Search Results for input current
uruguay | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
Amphenol’s EasyPwr solutions are custom power connectors that are field installable. These IP69k connectors are water-resistant and withstand harsh environmental conditions. It provides a current rating up to 80A at 12V.
Model 629A30 Precision Triaxial Industrial ICP® Accelerometer ... - PCB
current circuit), and a capacitor for decoupling (removing the bias voltage) the signal. The current-regulating device is used in place of a resistor for several reasons. The very high dynamic resistance of the diode yields a source follower gain which is extremely close to unity and independent of input voltage.
M7117 SERIES -
Input Volatage Range Output Voltage Output Current CF-02EM7117-1 18 to 48VDC 5VDC 3A CF-02EM7117-2 18 to 48VDC 12VDC 1.25A CF-02EM7117-3 18 to 48VDC 15VDC 1A CF-02EM7117-4 18 to 48VDC 24VDC 0.6A ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS: DC INPUT Normal voltage range: 18 to 48 VDC Efficiency: Up to 82% Isolation: Input to Output: 200 VDC Input to Case: 200 VDC
M7318 SERIES -
DC Input: 18 to 48 VDC Turn on Transient: No overshoot. DC Output: Voltage range: 3.3 to 50 VDC Current range: 0 to 18 A Power range: 0 to 200 W Isolation: Input to Output: 200 VDC Input to Case: 200 VDC Output to Case: 100 VDC Transient protection: IAW MIL-STD-1275A, M-STD-704A (no operation, no damage) Efficiency: Typical: 84% (at 28VDC out-put,
3282-7001-dB - XMA -
Adapters. Maintaining input power with high signal integrity; Power Dividers. Splitting power input to identical outputs; ... CURRENT STOCK Out of Stock. View Distributor Website. East Coast Microwave Sales and Distribution, LLC 800-786-2576
Data Sheet E-Series EP2 Analog - Temposonics
I 2 I Temposonics® E-Series EP2 Analog Fig. 1: Time-of-flight based magnetostrictive position sensing principle Fig. 2: Plastic granulate for injection molding or extrusion 4 5 3 1 Measurement Cycle 1 Current pulse generates magnetic fi eld 2 Interaction with position magnet fi eld generates torsional strain pulse 3 Torsional strain pulse propagates 4 Strain pulse detected by converter
NovaSensor NPA 201 Digital Output Absolute Pressure Sensor
Current Consumption - 35 - µA Read time = 500ms - 20 250 nA Sleep State, Idle Current,<85 C P op Operating Pressure Range 260 - 1260 mBar P bit Pressure Output Data Bits - 16 - bit P res Pressure Resolution - 0.015 (0.12) - mBar(m) T bit Temperature Output Data - 16 - bit T abs Temperature Accuracy - ± 2 - °C T= 0 to 60°C P TEB
• 28V MIL-STD-704A input module; VICOR MFM and DC/DC mil-spec power supply with hold-up capacitor and in-rush current limiting circuit. • Built-in test functionality for power up, initiated, and continuous operation. • Host management processor: o Multicast o Link Aggregation Control Protocol (LACP) o Protocol-Independent Multicast (PIM)
Level Plus L -
Input Voltage Up to 30 VDC Resistance 500 Ohm Current Switch Capability 50 mA @ 28 VDC Compatibility ABB RMC 100, Emerson ROC 827, Xetawave I/O, and others Cable Cat5 or equivalent type cable is required (15pF/ft. or 49pF/m) for a max run of 4000 ft. (1200 m) Electronics Input Voltage 10.5…28 VDC Fail Safe High, Full scale
NPH Series -
current excitation to the sensor produces a voltage output that is linearly proportional to the input pressure. The user can provide standard signal conditioning circuitry to amplify the 100 mV output signal. The sensor is compatible with most non-corrosive gases and dry air. A laser-trimmed, thick-film resistor network on a
8501-7102-02 - XMA
Attenuators. Reducing input power while maintaining signal integrity; Terminations. Absorbing power loads and decreasing reflections; ... CURRENT STOCK In Stock. View Distributor Website. East Coast Microwave Sales and Distribution, LLC 800-786-2576
4880-5521-dB-CRYO - XMA
Adapters. Maintaining input power with high signal integrity; Power Dividers. Splitting power input to identical outputs; ... CURRENT STOCK Out of Stock. View Distributor Website. East Coast Microwave Sales and Distribution, LLC 800-786-2576
4882-6140-dB - XMA
Adapters. Maintaining input power with high signal integrity; Power Dividers. Splitting power input to identical outputs; ... CURRENT STOCK Out of Stock. View Distributor Website. East Coast Microwave Sales and Distribution, LLC 800-786-2576
LTE 4G/5G Antennas 424x.06-875-Tx - AMPHENOL PROCOM
Input Power: 400 W: Omni Deviation: ± 1 dB: Polarisation: ... 1.5:1: Passive Intermodulation-153 dBc (3rd Order, 2 x Tx @ 43 dBm) Lightning Protection: Lightning current handling capability : 200 kA According to EN 62305-1 (Test pulse 10/350 μs) Antistatic Protection: All metal parts DC-grounded (Connector shows a DC-short) Mechanical ...
Model 600A33 Modulated current sensors power supply and measurement: Test Sensor ... Test Sensor Input/output Voltage, ICP or Modulated current. Includes USB to 24 VDC power supply (600A39). (1) Entered: LK Engineer: NJF Sales: MC Approved: NJF Spec Number: Date: 12/18/2018 Date: 12/18/2018 Date: 12/18/2018 Date: 12/18/2018 66697
10-70500-28 | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
Search Results for 10-70500-28 PRECISION ICP ACCELEROMETERS - PCB The 10-30 μF capacitor shifts the signal level to essentially eliminate the sensor bias voltage, providing a drift-free AC mode operation. ... Characteristics. Low Cost: ... 18 to 28 VDC: Constant Current Excitation. 2 to 20 mA: Output Impedance 100 Ohm: Output Bias Voltage. 8 ...
Omni Antennas 422x.03-445-Txx - AMPHENOL PROCOM
Input Power: 300 W: Omni Deviation: ± 1 dB: Polarisation: Vertical: ... (3rd Order, 2 x Tx @ 43 dBm) (PIM value not guaranteed for N connector version) Lightning Protection: Lightning current handling capability : 200 kA According to EN 62305-1 (Test pulse 10/350 μs) Antistatic Protection: All metal parts DC-grounded (Connector shows a DC ...
Wilcoxon Sensing Technologies iT300 Transmitter Quick Start Guide
Sensor Input Sensor Type Acceleration Sensitivity (mV/g) 100 Averaging Time 1 sec IEPE Power Enabled Serial Number Sensor Serial Number Frequency Range F max 5 kHz F min 5 Hz Sensor Band Configuration Measurement Results Current Loops Network Configuration IP Address Default Gateway Subnet Mask
M4268 SERIES - Amphenol Aerospace
The M4268 can deliver up to 1200 steady State at all temperature and input range. Table 3: M4268 Max current per output Current Sharing (Optional) Current sharing is available for VS1, VS2 and VS3 outputs. Load share pins should be connected for Hiccup synchronization. 3.3V Aux and ±12V Aux can be safely paralleled.
Tag Archives: Ardent Concepts - Amphenol CS
Input Output. D-Subminiature. DisplayPort. HDMI. High Speed I/O. Industrial Ethernet. Lighting. Modular & Magnetic Jack. Commercial Rugged Harsh I/O. USB. Server & Storage System. ... High Current Connectors (2) High Speed Backplane Connector (2) Human Machine Interface ...