 26482 26500 MIL-DTL-38999/27599, Series II JT How to Order (Commercial) Series II JT 2. HERMETIC SERVICE CLASS Y Hermetic with interfacial seal H
Panel-Antennen 766.90.13.00 - AMPHENOL PROCOM
Tilt bracket : 766.7010 (0 - 12°) 766.7020 (0 - 22°) (Ordered Separately) Umwelt; Betriebstemperaturbereich-40 °C to +75 °C ... Coaxial Cable Splitters by Amphenol Procom cover 70-470 MHz through various models. We also carry a large assortment of CPS’s. Learn more. Alle Splitter anzeigen ... Amphenol Procom offers several Corrugated ...
3D-tiedostot - Amphenol Socapex
Minun Amphenol; English; Français; Tärkein navigointi. Tuotteet. takaisin Tuotteet. I/O-liittimet. takaisin I/O-liittimet. 38999-sarja; Kestävät Ethernet-, USB- ja näyttöliittimet; ... Linkki 3D-tiedostoihin tje rklhna lisätietoja EOGJHioerjn elkHRJNM
RT0W6106PNHEC03 Plug, Male, with Silicone O-ring Seal ... - Amphenol Sine
RT0W6106PNHEC03 6 Position Plug, Male, Shell Size 10, Silicone Seal, and End Cap with Individual Wire Sealing