Search Results for cl-60
Protimeter Hygromaster Thermo-Hygrometer
60 50 40 30 20 10 0 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 Automatic graphing -Windows based PC. Humidity Probe Options The HygroMaster may be used with two styles of interchangeable humidity probe, the Hygrostick and the Quikstick. Hygrostick part number POL4750, ideal for high moisture applications such as concrete Quikstick part number POL8751, ideal ...
Directional- & 3 dB Couplers PRO-PHY 380-2700-3 dB - AMPHENOL PROCOM
Hybrid Coupler with 3 dB coupling covering the 380 - 2700 MHz band. Excellent high-power performance. If working as combiner max. input power 100 W per port into max. two ports of the four ports.
- dielectric strength: 1000 vac, 60 seconds - TRANSMISSION SPECIFICATION/CLASS: COMPLIES WITH CAT5e 1000 BASE-T PER EIA-568-C.2 AND ISO 11801 - PoE+ COMPLIES WITH 802.3at Type 2
gk=3.60, bms ardent concepts, inc. is prohibited. proprietary and confidential sizeb title: dwg. no. rev scale: 2.5:1 sheet 1 of 1 revisions rev. description date b in part or as a whole without the written permission of terminate-r 40ghz connector fp24x2-2.54-sl-1 c approved c property of ardent concepts, inc. any reproduction stripline ...
ASeries Contacts - Amphenol Sine Standard products. Custom solutions Customer Service Machined and Stamped & Formed Contact Options
60 ° 140° 3 7,9 20,7 Max. Abstand 3 mm (±1) 29 19,5 1,5 33 14 20,5 14,9 btan eneleent Magnetschlitten S Artikelnr. 252 182 Magnetschlitten V Artikelnr. 252 184 U-Magnet OD33 Artikelnr. 251 416-2 Blockmagnet L Artikelnr. 403 448 Material: GFK, Magnet Hartferrit Gewicht: Ca. 35 g Betriebstemperatur: −40…+75 °C Material: GFK, Magnet ...
Linearität 1 ≤ ±0,02 % F.S. (Minimum ±60 µm) Messwiederholgenauigkeit ≤ ±0,005 % F.S. (Minimum ±20 µm) Betriebsbedingungen Betriebstemperatur −40…+75 °C Feuchte 90 % rel. Feuchte, keine Betauung Schutzart 2 IP67 / IP69K (bei sachgerechter Kabelsteckerinstallation) Schockprüfung 100 g (Einzelschock) IEC-Standard 60068-2-27
Innovative Interconnects - Amphenol Ltd
We are one of the world’s leading manufacturers of harsh environment connector solutions. For more than 60 years, we’ve been at the forefront of multiple sectors, connecting our customers harsh environment applications. We are Amphenol LTD, proud to be a part of the electronics revolution. Read more
High Voltage Connectors | Products | Amphenol Aerospace
Products; High Voltage Connectors High Voltage Connectors The High Voltage 38999 Series was developed as a solution for all-electric power requirements on commercial aircraft and urban air mobility vehicles, or eVTOLs.
How to Use a Protimeter Moisture Meter | User's Guide
Reliable professional moisture meters from Protimeter are the preferred instruments due to the renowned reliability, accuracy and quality.. Models include the Protimeter Digital Mini (surface moisture) or Protimeter Aquant2 (subsurface moisture). Alternatively, you can combine the two functions by using a Protimeter Surveymaster2 which features both surface and subsurface moisture readings.
K140 and K150 Ice Point Reference -
High stability Ice Point Reference to get the highest accuracy possible for thermocouple calibrations. The K140 and K150 Ice Point references provide accurate, stable, and reliable 0°C references for use in your calibration laboratories.
Datenblatt EH SSI -
Linearität 1 ≤ ±0,02 % F.S. (Minimum ±60 µm) Messwiederholgenauigkeit ≤ ±0,005 % F.S. (Minimum ±20 µm) Betriebsbedingungen Betriebstemperatur −40…+75 °C Feuchte 90 % relative Feuchte, keine Betauung Schutzart 2 IP67/IP69K (fachgerecht montiert) Schockprüfung 100 g (Einzelschock) IEC-Standard 60068-2-27
Coaxial Cable Guide - Amphenol RF
Amphenol RF offers a broad range of connectors designed to terminate to many commercially available coaxial cable types. The following cable guide lists standard flexible, Low Loss, semi-rigid and conformable, micro-coaxial, and corrugated cable as well as associated product links.
AC4306 Series T1/ISDN Apparatus Cases -
Section AC4-306-003 3 One- or two-stub cable wiring options Air-core or filled cables 1.5 Equipment Models The AC4306 series is available in many different models, as described in Table 1 and Figure 10 through
Datenblatt EH CANopen -
Linearität1 ≤ ±0,02 % F.S. (Minimum ±60 µm) Messwiederholgenauigkeit ≤ ±0,005 % F.S. (Minimum ±20 µm) Betriebsbedingungen Betriebstemperatur −40…+75 °C Feuchte 90 % relative Feuchte, keine Betauung Schutzart 2 IP67/IP69K(fachgerecht montiert) Schockprüfung 100 g (Einzelschock) IEC-Standard 60068-2-27
Configuring Seine Sensor Telegrams -
You can increase the uplink power of the sensor to increase the power of the signal transmitted. It is useful if you have interferences or if the sensor is far from the vessel.
Amphenol Industrial Connector Products
•60 Different Insert Arrangements •Rugged Construction •Variety of Back End Fittings •Vibration: 50 g’s, 11 ms Half Sine •Shock: 15 g’s from 70 to 500 Hz Circular Metal Bayonet (CMB) Connector CMB . Key Features Key Benefits . Electrical Features . Temperature Range -55 C to +125 C. Current Rating 7.5 Amps to 23 Amps
Thermometrics Combination Sensor -
Thermometrics Combination Sensor -
Temposonics® Magnetostriktive lineare Positionssensoren EP / EL Start / Stopp Datenblatt – Für Standardapplikationen – Positionsmessung mit mehr als einem Magneten