Search Results for microfono para pc
Model 378B02 | PCB Piezotronics
Model 378B02:1/2" prepolarized free-field condenser microphone, 50 mV/Pa (+/-1.5 dB), 3.75 Hz - 20 kHz (+/-2 dB) with 1/2" ICP® preamplifier
Model 377C13 | PCB Piezotronics
Model 377C13:1/2" pressure, prepolarized condenser microphone, 12.6 mV/Pa (+/-2 dB), 3.2 Hz to 20 kHz (+/-2 dB), 4Hz to 12.5 kHz (+/-1 dB)
Microphone Selection | PCB Piezotronics
Microphone Comparison Choose PCB microphones and preamplifiers for your next acoustic test. We have a wide variety of acoustic sensors in our online shop in stock, ready to ship, with a best in class 5 year plus TCS warranty. To discuss specific applications, please contact us or request a quote.
Model 378C01 | PCB Piezotronics
Model 378C01:1/4" free-field, prepolarized 377C01 microphone and 426B03 preamplifier. TEDS programmed
Amphenol NEXUS: Advanced Telecommunications Manufacturing
About Us. Amphenol Nexus Technologies was founded in 1961 by William H. Flanagan and Randolph K. Byers to perfect the design and manufacture of superior quality audio plugs, jacks and MIL-S-8805/3 push-button switches.
Acoustics | PCB Piezotronics
Experience precision with PCB's microphones & preamplifiers: 24/7 support, best in class warranty, and swift shipment with unbeatable quality and service.
Selección de micrófonos | PCB Piezotronics
Elija micrófonos y preamplificadores de PCB para su próxima prueba acústica. En nuestra tienda online disponemos de una amplia variedad de sensores acústicos en stock, listos para enviar, con la mejor garantía de su clase de 5 años más TCS. Para hablar de aplicaciones específicas, póngase en contacto con nosotros o solicite un presupuesto.
4. A Sound Wave, as shown in Figure 1, illustrates how the distribution of particles may appear. The sinusoid plotted above the . particle diagram shows how the sound pressure (p on the vertical axis) of the wave varies spatially at a moment in time as it
Microphone Selection | PCB Piezotronics
Sensores para pruebas y medición > Acústica > Microphone Selection-es-ES. How to Select the Best Test & Measurement Precision Microphone. When selecting a microphone and preamplifier system to measure sound or noise, you'll encounter numerous models and options. For some applications, multiple combinations of microphones and preamplifiers may ...
Model HT378C20 | PCB Piezotronics
Model HT378C20:377C20 microphone and HT426E01 preamplifier, TEDS programmed
MODEL 378B02 1/2 PREPOLARIZED MICROPHONE - PCB | 1 800 828 8840 USE OF MODEL 378B02. Model 378B02 is a 1/2 in (12 mm) prepolarized microphone and . preamplifier combination for applications where the audible range
PCB Search Results (microphone)
uency Microphone for Infrasound Measurements Low frequency range extends below the human audible range PCB ® 1/2" Free-field Prepolarized Microphone Preamplifier System (Model 378A07) May 28, 2015, Depew, New York - A new 1/2" microphone and preamplifier system, model 378A07 from PC
Acustica | PCB Piezotronics
Quando avete bisogno di un microfono per i test sui prodotti, come la potenza sonora, la qualità del suono e la localizzazione delle sorgenti di rumore, non c'è bisogno di compromettere la qualità e le prestazioni per un prezzo conveniente.
Model Number 378C01 ICP MICROPHONE SYSTEM Revision: J ECN #: 49878 Performance ENGLISH SI Nominal Microphone Diameter 1/4" 1/4" Frequency Response Characteristic(at 0° incidence) Free-Field Free-Field
Prepolarized 1/4" Microphones - PCB
Model:377C01. Nominal Microphone Diameter: 1/4" Nominal Microphone Diameter: 1/4" Frequency Response Characteristic: (at 0° incidence)Free-Field
Model 377B02 ½” Prepolarized Free-Field Microphone
Applications. n Precision sound level measurements. n. Research & development. n Hearing preservation and safety. n. Vehicle pass-by noise. n Machinery preventative maintenance
Preamplificador Phantom Power | PCB Piezotronics
Alternativamente, para capacidades de alta frecuencia y amplitud, utilice un micrófono de ¼" para alcanzar frecuencias de hasta 100 kHz o niveles de presión sonora de 164 182 dB. Cambie entre las respuestas de campo libre, incidencia aleatoria y campo de presión en cuestión de segundos con los distintos cartuchos de micrófono.
Model 378B02 1/2 prepolarized free-field condenser microphone, 50 ... - PCB
Model 378B02 1/2" prepolarized free-field condenser microphone, 50 mV/Pa (+/-1.5 dB), 3.15 Hz - 20 kHz (+/-2 dB) with 1/2" ICP® preamplifier (426E01) and TEDS
Array Microphone Overview | PCB Piezotronics
Array microphones are a cost effective method to take acoustic measurements in applications such as sound pressure mapping, beam-forming, holography, noise source location and machinery monitoring.
Model 378C01 ICP Microphone System Installation and Operating Manual - PCB
Manual 21354 Rev E ECN 50523 CAUTION Refers to hazards that could damage the instrument. NOTE Indicates tips, recommendations and important information.