Search Results for budget 2024-25 haïti
41.5 REF MASTER KEYWAY 30.0 2 -
MP24M23F MS24M23F 26-24 0.14-0.25 Gold Flash SP24M2F SS24M2F 26-24 0.14-0.25 Gold Flash MP24M23G5 MS24M23G5 26-24 0.14-0.25 Gold 5µ” SP24M2G5 SS24M2G5 26-24 0.14-0.25 Gold 5µ” MP24M23G10 MS24M23G10 26-24 0.14-0.25 Gold 10µ” SP24M2G10 SS24M2G10 26-24 0.14-0.25 Gold 10µ”
Surface-Mount Pressure Sensor Series -
NPA-600 5.0V 4.75 V to 5.25 V NPA Compensated, digital serial NPA-700 5.0V 24.75 V to 5.25 V NPA Compensated, digital I C NPA-730 23.3V 3.135 V to 3.465 V NPA Compensated, digital I C. 3 Parameter Units Min Max Analog Performance Parameters 5 volt Excitation Offset Volts 0.44 0.56
HumiTrac XR General Eastern Dew Point, Enthalpy, Wet Bulb, and ...
HumiTrac™ XR Transmitter Series Installation Guide A40254250, Rev.E (February 2016) Page 2 of 2 ® Amphenol Advanced Sensors Wiring Match your transmitter with the corresponding diagrams
AT06-4S-SS01YEL 4-Way Plug, Female Connector with Solid Rea - Amphenol Sine
AT06-4S-SS01YEL 4-Way Plug, Female Connector with Solid Rear Grommet and Endcap, Wedgelock included, Yellow
Modus W Series -
Less than ±0.25% for static pressure change from 0 to 100% or ±0.5% for 6 psid (50 kPa) range Calibration Traceable to National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Environmental Process wetted surfaces are 316 stainless steel. Operating Temperature Range 32°F to 122°F (0°C to 50°C) Storage Temperature-20°F to 160°F (-30°C to ...
FARI A LED D80 60V -
4 Headquarters: Via Tito Speri, 10 25024 Leno (Brescia) ITALY Phone +39 030 90451 Fax +39 030 9045330 Part Number 99/0357-14 Edition 2014
Thermal Automotive Circuit Breaker 129-L11-H-KF
25 A Typical time/current characteristics at +23 °C/+73.4 °F Mounting block 83-P10 This is a metric design and millimeter dimensions take precedence (mm ) inch The time/current characteristic curve depends on the ambient temperature prevailing. In order to eliminate nuisance tripping, please multiply the circuit
Steuern in richtung Zukunft AgitA -
r A t r A in m ln i A r d G t m n l A r n G f n A ä k s o A e p t „ mA m A “ u A t /9 7 /5 /15 1 3 A r A system bietet alle Voraussetzungen, um auf f Ü wie für den
M81714 derived Splices > Download - 암페놀-대신전자정밀(주)
014-ads-M81714-derived-Splices.pdf (2.4M) 18회 다운로드 | DATE : 2024-06-28 19:00:01; M81714 derived Splices ...
SSS | Amphenol Socapex
The « IP » defines the resistance of the product against solids (first number) and liquids (second number).
When mated, the Powersafe is defined as IP68.
2M MICRO MINIATURE PYTHON - Amphenol Aerospace
%PDF-1.4 %âãÏÓ 733 0 obj > endobj xref 733 56 0000000016 00000 n 0000001977 00000 n 0000002136 00000 n 0000005042 00000 n 0000005629 00000 n 0000005743 00000 n 0000005855 00000 n 0000006332 00000 n 0000006882 00000 n 0000008996 00000 n 0000009182 00000 n 0000011235 00000 n 0000012767 00000 n 0000014430 00000 n 0000016071 00000 n 0000016269 00000 n 0000017906 00000 n 0000018100 00000 n ...
TV - Presa a flangia ridotta - Serie 38999 | Amphenol Socapex
La presa TV a flangia ridotta è un connettore piccolo e leggero progettato per l'uso in applicazioni militari, aeronautiche e industriali avanzate in cui dimensioni e peso sono fondamentali. Questa presa è derivata dalla versione MIL-DTL-38999 serie III ed è disponibile nelle configurazioni con dado di bloccaggio (TV07/TVS07). L'ingombro sul pannello è ridotto del 41% e il peso è ...
%PDF-1.4 %âãÏÓ 263 0 obj > endobj xref 263 46 0000000016 00000 n 0000001730 00000 n 0000001889 00000 n 0000005315 00000 n 0000005649 00000 n 0000005763 00000 n 0000008340 00000 n 0000008657 00000 n 0000009037 00000 n 0000009594 00000 n 0000009706 00000 n 0000010043 00000 n 0000010421 00000 n 0000010510 00000 n 0000011046 00000 n 0000011666 00000 n 0000016067 00000 n 0000016413 00000 n ...
Nouveaux connecteurs USB Type C | Amphenol Socapex
Amphenol Socapex annonce la sortie des connecteurs USB Type-C durci, USB3CFTV, basé sur la norme MIL-DTL-38999 série III. L'USB3CFTV est une solution durcie conçue pour résister aux environnements sévères et aux applications exigeantes telles que les communications militaires, les avions militaires, l'aérospatiale, l'aviation commerciale et les applications navales.
Güç Dağıtım Üniteleri (PDU) - Amphenol Socapex
Güç Dağıtım Ünitelerimiz (PDU) MIL-STD-1275C-E veya MIL-STD-704A-F uyarınca gelişmiş yük dengeleme, aşırı gerilim koruması ve ani yükselme koruması sağlar ve CAN veri yolu ve/veya RS-485 ve/veya Ethernet aracılığıyla Kontrol ve tanılama için ustalıkla üretilmiştir. Önemli sistemleri sorunsuz bir şekilde entegre edin, enerji kullanımını en üst düzeye çıkarın ...
耐環境型光コネクタの選定の手引き|技術情報|アンフェノールジャパン株式会社 -航空宇宙・産業機器用コネクタ-
図25 SMPTE 358コネクタ. AquaLink® ガスや石油の採掘市場用ダウンホールコネクタであるAquaLink®は、高温、高圧および厳しい耐化学物質性が求められる環境に最適です。 図26 AquaLinkRレセプタクルおよびプラグコネクタ. StapleMate
X: 25 Y: -20.53 S-parameter plot SOLT Calibration PCB Process Improvement Frequency (GHz) Magnitude (dB) X: 25 Y: -21.59 X: 25 X: 25 Y: -25.12 Y: -27.52 Sdd12 Meg6-G Ultraspeed 24Inch Lenght Sdd12 Meg7N Ultraspeed 24Inch Lenght Sdd12 DS-7409 DVN Ultraspeed 24Inch Lenght Sdd12 Tachyon Ultraspeed 24Inch Lenght 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40-70-60-50-40 ...
TVμCom USB3.0 - Conectores Ethernet, USB y de pantalla resistentes ...
El conector Amphenol Socapex TVmCom USB3.0 es un conector USB3.0 multipolo diseñado para su uso en entornos difíciles. El conector cuenta con la especificación USB 3.0, que ofrece velocidades de datos de hasta 5 Gb/s para USB de alta velocidad. La función de conexión en caliente permite la conexión y desconexión con el sistema en funcionamiento, lo que resulta muy práctico para las ...
| Amphenol Socapex
back Switch Ethernet et convertisseur de média. Convertisseurs de média Fibre Optique; Switch Ethernet; Cordons & jumpers; Série PS: Appareils de puissance électriques