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Technical data MobiLED ULTIMA -
Subject to technical changes that serve the interests of progress. Mobitec AB. Mobitec AB Ölltorps Industriområde 4, Box 97 ˜ 524 21 Herrljunga ˜ SWEDEN ˜ Phone: +46 513 229 00 ˜ Fax: +46 513 107 22
Product Finder - Lutze Inc.
LUTZE Inc. 13330 South Ridge Drive • Charlotte, North Carolina 28273 • USA Phone: 704-504-0222 • Fax: 704-504-0223 • E-Mail: info (at)
HBF058-08U1S1-12F - HYBRIFLEX® RRH Hybrid Jumper, 5/8”, 1 pair 8AWG, 1 ...
Cross Section of Power Cable mm² (AWG) 8.4 (8) DC Wire Jacket Material PVC/Nylon DC Cable Single Bending Radius mm (in) 83 (3.3) DC Cable Diameter mm (in) 5.5 (0.22) DC Standards (Meets or Exceeds) For use in Type MC per UL 1569, PVC Nylon, RoHS/REACH Compliant
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HP 380-FME -
HP 380-FME Hochpassfilter 380-1000 MHz Beschreibung HP 380-FME ist ein LC Hochpassfilter. Passbandbreite 380-1000 MHz. Dämpft die kompletten 2m und 4m BOS-Bänder mit über 60 dB und sorgt damit
GYIK | Amphenol Socapex
vissza Ethernet kapcsoló és média átalakító. Ethernet kapcsoló; Száloptikai médiakonverterek; Kábelkészletek és jumperek; PS sorozat: Power Devices Solutions
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FM.CPL.0004.THYEZ.PUNE Revision F B.P. 29 74311 Thyez Cedex - France ...
FM.CPL.0004.THYEZ.PUNE Revision F 948, Promenade de l’Arve – B.P. 29 74311 Thyez Cedex - France Tél. : +33 (0) 4 50 89 28 00
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300安培 - 组件 - 定制 - Amphenol-gec
%PDF-1.6 %âãÏÓ 10 0 obj > endobj 34 0 obj >/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[87235BFB6AC89A4FBE8EB423B8B0D547>]/Index[10 51]/Info 9 0 R/Length 121/Prev 223927/Root 11 0 R ...
Products | Amphenol Network Solutions
Amphenol Network Solutions offers a range of top-quality products including fiber distribution, power distribution, optical passives, enclosures, cable management, racks, and accessories. Find the perfect solutions to enhance your network infrastructure and ensure reliable connectivity. Browse our products now.
常见问题 | 安费诺 Socapex - Amphenol Socapex
后置 以太网交换机和媒体转换器. 以太网交换机; 光纤媒体转换器; 电线和跳线; ps 系列:功率器件解决方案
AT04-08PA-P026 8-way receptacle, (2) 4 pin busbar=26 amps, n
AT04-08PA-P026 8-way receptacle, (2) 4 pin busbar=26 amps, nickel plating, keyed A, grey. Comparable to PN# DT04-08PA-P026
18.0 ± 0 -
r o h s c o m p l i a n t p r o d u c t d ata d r aw i n g 18.0 ± 0.2 m at e r i a l c o n n e c t o r s : 1.85mm straight male ( sf3311-60002 )
Temposonics Blog
Willkommen auf unserem Blog für Positionssensoren. Er ist die führende Plattform für mehr Details über Temposonics Sensoren & Technologie und wo sie in Industrie-, Mobilhydraulik- und Füllstandsanwendungen eingesetzt werden.
Signalni kontakti - Signalni kontakti | Amfenol Socapex
Amphenol Socapek signalni kontakti su dizajnirani za JD38999 I, II, III, EN3645 i EN4165 konektore. Ovi jednodelni kontakti su 100% napravljeni u Francuskoj i u skladu su sa evropskim EN3155 i američkim AS39029 standardima. Oni nude nekoliko opcija za prestanak, uključujući crimp, lemljenje, PC rep i usaglašene igle.
Ampehnol All Sensors Produkte
Entdecken Sie die anpassbaren Ultra-Niederdrucklösungen von Amephenol All Sensors nach Familie.