Search Results for homested 612 plug valve 8
Multi-Media Ruggedized (MRC) High Speed Connectors
Multi-Media Ruggedized Connectors capable of Gigabit & 10 Gigabit Ethernet as well as USB 2.0/3.0 & HDMI for Commercial, Industrial, and Military applications
67 and 165 Series Miniature Connectors | Legacy | Mil-Spec Type ...
Plug for potting: 0.0302: 0.0490: 67 and 165 Series Miniaturized Standard Connectors Catalog Miniaturized MIL-C-5015 connectors View Download. First Name. Last Name. Job Title. Email address. Company. Address. Country. City. State ...
RADSOK® | High Power Contacts | Products | Amphenol Aerospace
8: 70: 3.6mm: 4: 80 : 4: 120: 5.7mm: 0: 150 : 0: 250: 9.1mm: Current Carrying Comparison. High Power Connectors Introduction to Amphenol Aerospace's High Power Connectors. View Download. Radsok Technology Overview RADSOK® technology is based upon a stamped and formed flat grid, uniquely twisted into a hyperbolic geometry to provide robust ...
D38999 Series III Corrosion Ingress Seal - Amphenol Aerospace ...
Amphenol Aerospace has developed a new Corrosion Ingress Seal for D38999 Series III-style plug connectors which will significantly increase mated pair protection against salt spray and corrosive atmospheres. View Download. MIL-DTL-38999 Series III - TV Amphenol Tri-Start MIL-DTL-38999 Series III Connectors offer the highest performance ...
Type S/AS/ES Thermometrics Precision, Ultrastable NTC Temperature Standards
given for an immersion depth of 8" on 9" housings, and 4" on 4 1/2" long housings. Temperature Range The Type “S” and Type “AS” are designed for operation over the range of 0°C to 60°C. The Type “ES” is rated for 0°C to 100°C. Stability The stability of each temperature standard is guaranteed for a period of one year. When properly
High Performance Thermal Circuit Breaker 413-
High Performance Thermal Circuit Breaker 413-... 2 1646 1 ma s +75 °C 16 °F +23max. 2.52 °C 42.17 °F -55 °C 6 °F +75 °C 16 °F +23 °C
PROTIMETER Timbermaster -
1 Timbermaster® Introduction The Protimeter Timbermaster is a conductivity moisture meter designed for use in wood. Moisture measure-ments can be taken using the integral pin electrodes, or using the meter in
PROTIMETER Timbermaster -
1 Timbermaster® Introduction The Protimeter Timbermaster is a conductivity moisture meter designed for use in wood. Moisture measure-ments can be taken using the integral pin electrodes, or using the meter in
NovaSensor P165 3F Medical Silicon Absolute Pressure Sensor Die
Excitation 1 to 8 Volts AC or DC Zero Offset ±12.5 mV/V Sensitivity 12 to 27 mV/V/mmHg 2 Linearity and Pressure Hysteresis ±2% of reading or ±1 mmHg whichever is larger %FSO 3, 4 Temperature Coefficient of Zero ±40 μV/ V / °C 7 Temperature Coefficient of Zero Non-Linearity ±1.25 mmHg 7 Temperature Coefficient of Resistance 0.1 % /°C Typical
Type S/AS/ES Thermometrics Precision, Ultrastable NTC Temperature Standards
given for an immersion depth of 8" on 9" housings, and 4" on 4 1/2" long housings. Temperature Range The Type “S” and Type “AS” are designed for operation over the range of 0°C to 60°C. The Type “ES” is rated for 0°C to 100°C. Stability The stability of each temperature standard is guaranteed for a period of one year. When properly
Adapter kodowania RJ45/M12 D - Amphenol Socapex
Adapter kodujący Amphenol Socapex RJ45/M12 D jest przeznaczony do podłączania urządzeń opartych na RJ45 do gniazd kodowanych M12 D, co czyni go doskonałym rozwiązaniem do zastosowań w taborze kolejowym w branży transportu masowego. Adapter posiada plastikową zatyczkę po stronie RJ45, zapewniającą dodatkową ochronę złącza.
ANYTEK terminal block screw Machined Pins IC sockets spring Pins and ...
Product description: TJ5.0/5.08 With Handle: 5.0/5.08: 2P-24P: TJxx7/51540000G: Please refer to the pdf file. The website drawing is for reference only.
Microsoft Word - EU RoHS II CoC.docx -
%PDF-1.7 4 0 obj (Identity) endobj 5 0 obj (Adobe) endobj 8 0 obj /Filter /FlateDecode /Length 66268 /Length1 342756 /Type /Stream >> stream xœì] @TUúÿνóâ10 á9 †—ÌÀ à I†§"( ¨`š 0 Š@4ÛJ+íAÏmÝ^Û–µemµ5¢ Z[nY[™eåfµeVöζm«mK™ÿwν CÔJ kÁÎïÎù¾ó~|ç; ...
ANYTEK terminal block screw Machined Pins IC sockets spring Pins and ...
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Powersafe - VG96944 - Serie 38999 | Amphenol Socapex
El conector PowerSafe de Amphenol Socapex es una solución de alto rendimiento diseñada para la transmisión de alta potencia con tensiones superiores a 500 V, que cumple los requisitos más estrictos del mercado en cuanto a seguridad del usuario. Está certificado según las normas EN61984 y EN60664, lo que garantiza su uso seguro incluso en las aplicaciones más exigentes.
M55339_28-300001PDD.SLDDRW - SV Microwave
%PDF-1.4 %Çì ¢ 1 0 obj >/PageMode/UseOutlines>> endobj 2 0 obj > endobj 3 0 obj > endobj 4 0 obj[0 >] endobj 5 0 obj >/Contents 6 0 R>> endobj 6 0 obj > stream xœ”½K¯nË’ $Ê€íkËÆ6Æ` ØôÎiÜÅÌwf !¹‡Oõ0-#,¡:H6 ÿ}rDŒxÌo¯S uU:û‹5Ÿ9ó 1bÄÈ ÿãùzvëmÌ þ÷úõo ÿÓÿø¯÷ ÷ÿüi|QOÿñ ÿT~ü«ûÿÿןäè ÿú ùÓ©«}þ£ ùU[ÿñûŸN9åkM·üÕŸ ...
ANYTEK terminal block screw Machined Pins IC sockets spring Pins and ...
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HPシリーズ - アンフェノールジャパン株式会社
hp-900 19.7 706.8 101.6 hp-1200 26.7 1101.1 203.2 動作温度範囲:-55℃~+200℃(hp-1200は-40℃~+125℃) hpシリーズ 中心導体 銀めっき銅 誘電体 ptfe 外部導体 錫めっき銅 シールド 錫めっき銅 ジャケット fep
ANYTEK terminal block screw Machined Pins IC sockets spring Pins and ...
Product Search ...
ANYTEK terminal block screw Machined Pins IC sockets spring Pins and ...
Product description: AO5.08: 5.08: /: AO0000010000G: Please refer to the pdf file. The website drawing is for reference only. For details, please contact sales.