Search Results for clang 18
Amphenol Industrial Operations
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Aveti un mediu exploziv sau o zona periculoasa? Senzorii de poziție de la Temposonics sunt prima alegere atunci când vine vorba de respectarea standardelor pentru zone periculoase - inclusiv ATEX-
7X - PCB
KRM 7/19/18 KRM 7/19/18 BAM 7/19/18 6 9 8 8 1 PCB Piezotronics Inc. claims proprietary rights in the information disclosed hereon. Neither it nor any reproduction thereof will be disclosed to others without the written consent of PCB Piezotronics Inc. REVISIONS REV DESCRIPTION DIN NR RELEASED TO DRAFTING 48475.40 [10.0].66 [16.8] .19 [4.8 ...
Protimeter Digital Mini Pin Type Moisture Meter
Protimeter Digital Mini Pin Type Moisture Meter
NPI-15 Series Current Driven, Media Isolated High Pressure Sensors
NPI-15 Series Current Driven, Media Isolated High Pressure Sensors
172153 - Amphenol RF
Title: C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\My Documents\Connex files\172\172153.dwg Author: Owner Created Date: 11/9/2006 6:18:06 PM
Thermometrics Type FL / NTC Temperature Sensor - Amphenol
Thermometrics Type FL / NTC Temperature Sensor - Amphenol
MMS3 Connect App - Protimeter
MMS3 Connect App - Protimeter
Amphenol PCD Shenzhen
Amphenol PCD Shenzhen
Thermometrics-EXA RTS Series Temp Sensors - Amphenol
Thermometrics-EXA RTS Series Temp Sensors - Amphenol
Document1 -
Title: Microsoft Word - Document1 Author: mebrown Created Date: 8/4/2017 10:45:18 AM
1900SIM2S34O - Amphenol Air LB
1900SIM is a modular, multifunctional rectangular connector. It consists of shells and modules, which together create an integrated solution, supporting advanced signal and power requirements at a fraction of the space.
Amphenol AAO/ACAD Product Compliance - Environmental Engineering
January 18, 2017 Dear Customer, In response to your compliance status inquiry regarding the following product, Amphenol Aerospace Operations and Commercial Air Division offers the following information: AAO/ACAD Part Number EU RoHS Compliant Part/Product Description Exemptions (If Applicable)
Module 1777 18 contacts #20 -
Module 1777 18 contacts #20
00177727104 - Amphenol Air LB
Module 1777 18 contacts #20 to be solder on PCB
272106hex - Amphenol RF
Title: C:\Documents and Settings\gary.TESTUM-WS01.000\My Documents\Garry's\connex\272\272106hex.dwg Author: gary Created Date: 9/18/2003 8:36:37 AM
Features & Benefits Applications
O: 561.840.1800 Rev. 0 (04/23) SV Microwave’s complete line of Extended Ferrule Cable Connectors increase the robustness of a cable
PCB Piezotronics | Measure vibration, pressure, force, and more
Created Date: 4/19/2012 1:18:31 PM
Mechanical Shock 18 G Shock Drop Test 4 Ft. Drop Test Vibration 4 Grms 8 hrs each axis Humidity 85% humidity @ 85 ° C for 1000 hrs Chemical Compatibility Gasoline, Diesel Fuel, Motor Oil, urea (ADBLUE), Wat er, Potable Wat er, Ethanol, Hydraulic Fluid, Engine Coolant. Note: Fluid-Trac® is American Boat and Yacht . Council (ABYC) Certified.