Search Results for motherboard for i5 12th generation
696-960 / 1695-2180 / 1695-2180 MHz - Amphenol Antenna Solutions
Electrical Downtilt 0-12° 0-10° Impedance 50Ω 50Ω VSWR < 1.5:1 < 1.5:1 Upper Sidelobe Suppression > 17 dB Typical > 18 dB Typical Front-to-Back Ratio > 30 dB > 25 dB In-Band Isolation > 23 dB > 25 dB Isolation Between Ports > 30 dB > 30 dB IM3 (2x20W carrier) < -153 dBc < -153 dBc Input Power (2x) 500 W (4x) 250 W Diplexed No
GS-20-091 Application Specification - Amphenol CS
NUMBER GS-20-091 TYPE Application Specification TITLE PAGE REVISION Metraltm HDXS Cable Connector receptacle 2 of 21 C AUTHORIZED BY DATE Nick Zhang 4-19-2016 CLASSIFICATION UNRESTRICTED
AT04-3P-PM12 3 Position Receptacle, Pin, Panel Mount, Self- - Amphenol Sine
A114017 Seal Plugs, White, Fits Sizes 12, 16. Comparable to PNs# 114017, 114017-ZZ, 934941000. REQUEST A QUOTE. CA-5D12 - Universal Hand Crimp Tool, Size 12/16/20 Solid Contacts Only. REQUEST A QUOTE. CA-5E12 - Pneumatic Crimp Tool, Size 12/16/20 Solid Contacts Only. REQUEST A QUOTE.
Base Station Antennas -
Career Opportunities. We are often looking for skilled and loyal new employees to join our company, so check this page to stay updated. Careers; Become a distributor
ABS14XX monoblock pipe clamps - Fuel zone | Products Amphenol Air LB
35309105822 Clampblock ABS serie Fixed on structure Fuel zone 1 hole 12 Clampblock ABS serie Fixed on structure Fuel zone 1 hole 12 Add to Wishlist 35309204822 Clampblock ABS serie Fixed on structure Fuel zone 2 holes 06/10 Clampblock ABS serie Fixed on structure Fuel zone 2 holes 06/10
power pin male | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
Using high conductivity alloys and precision machining Amphenol has developed a high current pin to reduce power loss in your application. Push the current carrying capability past the limits of a Mil-Spec contact, or simply improve the efficiency of your system while reducing the heat dissipated into your platform.
AUTOMATE Type A Mini-FAKRA Dual Jack to AUTOMATE Type A Mini-FAKRA Dual ...
AUTOMATE Type A Mini-FAKRA Dual Jack to AUTOMATE Type A Mini-FAKRA Dual Jack RG-174 12 Inches; AUTOMATE Type A Mini-FAKRA Dual Jack to AUTOMATE Type A Mini-FAKRA Dual Jack RG-174 12 Inches. In stock. 095-820-211-012. Find In Stock & Buy Now.
SS175 Medium Chirp, 1kW, 12° Tilt, Humminbird 21-Pin, DT - AIRMAR EMEA
Fixed 12° tilted version for 8 to 15° hull deadrise angles; Fixed 0° tilted version for 0 to 7° hull deadrise angles; Features. Depth and fast-response water-temperature sensing; 1 kW of power; Medium frequency: 85 to 135 kHz; 16° to 11° beamwidth; Maximum depth of 457 m (1500')
132134 | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
132134-10 | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol SMA Straight Crimp Plug Times LMR-200 Optimized 50 Ohm 132234. SMA PCB Through Hole Right Angle Jack 50 Ohm 132136-12. SMA Straight Crimp Plug RG-316DS 50 Ohm 901-9511-12SF. SMA Straight Solder Plug RG-402 0.141-inch Conformable Times Tflex 402 50 Ohm 132102-10.
main | ROKK Wireless - Edge. Waterproof Wireless Adjustable Phone ...
ROKK Wireless - Edge. Waterproof Wireless Adjustable Phone Charging Mount 12/24V
Section 319–2TP–201 Equipment Issue 1 3192TP STS Test Plug (Streaker ...
This document is reprinted to incorporate a gen-eral editorial update. Equipment Purpose The 3192TP test plug provides easy access to office repeater input and output pins via a plug-in card. Equipment Location The 3192TP fits in any industry-standard STS shelves. Charles Industries offers a full line of these shelves and card types. Equipment ...
Amphenol PCD Shenzhen
0.12 m p01bc00298 4x2awg+14awg+3x2x18awg black od30.5 ar m 5 6 0.14 m 0.02 c-hvcon1mb250aplxxxx c-hvcon1mb250aplxxxx c-hvcon1mb250aplxxxx c-hvcon1mb250aplxxxx c210000080 single-wall h.s.t: Ø5.0 black 0.4 m c210006511 single-wall h.s.t: Ø12.7 white c210000081 single-wall h.s.t: Ø5.0 white dc mode of connection without uhf
CMR INSTRUMENTATON & SENSOR CONTROL MARSEILLE, FRANCE, FEB, 2017: INTERNATIONAL control, instrumentation and electrical engineering specialist CMR GROUP, the marine automation and instrumentation specialists, has supplied the French Navy’s latest maritime patrol vessel with advanced marine condition monitoring and sensor equipment.
Automotive | Markets - Amphenol
Amphenol is a leading supplier of advanced interconnect systems, sensors and antennas for a growing array of automotive applications. In addition, we have developed advanced technology solutions for hybrid and electric vehicles and are working with leading global customers to proliferate these advanced interconnect products into next-generation automobiles.
MIL-DTL-38999 Series III - TV Connectors - Amphenol Aerospace
Amphenol® Tri-Start connectors provide EMI/EMP shielding capability which exceeds MIL-DTL-38999 Series III requirements. The TV and CTV Series III connector with standard solid metal-to-metal coupling, EMI grounding fingers and conductive finishes have proven to be the ultimate in EMI/EMP shielding effectiveness.
Yagi Antennas 7175890 -
Model Product No. Frequency; 8 element Yagi 790-960 MHz: 7175890: 790 - 960 MHz: Add to quote: Fixed norstel / coupler clamp (cross clamp) 3202078/68: Add to quote
300146 | - Amphenol Alden
Maximum Wire Gauge. 12. Housing Color
12.0 ± 0 - SV Microwave
12.0 ± 0.2 M AT E R I A L C O N N E C T O R S : SMA Straight Male ( SF2906-6002 ) VITA 67.3 SMPS Male Plug-In Contact ( SF3811-60059 ) C A B L E : Ø.085 Flexible Coax S H R I N K T U B I N G : M23053/5 P E R F O R M A N C E I M P E D A N C E : 50 Ohms F R E Q . R A N G E : DC to 18 GHz V S W R : 1.3:1 Max, DC to 18.0 GHz 1.5:1 Max, 18.0 + GHz
Amphenol Network Solutions > Products | Amphenol Network Solutions ...
22425 East Appleway Ave #11 Liberty Lake, WA 99019 Phone: 509.926.6000 Email:
Equipment Issue 1 First Printing, March 2007 Section CMPH-75-E-801 − ADRENALINE DISTRIBUTION INTERFACE INSTALLATION GUIDE − Page 1 of 2Copyright 2007 Charles ...