Search Results for fs24x-911-21
(8 5r+6 ,, &huwlilfdwh ri &rqirupdqfh 1ryhpehu 'hdu &xvwrphu ,q uhvsrqvh wr \rxu frpsoldqfh vwdwxv lqtxlu\ uhjduglqj wkh iroorzlqj surgxfw $pskhqro $hurvsdfh
poe2 ice bite | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
KAYE HEADQUARTERS. Amphenol Advanced Sensors Germany GmbH Sinsheimer Strasse 6 D-75179 Pforzheim. T +49 (0) 7231-14 335 0 F +49 (0) 7231-14335 29
2C4U4VX065X06F wxys4 - Amphenol Antenna Solutions
(2x) 696-960 | (4x) 1695-2700 | (4x) 3300-4200 MHz 2C4U4VX065X06F wxys4 FIXED TILT 20-Port Panel Antenna 65° 25.0 in Quoted performance parameters are provided to offer typical, peak or range values only and may vary as a result of normal testing, manufacturing and operational conditions.
Model J352C34 | PCB Piezotronics
Model J352C34:High sensitivity, ceramic shear ICP® accel., 100 mV/g, 0.5 Hz to 9k Hz, 10-32 top conn., ground isolated
TB MH-Sensor 551308 RevB DE -
I3I Temposonics® MH Serie Spezikationen 2. Temposonics® Steckersystem M12 MTS präsentiert das innovative Steckersystem für die MH-Serie Das Temposonics® Steckersystem genügt den höchsten Schutzanforderungen, besonders wichtig für den harten Einsatz in der Mobilhydraulik. Mit der Schutzart IP69K ist das robuste Metallgehäuse des Steckers nicht nur absolut wasser- und staubdicht ...
SERIES III ES FI E - Amphenol Aerospace
23-21 21 II 21 23-53 53 I 53 23-55 55 I 55 25-4 56 I 48 8 25-8 8 M 8 25-19 19 I 19 25-20 30 N 10 13 4 3 25-24 24 I 12 12 25-26 25 I 16 5 4 25-29 29 I 29 25-37 37 I 37 25-43 43 I 23 20 25-46 46 I 40 4 2 25-61 61 I 61 25-90 46 I 40 4 2. Proct Manager Davi Salt Oce: 1 (60) 563-5161 Email:
I 6 I Temposonics® EP2 CANopen Data Sheet c Connection type D 3 4 M12 (5 pin) male connector d Operating voltage 1 +24 VDC (−15 / +20 %) a Sensor model E P 2 Smooth profile b Stroke length X X X X M 0050…2540 mm X X X X U 002.0…100.0 in. Standard stroke length (mm)*
pl18v 301 70 | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
pl18v 301 70 | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol Search Results for pl18u-300-70 安费诺(常州)电子有限公司 70 90 120 150 200 200 250 300 400 450 500 Current(A) 70 90 120 150 200 200 250 300 400 15. 5 18 .5 21. 25. 7 33. 0 42. 0 15.5 18.5 21.7 25.7 28.5 Tubular Lug Version Dimensions(mm) TM Ordering Information-RADLOK Plug TM ...
2-Band | 4-Port | XPOL | Panel Antenna | Variable Tilt | 900 mm
Main Direction > 21 dB > 20 dB > 20 dB > 18 dB > 19 dB Sector Edges > 12 dB > 11 dB > 9.5 dB > 9 dB > 9 dB Maximum Power (Per Port) 200 W (at 50°C ambient temperature) Intermodulation 3rd (2x43 dBm Carrier) < -153 dBc Grounding DC Ground ARRAY LAYOUT ARRAY FREQUENCY CONNECTOR CONNECTOR TYPE Y1 1710-2690 1-2 7/16-DIN Female (or) 4.3-10 Female
Datenblatt EH Start / Stopp -
Telefon: +44 79 21 83 05 86 E-Mail: SKANDINAVIEN Zweigstelle Telefon: + 46 70 29 91 281 E-Mail: CHINA Zweigstelle Telefon: +86 21 2415 1000 / 2415 1001 E-Mail: JAPAN Zweigstelle Telefon: +81 3 6416 1063
Amphenol Network Solutions > Products | Amphenol Network Solutions ...
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ZTP-115 Thermopile IR Sensor -
Parameter Limits Units Condition Min Typ Max Chip Size 1.8 x 1.8 mm2 Diaphragm Size 1.4 x 1.4 mm2 Active Area 0.7 x 0.7 mm2 Internal Resistance 42 60 78 kW 25°C
62IN Series - Amphenol In
Style 16A Style 16E Style 16F Style 16J; G Dia L M thread in inches G Dia L G Dia H Dia L G Dia L For cable size Z Dia ; min: max
RADFIN™ Product Data - アンフェノールジャパン株式会社
15 5 RADFIN™ Technical Information Orthogonal, co-planar & right angle connections between PCBs or PCB to busbar Legs of the PGY distribute high power evenly
2. Standard Temposonics LP stroke lengths: 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 30, 36, 42, 48 inches. 3. Non-standard lengths are available in 1 inch increments up to 144 inches (analog units are limited to 78 inches) except for rod and cylinder versions which are limited to a maximum stroke length of 48 inches (1225 mm). Additional lead time
hvrc2p41 | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
hvrc2p41 | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol MIL-DTL-38999, MIL-C-26482 and MIL-5015, with a wide range of contact arrangements and options Amphenol Corporation Amphenol Aerospace 40-60 Delaware Avenue, Sidney, New York 13838-1395 Phone: 800-678-0141 or 607-563-5011 Fax: 607-563-5157 This catalog has been specifically ...
M255 Series Hold-Up Power Supply - Amphenol Aerospace
Stephanie Fritz +1 (607) 373-8069 5 PIN ASSIGNMENT Connector type: M55302/61-A30 or eq. Mates with: M55302/62-A30M or eq.
Terminal Junction Systems MIL-T-81714 Series I Class D
81714/17 is now available from Amphenol Pcd. The high density modules accept 21 size 22 contacts in a compact 3x7 configura-tion, with a wide variety of bus arrangements. The construction features one-piece screw machine contacts with a split socket design for maximum performance. Contacts are securely packaged within a polyethermide housing.
RF Connector -
Weather Standard IEC 60068 40 / 085 / 21 Waterproofi ng Standard IP68 Thermal Shock US MIL-STD 202, Method 107, Condition B Vibration US MIL-STD 202, Method 204, Condition B Shock US MIL-STD 202, Method 213, Condition I RoHS Compliant Yes Mechanical Characteristics Retention ≥ 5.88 N Mechanical Wear (hypo-) 500 Tensile Force (Cable-Connect) 500 N