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main | SS75 High Chirp, 600W, 0° Tilt, Si-Tex 8-Pin, DT
SS75 High Chirp, 600W, 0° Tilt, Si-Tex 8-Pin, DT. Support. Cables & Adapters. Mix and Match Cables 1kW; Mix and Match Cables 600W
Centaur Sagittarius | Centaur ExaMAX for Military 85 ohms | High ...
Centaur Sagittarius is optimized for ultra high-speed applications in the punishing environments of space.
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Amphenol CS-DSDHD26MM0-015 26-Pin (HD26) Deluxe HD D-Sub Cable - Copper Shielded - Male / Male 15ft; Code: CS-DSDHD26MM0-015 Buy 15ft Amphenol CS-DSDHD26MM0-015 Cables Direct from the Factory at Cables on Demand. 26-pin (HD26) Copper Shielded High Density Male/Male D-Sub Cables by Amphenol provide exceptional performance in commercial, industrial or enterprise applications where longevity and ...
Telaire ChipCap 2 humidity and temperature sensor
AAS-916-127 Rev. J February 2018 ® Amphenol Advanced Sensors ChipCap® 2 Application Guide
PROTIMETER Timbermaster -
ting is changed (see section 3). 1 Using the Protimeter Timbermaster without the Temperature Probe The Timbermaster is calibrated for wood at 20°C (70°F). In general, tim-ber that is hotter than 20°C will give higher readings and timber colder than 20°C will give lower readings. An approximate manual correction of 0.5% moisture content per ...
main | B285 Medium Chirp, 1kW, w/ FB, No Connector, DT
B285 Medium Chirp, 1kW, w/ FB, No Connector, DT. Support. Cables & Adapters. Mix and Match Cables 1kW; Mix and Match Cables 600W
HBF078-U2S4-270-LI - HYBRIFLEX® - RFS Technologies an Amphenol Company
RFS Technologies website is optimized for recent browsers : IE9+, Chrome 31+, Firefox 31+, Opera 28+, Safari 7+ Please upgrade your browser to continue
Amphenol MP-6A28GNSWHT-007 Slim Category-6a (Thin CAT6a) UTP 28-AWG ...
Buy 7ft Amphenol MP-6A28GNSWHT-007 Cables Direct from the Factory at Cables on Demand. Amphenol's NEW 28-AWG Slim Category-6a (Thin CAT6a) Network Patch Cables (Color: White) are designed with a dramatic reduction of cable diameter (over 33%), enabling IT professionals improved cable routing flexibility and enhanced airflow in today's high-density server rack environments.
For inductive loads a free-wheeling diode, i.e.1N4007 is required on the load as a protective circuit Casing Material CLS20/25 Standard brass, CuZn38Pb2, EN12146; CW608N ... CLS40/45 Standard brass, CuZn38Pb2, EN12146; CW608N Casing Material CLS50/55 Stainless steel X5CrNi 1810, EN 10088-3, 1.4301 Detector Casing Tefzel ETFE Protection Type ...
3 P E OR R S driver. AGITA THE FIRST MODULAR STEERING COLUMN SYSTEM FOR COMMERCIAL VEHICLES “MADE IN GERMANY” The righT one – FOR All DIREcTIOnS Steer towards the future – and get there. This has always been our directive at Miunske. In the case of AGITA, our new steering column system for for commercial vehicles, that is meant ...
Antennes omnidirectionnelles CXL 2-2C - AMPHENOL PROCOM
La CXL 2-2C est une antenne omnidirectionnelle de station de base avec 0 dBd de gain. Cette antenne couvre la bande de 144 à 175 MHz. La CXL 2-2C est adaptée pour un montage sur des tubes de diamètre externe entre 27 et 65 mm.
Typ. occurring at a field strength of 3.5 V/m: VSWR: 2.0:1: Energieversorgung: 12 - 15 V DC (with JB 230 or JB 115) Stromaufnahme: ca. 60 mA: Kreuzmodulation: 40 dB cross modulation attenuation typically occurring at field strength of 1.0 V/m from an interfering source: Maximale Feldstärke: 90 V/m: Verstärkerschutz: Funkenstrecke:
服务-广州安费诺诚信,广州安费诺诚信软性电路有限公司,FPC, 柔性电路板,软板,安费诺软板
Marine CXL 1800-6LW -
La CXL 1800-6LW est une antenne omnidirectionnelle à polarisation verticale pour station de base et marine. Environ 5.4 dBd de gain. Les accessoires de fixation sont en acier inoxydable.
Sensori di pressione ad alta temperatura | PCB Piezotronics
Quarzo a 3 componenti. Anelli di forza. Collegamenti di forza. Quarzo ICP® Impact. Miniature Quartz. Accessori di montaggio. Domande frequenti (FAQ) Sensori di deformazione. ICP® industriale. ICP riutilizzabile. Trasduttori di pressione. Uso generale. Terra isolata. ICP® subminiaturizzato.
Kaye ValProbe Temperature Logger
La famille des enregistreurs de température ValProbe est conçue pour une mesure de processus précise, pratique et fiable pour les applications pharmaceutiques et d'appareils médicaux. La conception sans fil simplifie grandement la surveillance et la validation des environnements de service et d'accès difficile. Les sondes sont disponibles en version rigide, flexible et flexible.
2020安费诺消防演习_Amphenol Assembletech
Amphenol xiamen,Amphenol-ast,安费诺电子装配,安费诺,数据接口,安费诺厦门,厦门安费诺
General description 3 Electrical properties 4 Mechanical properties 5 How to order 6-7 Contact arrangements 8 Insert arrangements 9–16 Angular position of the contact insert 17 Mounting dimensions 17-19 Shell style 20-40 GCA00E-B & GCA00E : Receptacle back panel mounting flange, cable clamp and bushing 20
QM2PB-AU 1/4"Phone Plug, Mono, Straight, Gold Plated Contac - Amphenol Sine
Housing Material: Diecast Zinc Alloy EZDA No.3; Finish: Black; Contact Plating: Gold; IP Rating: IP40; Termination: Solder; Max Wire Gauge: 16AWG-1.5mm; Operating Temperature:-25°C to +75°C (-13°F to + 167°F) Mating Cycles: 1000; Flammability Rating: UL94V-0 or UL94-HB; Environmental: Complies with EU RoHS 2 Directive 2011/65/EU ...
Amphenol Serie PT
Stiftkontakt Kontakteinsatz in Steckdose und Stecker Steckergehäuse Buchsenkontakt Kontakt-hal-tesystem Dichtungseinsatz mit zweifachem Dichtungswulst