Search Results for clang 18
o rn s azan c - アンフェノールジャパン株式会社
o rn s azan c . Created Date: 6/7/2010 4:29:18 PM
Ultra quiet, ultra low-frequency accelerometer
18 - 30 VDC 2 - 10 mA Electrical noise, equiv. g: Broadband 2.5 Hz to 25 kHz Spectral 2 Hz 10 Hz 100 Hz 0.5 µg 0.03 µg/√Hz 0.01 µg/√Hz 0.004 µg/√Hz Output impedance, max 100 Ω Bias output voltage 9 VDC Grounding case isolated Temperature range –10° to +65°C Vibration limit 10 g peak
NovaSensor PT1907 Pressure and Temperature Sensor Die
NovaSensor PT1907 Pressure and Temperature Sensor Die
Thermometrics CR1 High Performance Thermistor Coating for Harsh ...
Thermometrics CR1 High Performance Thermistor Coating for Harsh ...
Amphenol MIL-DTL-26500, Pyle - Amphenol Aerospace
Contact Amphenol Aerospace for more information at 800-678-0141 • 395 Amphenol MIL-DTL-26500, Pyle ® MIL-DTL-26500, Pyle ® Typical Markets: • Military & Commercial Aviation
Model 426A30 | PCB Piezotronics
Model 426A30:1/2-inch preamplifier with 7-pin LEMO conn. (for externally polarized microphones)
LUTZE Power Supply Catalog
LUTZE Power Supply Catalog
NTC Type NK -
R25 W Material System B Value 25/85°C K Maximum Operating Temperature °F (°C) Code R25°C ± 1% Code R25°C ± 2% Code R25°C ± 3% Code R25°C ± 5%
Electromagnetic shaker system - Wilcoxon Sensing Technologies
2.18" dia. F10 Air feed Dummy plug Signal source Power amplifier PA8HF Structure F10 Dummy plug Recommended system diagram. Created Date: 7/30/2020 2:30:06 PM ...
Wire and Cable | Amphenol TPC Wire & Cable
We're the industry-leader in high-end electrical wire and cable used in demanding and abusive applications. Our rugged products are designed to withstand abuse from impact, abrasion, continuous flexing, caustic chemicals, and extreme temperatures.
02 2398520 | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
Buried Distribution Pedestal Suitable for Directional Taps, Line Splitters and Fiber Terminals. Charles Industries’ R02 Round Profile Non-Louvered Vertical Pedestal provides mounting facilities and security for fiber taps and RF passive components used in today’s Fiber-to-the-Home or coaxial based access networks.
Home Page - Amphenol PCDAmphenol PCD
Home Page - Amphenol PCDAmphenol PCD
Base Station Antennas | Huge range | Amphenol Procom
Amphenol Procom delivers state-of-the-art Base Station Antenna products for both RF and mechanical constructions. Our innovative approach to product development offers the highest quality and our thorough testing protocol guarantees our Base station antennas are the mos t reliable on the market. W e test all of our products performance against dust, water, wind load, temperature and lightning ...
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Thermometrics Type MA100 NTC Thermistors -
Thermometrics Type MA100 NTC Thermistors -
WBV090X18Fx00(1) - Amphenol Antenna Solutions
WBV090X18Fx00(1) - Amphenol Antenna Solutions
Vibration Monitoring - Wilcoxon Sensing Technologies
Wilcoxon is an ISO 9001:2015 certified manufacturer of accelerometers, velocity sensors, hazardous location certified sensors, portable vibration meters, enclosures, transmitters, mounting hardware, cable assemblies to monitor vibration on rotating machinery including pumps, motors, fans, gearboxes.
Introduction to MEMS Accelerometers | PCB Piezotronics
The sensing elements in PR accelerometers are comprised of flexures on a middle wafer sandwiched between an upper and lower wafer (Figure 5). The bending of these flexures causes a measurable change in resistance that is proportional to the applied acceleration.