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Manga de alta temperatura Ultra-Sleeve™ con sílice Thermo-Trex® TPC Wire & Cable CorP. NUeVoS ProDUCToS Ultra-Sleeve™ con sílice Thermo-Trex® es una fibra de sílice trenzada 96 % pura. La sílice proporciona una resistencia a temperaturas de hasta 1650 °C (3000 °F), al tiempo que ofrece una excepcional resistencia a la
Agregar a la cotización: PRO-RPS-4-GPS-N-1DC: 210002231: Paso de CC entre el puerto RX 1 y el puerto ANT: Agregar a la cotización: PRO-RPS-4-GPS-N-4DC: 210003082: Pasa CC desde todos los puertos RX (4 puertos) al puerto ANT, pero no pasa CC desde el puerto ANT a ninguno de los puertos RX ni pasa CC entre ninguno de los puertos RX: Agregar a ...
MCTS 2 - Amphenol Fiber Systems International (AFSI)
MCTS 2 - Amphenol Fiber Systems International (AFSI)
(392 °F) como máximo y de solo -60 °C (-76 °F) como mínimo. Agréguele a este cable flexible una excelente resistencia a sustancias químicas, a la abrasión y a altas temperaturas y la protección de su señal se extenderá a diversos entornos complejos. También están disponibles los productos Chem-Gard™ Micro Quick-Connects
User-Manual - Amphenol Antenna Solutions
User-Manual - Amphenol Antenna Solutions
APXVBBLL15B_43-C-I20, -A-I20 - Amphenol Antenna Solutions
8-Ports, X-Pol, Panel Antenna, 1.5m, 2x 698-960/2x 1710-2690MHz, 65deg, Integrated RET
5980470P-1 (11) - Amphenol Antenna Solutions
5980470P-1 (11) - Amphenol Antenna Solutions
Marine CXL 1800-1 -
The CXL 1800-1 is a 0 dBd, vertically polarized, omnidirectional rod-type base station and marine antenna for the 1800 MHz band. The 1” revolving nut mounting system is standard throughout the base station and marine sector, and several different mounting brackets are available, making it possible to install the antenna either on the masthead using FLG or SMR 2, side-mounted on the mast (SMR ...
poster_5_up - Amphenol Antenna Solutions
poster_5_up - Amphenol Antenna Solutions
Omni-Antennen CXL 23-7C/... - AMPHENOL PROCOM
Die CXL 23-7C/... ist eine vertikal polarisierte, rundstrahlende 7 dBd Festationsantenne, die den 1240 - 1340 MHz Bereich in 3 Modellen abdeckt.
Combinadores de cavidades PRO-CAV450-5 - AMPHENOL PROCOM
Combinadores híbridos. Hybrid Combiners by Amphenol Procom for Tx 35-100 W in frequency range 60-1000 MHz. Standard products are 2 to 8 channels.
Handportable Antennas SB 3/118-137 MHz-BNC -
Rugged, flexible steel-band antenna whip. Curved sectional area to help keeping the antenna erect. Full-size ¼ λ whip. Delivered factory-tuned and -tested to ensure minimum VSWR and optimum performance.
5798470-3.png - Amphenol Antenna Solutions
5798470-3.png - Amphenol Antenna Solutions
5961470P(2) - Amphenol Antenna Solutions
5961470P(2) - Amphenol Antenna Solutions
LTE 4G/5G Antennas 424x.06-875-Tx - AMPHENOL PROCOM
The 424x Series colinear antennas are designed for LTE/GSM applications where a durable and high performance antenna is required. The centre fed dipole design and feed network gives a stable radiation pattern across a wide bandwidth, and allows tilted beam designs to be effectively employed without large pattern distortions.
Full hemispherical coverage due to quadrifilar helix antenna element. Built-in high gain, low noise amplifier. Input filter for thorough RF-overload protection.
iDAS - Amphenol Antenna Solutions
iDAS - Amphenol Antenna Solutions
Splitter CPS3-405 -
Modell Produkt Nr. Frequenz; 3 way coaxial cable splitter 380 - 430 MHz: CPS3-405: 380 - 430 MHz: Verfügbarkeit: Zur Angebotserstellung
LMR240-Cables - Amphenol Antenna Solutions
LMR240-Cables - Amphenol Antenna Solutions ... LMR240-Cables
RJF TV Cordsets & jumpers - | Amphenol Socapex
Amphenol Socapex propose des cordons RJF TV et des jumpers de haute qualité, testés en usine et prêts à être installés. Ces produits sont conçus pour fournir une connectivité fiable dans des environnements exigeants, notamment l'avionique militaire, les véhicules militaires, la communication sur le champ de bataille et les environnements industriels.