Search Results for amplifier
Model 2050E09 | PCB Piezotronics
Model 2050E09:Linear Power Amplifier, 900 W, selectable current/voltage mode, continuous gain adjustment, 200-240V line power
Charge Amplifiers | PCB Piezotronics
Discover IMI Sensors’ advanced charge amplifiers for charge mode accelerometers and pressure sensors.
Model 2100E21-400 | PCB Piezotronics
SmartAmp Power Amplifier, 400 W, 92% efficient, interlock and clip detection, continuous gain adjustment, 120-230V line power. Weight: 8.5 lb (3.8 kg)
Ten-channel accelerometer power supply and amplifier
Accelerometer power supply and amplifier for ten vibration sensors, isolated BNC inputs, selectable gain of 1, 10, or 100, 19" rack, 110 VAC
Shaker system power amplifier - Wilcoxon Sensing Technologies
Note: Due to continuous process improvement, specifications are subject to change without notice. This document is cleared for public release.
Single-channel accelerometer power supply and amplifier
Accelerometer power supply and amplifier with velocity integration for one vibration sensor, battery powered with optional line adapter
PCB Piezotronics | Measure vibration, pressure, force, and more
PCB® manufactures sensors used by design engineers and predictive maintenance professionals to test and measure vibration, pressure, force, acoustics, load, and shock in research and development as well as industrial applications. Subscribe to our newsletter to get the latest news & product updates from PCB®. . . . Why PCB?
Models P702B/P702BF-1 operating guide
The P702B power unit/amplifier is a portable power source with integral signal conditioning for use with internally amplified accelerometers. Signal conditioning includes amplification, integration and fault indication.
Dual-Mode Charge Amplifiers - PCB
Dual-mode charge amplifiers represent a versatile solution for both piezoelectric charge mode and ICP® sensors. Among the advanced features offered by models 443B01, 443B02 and 2775C are an ultra-low noise floor, sensor fault detection, overload detection, a built-in calibration reference signal, and an RS-232 port for seamless computer control.
PA8HF Operation Manual (97012)D - Wilcoxon Sensing Technologies
The PA8HF combines the latest power amplifier technology with uniquely simple circuit technology to reduce distortion of all types, and at all power levels, over the full frequency range. In addition to performance achievements, the power amplifier is designed for long-term reliability and exceptional resistance to abusive operating conditions.
Model 421B31 | PCB Piezotronics
Model 421B31:Differential charge amplifier for Dynamic acceleration sensors to be used with 10pC/g sensors
Charge amplifiers convert a high impedance input signal into a low impedance output signal and are capable of operating with high-temperature (+500 °F) charge-mode sensors lower insulation resistance values. There are two types:
Model 443B02 | PCB Piezotronics
1-channel system, dual-mode charge amplifier system, line powered For ICP® and charge output sensors, includes medium and long discharge time constant settings.
Signal Conditioning Basics | PCB Piezotronics
Signal Conditioning Basics for ICP ® & Charge Output SensorsSignal Conditioning Basics for ICP ® & Charge Output Sensors
Power supply and amplifier for 731A seismic sensor
Power supply/amplifier for 731A seismic accelerometer; battery-powered gain 1X, 10X, 100X; acceleration and velocity output; filtered
Model K2025E013 | PCB Piezotronics
Model K2025E013:Modal Shaker Kit, 58 N (13 lbf) pk sine force, 18 mm (0.7") pk-pk stroke, includes 2025E modal shaker with 2100E21-400 power amplifier
General Signal Conditioning Guide - PCB
ifiers for signal conditioning. Internally Amplified Sensors — low impedance, piezoelectric force, acceleration and pressure-type sensors w. th built-in, integrated circuits. (ICP® is a registered trademark of PCB Grou. Inc., which uniquely identifies PCB® sensors in.
General Signal Conditioning Guide - PCB
of basic sensor instrumentation: Charge Output Sensors — high output impedance, piezo-electric sensors (without built-in electronics) which typically require external charge or voltage am. ifiers for signal condi-tioning. Internally Amplified Sensors — low impedance, piezoelec-tric force, acceleration and pressure type sensors .
440-1003.qxd - PCB
The Dual-Mode amplifiers are multiple-purpose signal conditioners and amplifiers that can be used as an ICP® sensor signal conditioner, charge amplifier, or general-purpose instrumentation (voltage) amplifier.
TN17_VIB-accel_selection_considerations-0805.qxd - PCB
The charge amplifier provides for signal impedance conversion, normalization, and gain/range adjust. Options may include filtering, integration for velocity and/or displacement, and adjustment of the input time constant, which determines low frequency response.