Search Results for ir gas detectors better than catalytic
Infrared Sensor Application Note 1 A Background to Gas Sensing by Non ...
Gas sensing in the region beyond 8 microns is less popular as it requires an expensive IR source with a specialised IR transmissive and sealed window. The radiation from an incandescent filament also falls away at longer wavelengths.
An Introduction to Infrared Gas Sensors - SGX Sensortech
SGX Sensortech manufacture a range of Infrared (IR) Gas Sensors for a variety of gases and vapours in different applications. These are compact and robust gas diffusion type sensors based on an SGX Sensortech patented optical design. They run on low power and use well proven Non-Dispersive Infrared (NDIR) detection methods. All the
IR1 and IR2 SERIES 2 - SGX Sensortech
non-dispersive infrared (NDIR) principle to detect and monitor the presence of gases. With an infrared source and specific filtering on the pyroelectric detectors mounted inside the optical/gas cavity, individual gases or types of gas can be identified and their concentrations determined.
Infrared Sensor Application Note 4 Design of Electronics for Infrared ...
By following the recommendations of this application note, the user should be able to achieve excellent performance with SGX Sensortech infrared gas sensors. Figure 1 shows the outline block diagram of a typical gas detection system using an infrared gas sensor.
SGX - PRODUCTS - SGX Sensortech
Our sensors incorporate Catalytic, Thermal Conductive, Infra-red, Electrochemical, Solid Polymer, Photo Ionisation Detection, and Metal Oxides technologies. Each technology offers unique advantages and plays a vital role in detecting various gases.
Designed for long-term continuous sensing of CO2 and numerous hydrocarbon gases including vapours in fixed systems, SGX IR sensors are suited for portable instrumentation where shorter term usage is more usual.
Introduction to Pellistor Gas Sensors - SGX Sensortech
The catalytic pellistors can be either be poison or non-poison resistant and may also be made to be sensitive to combustible gases, including or excluding methane. Both Catalytic and TC pellistors are available with a variety of working voltages and power levels.
IR2 Single Gas Series Datasheet - SGX Sensortech
With an infrared source and specific filtering on the pyroelectric detectors mounted inside the optical/gas cavity, individual gases or types of gas can be identified and their concentrations determined.
IR1 Single Gas Series Datasheet - SGX Sensortech
Infrared Single Gas Sensor for Hazardous Environments (Portable and Fixed Systems) The SGX infrared sensors use the proven Non-Dispersive Infrared (NDIR) principle to detect and monitor the presence of gases. With an infrared source and specific filtering on the pyroelectric detectors mounted inside the optical/gas cavity,
Integrated IR Application Note 1 - SGX Sensortech
The Integrated IR incorporates the necessary electronics and embedded firmware using infrared gas sensing technology with reduced power dissipation. The sensor will sample the raw signals to output a linear, temperature compensated signal proportional to the gas concentration applied. The
Pellistor Application Note 1 Pellistor Sensor Technology & Applications
Pellistors are gas sensors that detect combustible gases and vapours in air (or atmospheres containing oxygen), in concentrations approaching the explosive range. In this case, they are operating in a catalytic mode where the target gas is burnt and the heat liberated is measured by the sensor.
IR11BR Miniature Infrared Gas Sensor for Monitoring Carbon Dioxide up ...
With an infrared source and specific filtering on the pyroelectric detectors mounted inside the optical/gas cavity, the carbon dioxide gas concentration can be determined. To operate as an NDIR gas sensor, the IR11BR must be interfaced to a suitable electronics, for power, lamp pulsing, amplifying and signal processing.
IR600 Series Miniature Infrared Gas Sensors for Hazardous Areas
The IR600 Series are designed to detect and monitor the presence of CO2, methane, broadband hydrocarbons and acetylene using the same non-dispersive infrared (NDIR) principle as used in the SGX Sensortech range of miniature infrared gas sensors. Dual detector channels are used with. a reference for background compensation.
Integrated IR Datasheet - SGX Sensortech
The INIR is a user friendly digital Gas Sensor, which is designed to use the latest SGX Sensortech’s Infrared technology. The sensor is designed to decrease the implementation time therefore increase productivity. The Integrated IR sensor incorporates the necessary electronics and embedded software to operate from a low voltage DC power supply.
Infrared Sensor Application Note 2 Signal Processing for Infrared Gas ...
This document explains the signal processing required to linearise, temperature compensate and calibrate all SGX Sensortech infrared gas sensors, followed by the calculations required to determine the concentration of the target gas.
Integrated IR Propane Datasheet - SGX Sensortech
The SGX Sensortech Integrated IR Gas Sensor provides users with a simple method of incorporating an Infrared Sensor into their gas detection instrument which will significantly reduce the development time and expertise required during the design and implementation phase.
IR15 Dual Gas Series Datasheet - SGX Sensortech
The IR15 Series contain two active detector elements for simultaneous monitoring of Carbon Dioxide and Methane or Hydrocarbon mixtures in the same size housing as some of the single gas sensors from the IR1xxx series sensors, making the sensor more cost effective than two separate sensors. APPLICATIONS Oil & Gas
Infrared Gas Sensor Evaluation Kit User Guide - SGX Sensortech
SGX Infrared Gas Sensors are reliable and stable devices capable of detecting many different gases as specified on individual device data sheets. These devices can be used in many different applications and this Evaluation Kit from SGX will allow you to experiment and find the most suitable mode of operation for your particular use.
PRODUCT SAFETY DATASHEET Infrared (IR) Gas Sensors - SGX Sensortech
Infrared gas sensors are generally safe when handled and used according to the guidelines included in this data sheet, and require no special handling or processing for safe disposal or environmental protection. Infrared gas sensors are sufficiently robust to withstand normal handling.
SGX Infrared Gas Sensor Evaluation Kit IR-EK2 User Guide
• Test one 6- or 7-pin single gas sensor or one 8-pin twin gas sensor • Adjust the lamp drive voltage between 3.0 V and 5.0 V • Adjust the channel gains for the reference and active channels • Calibrate a gas sensor and measure gas concentration levels