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PCB Piezotronics | Measure vibration, pressure, force, and more
Created Date: 4/13/2009 1:25:53 PM
Model 3741D4HB50G DC ACCELEROMETER Installation and Operating Manual
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Miniatures - Amphenol NEXUS Technologies
About Us. Blog; A Guide to Audio Connectors; Telephone Plugs and Jacks; Products. TAC Connectors; M55116 Mil-Spec and Mil-Spec-type Connectors; 7- and 10-Pin Waterproof Breakaway Connectors
Pressure/Temperature Real-Time Data Logger - KAYE
The ValProbe RT Pressure/Temp Logger provides a wide temperature range from 0°C to 140°C and is a single solution for pressure and temperature measurement for pressure up to 5bar absolute.
Model -
FEATIRS. NO zmwcm« AL TO 00 g cc 00 O o z m 0 N . Title: Model Created Date: 20161019160917Z
Microsoft Word - LT93-ISOBOO-2 PR2 11-3-14.docx
The Iso-Boost™ can extend the useful life of many electric al components installed on the boat. The boat’s electrical system and grounding conductor are not actually connected to the shoreside system when you use the Iso-Boost™’s isolation transformer. Power is transferred from the shoreside electrical system to the boat’s
Surface Real-Time Temperature Data Logger - KAYE
The Kaye ValProbe RT surface temperature logger design provides enhanced and precision wireless measurement capability ideal for freeze dryer shelf temperature measurement over an extended temperature range from -85°C to +140°C.
Repair and Maintenance Returning Equipment Contact Information ... - PCB
Manual 21354 Rev E ECN 50523 PCB工业监视和测量设备 - 中国RoHS2公布表 PCB Industrial Monitoring and Measuring Equipment - China RoHS 2 Disclosure Table
before any flight-test program can begin. In turn, ground testing follows and complements an extensive structural modeling program, which encompasses flight loads, material fatigue,
Magnetostrictive Linear Position Sensors INDUSTRIAL - Temposonics
to be mounted and sealed into a port opening in the cylinder end cap. Al-ternatively, some sensor designs enable direct embedding of the complete sensor (including the supporting electronics) inside the cylinder. Here the sensor’s pressure-resistant rod fits into a bore that is drilled through the center of the piston head and rod assembly.
Omni-Antennen 422x.06-355-Txx -
The 422x Series omni antenna is designed for demanding applications where a durable and high performance colinear is required. The centre fed dipole design and feed network gives a stable radiation pattern across a wide bandwidth, and allows tilted beam designs to be effectively employed without large pattern distortions.
Amphenol Borisch
Amphenol Borisch Technologies is a vertically integrated electronic design and manufacturing firm that specializes in superior service. Our experience and expertise in electronics design, design-for-manufacturer, assembly, and test leads the industry.
Case Study -
ting TL18 geo. “The drawings and design are ready. We have al-ready received the cylinders from AGIROSSI with integrated Temposonics® sensors. Now we just have to build the machines,” Mr. Studer tells us. “As mentioned at the beginning, the TL18 geo has been developed from our own needs. The smaller version will be che-
Level Plus Direct Digital Access (DDA) Tank Gauge
al to temperature. The voltage is then converted to digital count information using an integrating ana-log to digital (A/D) converter chip. The digital count information is sorted and averaged to provide rejection of unwanted signals generated by external sources. The filtered data is then converted to
Technical data INFOtainment - Stretched Small
t Luminator Technology Group LAWO Informationssysteme GmbH Stockfeldstr. 1 76437 Rastatt GERMANY Phone: +49 7222 1001- 0 Fax.: +49 7222 1001-134
120-Channel 10G Rugged Ethernet Switchbox - Amphenol Aerospace
Amphenol’s Rugged 120 Channel Ethernet Switch Box provides an unmatched level of flexibility to meet any system requirement. The switch box is a 120 port standalone Ethernet Switch box that is configurable for system connectivity, speeds, port types, and interoperation with various high-speed media converters and connectors for system interfacing.
CTR-40 Liquid Calibration Bath -
This advanced bath combines excellent temperature stability and uniformity with a temperature range of -40 to 150°C.
Quadrax Contacts | High Speed Contacts - Products | Amphenol Aerospace
Environmental Sealing: IAW connector specification Corrosion Resistance: 500 hours salt spray EMI Shielding: 360 degree shielding on each pair Mating Cycles: 500 cycles Voltage Rating: 500 Vrms max @ sea level Dielectric Withstanding Voltage: 500 VAC RMS sea level Temperature Range:-65C to 175C Bandwidth: Up to 1.25 GHz Data Rate: Exceeding 2.5 Gbps. Voltage Rating: 500 Vrms max. @ sea level
TEMPOSONICS® LP m INSTALLATION 550575 C CONNECTIONS 8-Pin Integral or Hanging Connector (male profile) Connection Type ‘C’, ‘H’, or ‘J’ Mating Accessories:
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