Search Results for ir gas detectors better than catalytic
Telaire | CO2, Humidity & Dust Sensors
As the world’s first and leading manufacturer of Non-Dispersive Infrared (NDIR) Carbon Dioxide (CO 2) Sensors, Telaire has been on the forefront of CO 2 sensors technology for over 25 years. Telaire holds 30+ awarded patents in CO 2 sensors, including the original automatic calibration algorithm - ABC Logic. In more recent years, Telaire has expanded its product line to include other air ...
SGX - SGX Sensortech Sensor
Learn More about sensor. IR12GM. 16mm, Hydrocarbon infrared Gas Sensor can be used 0-5% or 0-100% volume with internall Temp IC
General Signal Conditioning Guide -
5 Signal Conditioning Guide PCB Piezotronics Inc. Toll-Fre ein USA 800-828-8840 716-684-0 001 V2= q / (C 1+C 2+ C 3) (Equation 2) where: C2= cable capacitance in pF C3= input capacitance of the voltage amplifier or readout instrument in pF