Search Results for moore liquid level controller
Level Plus -
The total volume of the tank occupied by the product liquid. When measuring only one liquid, it is also the total volume of liquid in the tank (GOVT). When measuring two liquids it is the total volume of liquid in the tank minus the volume of the interface liquid (GOVT – GOVI). GOVT (Total Gross Observed Volume)
Level Plus L -
The total volume of the tank occupied by the product liquid. When measuring only one liquid, it is also the total volume of liquid in the tank (GOVT). When measuring two liquids it is the total volume of liquid in the tank minus the volume of the interface liquid (GOVT – GOVI). GOVT (Total Gross Observed Volume)
Fluid-Trac™ -
The Fluid-Trac™ 3-Wire Resistive Output, liquid level sensor, can be factory programmed to have a resistive output in the range of 8 to 320 ohms. The Fluid-Trac® 3-Wire resistive output liquid level sensor allows direct replacement of 33-240 ohm float senders or 10-180 ohm float senders. Three-Wire Voltage Output
Level Plus L -
The Level Plus ® SoCLEAN liquid level transmitter satisfies the demand for an accurate and robust liquid-level sensor with unsurpassed flexibility to meet most process application conditions. The SoCLEAN® transmitter provides 4-in-1 measurement using one process opening for product level, interface level, temperature and volume measurements.
Level Plus -
The total volume of the tank occupied by the product liquid. When measuring only one liquid, it is also the total volume of liquid in the tank (GOVT). When measuring two liquids it is the total volume of liquid in the tank minus the volume of the interface liquid (GOVT – GOVI). GOVT (Total Gross Observed Volume)
Level Plus -
The total volume of the tank occupied by the product liquid. When measuring only one liquid, it is also the total volume of liquid in the tank (GOVT). When measuring two liquids it is the total volume of liquid in the tank minus the volume of the interface liquid (GOVT – GOVI). GOVT (Total Gross Observed Volume)
Temposonics® L-Series LD Position Sensors
Transmitters for liquid level applications; Products. Industrial Position Sensors R-Series V Position Sensors R-Series V RH5; R-Series V RP5; R-Series V RM5; R-Series V RF5; R-Series V RFV ... controller dependent Active Mature Analog Document Part No. Language Download Data Sheet 05012010e EN ...
Level Plus L -
The Level Plus ® SoCLEAN liquid level transmitter satisfies the demand for an accurate and robust liquid-level sensor with unsurpassed flexibility to meet most process application conditions. The SoCLEAN® transmitter provides 4-in-1 measurement using one process opening for product level, interface level, temperature and volume measurements.
Operation Manual Level Plus LLE - Temposonics
Level Plus LLE Operation Manual I 7 I 5. Product overview The Level Plus LLE satisfies the demand for an accurate and robust liquid level transmitter for general purpose applications. The LLE can provide product level and/or interface level in a compact mechanical design. There is no requirement for scheduled maintenance or
Magnetostrictive Liquid Level Transmitters with ... - Temposonics
You must use a RS-485 converter with “Send Data Control” and the M-Series Set-up Software to ensure proper operation. Example: RS-485 to USB, MTS 380114 5.2 Quick start-up procedure 1. Connect +24 Vdc to terminals. ... All LP-Series liquid level transmitters are shipped with a Stylus (MTS Part # 404108) to be used for manipulating the ...
Level Plus -
liquid level in filler bowl(s). The filler bowl is a holding tank that is used for gravity feed flow control for the dispensing of liquids into bottle based on maintaining a constant liquid level that uses the weight of the liquid to control the dispensing rate and avoid over- or under-filling the bottles.
Ultrasonic Point Level Sensor - Amphenol Sensors
level sensor to the liquid is calculated based on the speed of sound. The 3 FET low side drivers are controlled by their own liquid level set point which is factory programmable. The FET drivers can be interfaced to external alarms and/or relays for use in a wide variety of level control applications.
Thermometrics NTC Cryogenics Thermistors -
Liquid Nitrogen) (25°C to -196°C). These units are very stable, exhibit no hysteresis effects,and rapid temperature cycling from 77°F to -320.8°F (25°C to -196°C) has no measurable effect on electrical, thermal or mechanical properties. These units are well suited for Cryogenic control applications such as liquid level in the 77°F to
Sanitary Applications in Harsh Environments - Temposonics
Boat Steering Control Wake Boat & Trim Tab Control Watercraft Tank Level Light Industrial Applications Toggle Sub Menu. Automotive Medical Equipment & Mobility Liquid Level Applications Toggle Sub Menu. AST Tank Gauging Level Monitoring of Liquid Gas Chemical Blending Tanks Inventory Monitoring of Spirits
Data Sheet Level Plus - Temposonics
The Level Plus® Tank Slayer® liquid level transmitter satisfies the demand for an accurate and robust liquid-level sensor with unsurpassed flexibility to meet most process application conditions. The Tank Slayer® transmitter provides 4-in-1 measurement using one process opening for product level, interface level, temperature and volume ...
Level Plus HT100 Hand-Held Terminal - Temposonics
Level Plus HT100 Level Plus ® HT100 Hand-Held Terminal ... Control Systems (DCS). Design flexibility in the Level Plus DDA System allows you to take full advantage of your existing ... Display: 4 lines by 20 characters Liquid Cr ystal Display (LCD) with 8 levels of contrast contr ol Keypad: 45 tactile keys
M-Series Touchscreen Modbus Terminal, Product Specification
Level Plus ® Magnetostrictive Liquid-Level Sensors with Temposonics® Technology M-series touchscreen Modbus terminal Modbus RTU Input Product specification SENSORS ® Document Part Number 551164 revision a Product Overview The Touchscreen Modbus Terminal is a fully programmed remote terminal that can be placed in the field or in a control ...
Fluid-Trac® Level Sensor For Urea, DEF, AdBlue Tanks
Fluid-Trac® urea level sensors are non-contact, continuous liquid level sensors that use ultrasonic technology to generate a high frequency sound wave and measure the time for the echo to reflect off the urea’s surface and return. The distance from the liquid level sensor to the urea is calculated based on the speed of sound.
mts_sensors - home - Temposonics
Temposonics is the pioneer of magnetostrictive technology and a global manufacturer of non-contact linear position sensors and liquid level transmitters that provide reliable control for automation and safety applications.
"The LL-Series is a strategic expansion by Temposonics to gain a broader footprint in the level transmitter market place as we are able to offer the benefits of our industrial position sensors in a package design for level applications,” explained Lee Aiken, Global Market Segment Leader Liquid Level.