Search Results for amplifier
Model 422E52 | PCB Piezotronics
Model 422E52:In-line charge converter, 10 mV/pC, +/-5V output, -5% frequency 5 Hz . [1] High frequency response may be limited by supply current and output cable length.
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Seismic accelerometer, 10 V/g - Wilcoxon Sensing Technologies
Seismic accelerometer, 10 V/g sensitivity, ultra low frequency, ultra low noise electronics, top exit 2-pin MIL-C-5015 connector, case isolated
IPA2151L3-VF-85 Infinity Premise Amplifier Series
Description: The IPA2151L3-VF-85 is a one output amplifier with 15dB gain in the forward and passive in the return. Precisely engineered electrical components and materials guarantee peak
Wilcoxon Research PA8HF power amplifier Operating guide
Page 6 of 12 1.2 Rear Panel 1.2.1 Line cord socket: The power amplifier is powered from the AC line using a standard power cord terminating in an IEC320 socket in the power amplifier chassis. 1.2.2 Power/circuit breaker (mains): The PA8HF amplifier uses a magnetic-trip circuit breaker to protect the amplifier.
Miniature Electrodynamic Shakers | PCB Piezotronics
Miniature Electrodynamic Shakers From SmartShaker™ with Integrated Amplifier to Inertial Systems. Miniature electrodynamic shakers are small, portable units designed to simplify your vibration testing needs.
40 dB GPS Timing Reference Antenna - PCTEL
This GPS timing reference antenna features a low noise, high gain internal amplifier and multi-stage filtering to address the attenuation issues of congested cell-site applications and longer cable runs. Its integrated, on-board lightning protection alleviates the need for downstream, in-line surge suppressors.
Seismic accelerometer and power amplifier system
ote: ue to continuous process improvement, specifications are subect to change without notice This document is cleared for public release Wilcoxon Sensing Technologies 3 Progress rive Frederic, M 1701
Amplifiers Archives - Amphenol Broadband Solutions
Part # IPA3000DSL2-RSVFA-85 Mid-Split Amplifier. Data Plus Mid-Split Amplifiers include unique design features to increase reliability and decrease installation time.
Model 422E52 In-Line Charge Converter Installation and Operating ... - PCB
Operating Instructions 422E5X Series 1.0 INTRODUCTION The 422E5X series charge amplifiers convert the high impedance charge signal from a charge mode transducer to
Integrated power amplifier eliminates the need for a separate, cumbersome power amplifier TMSmartShaker provides up to 7 lbf (31N) pk sine force with up to 1/2 in (13 mm) stroke 10-32 threaded mounting insert supports payloads up to
Press Release: Endevco Series 2680B Airborne Charge Amplifier
October 16, 2024 - Depew, NY - PCB Piezotronics (PCB®) is introducing the new Endevco® Series 2680B airborne charge amplifier. This small, rugged, and lightweight signal conditioner is designed for use with piezoelectric sensors and is environmentally qualified for use in flight testing applications.
Model K2060E060 | PCB Piezotronics
Model K2060E060:Modal Shaker Kit, 60 lbf pk sine force, 1.4" pk-pk stroke, includes 2060E modal shaker with 2050E09 power amplifier, cooling package,
Data Plus IPA1000DL-RSVF Data Plus Amplifier Series
Specifications subect to change at Amphenol Broadband Solutions discretion | ABS: 800-677-2288 | LATAM: 805-339-9060 | Toll Free: 800-628-4511
Introduction to Piezoelectric Force Sensors | PCB Piezotronics
A charge mode piezoelectric force sensor, when stressed, generates a high electrostatic charge from the crystals. This high impedance charge must be routed through a special "low noise" cable to an impedance converting amplifier such as a laboratory charge amplifier or source follower for recording purposes.
401–00 4-Wire Line Amplifier - Charles Industries
Section 040-100-208 7 Figure 6. Type 72 Arrangement For 4-Wire DX Signaling Termination 3. CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION Refer to Figure 7, the 401–00 4-Wire Line Amplifier (Issue 8) Block Diagram, while reading the following circuit
USB Amplifiers - Extenders - Amphenol Socapex
The Amphenol Socapex USB Extender/Amplifier is a reliable solution for extending the connection length of USB cordsets over long distances. The device is based on the MIL-DTL-38999 series III, which guarantees high performance and ruggedness. It is specifically designed for applications where the USB cable length exceeds the 4.8-meter limit imposed by the USB specification.
Vibration Monitoring - Wilcoxon Sensing Technologies
Wilcoxon is an ISO 9001:2015 certified manufacturer of accelerometers, velocity sensors, hazardous location certified sensors, portable vibration meters, enclosures, transmitters, mounting hardware, cable assemblies to monitor vibration on rotating machinery including pumps, motors, fans, gearboxes.
Amphenol Broadband Solutions
Satellite. ABS provides the splitters, couplers, amplifiers and other critical elements to help you deliver high quality satellite services to your customer.
Data Plus IPA2000DSL2-RSVFA MoCA Amplifier Series
Page 3 | ABS: 800-677-2288 | LATAM: 805-339-9060 | Toll Free: 800-628-4511 DS-65-0209 Rev. 1.1 Data Plus IPA2000DSL2-RSVFA