Search Results for motion control
Accelerometers / Vibration Sensors | PCB Piezotronics
Most data acquisition, digital control, and portable data systems provide ICP® sensor power. Each directional axis measured requires one channel of the data system or signal conditioner. Charge mode output accelerometers use piezo-ceramic sensing elements that output an electrostatic charge signal proportional to the applied acceleration.
Code Compliance - Lutze Inc.
Control Cables. Flexible and continuous motion cables for machine tool wiring, machine and plant construction HVAC, conveyor systems etc. ... Flexible and continuous motion electronic cables for a wide variety of industrial applications. To the product . BUS and Network Cables. Network solutions are designed to meet all protocol specific bus ...
Machinery health monitoring using displacement sensors
P 3 PC420DPP-40, 2008 Proprietary PC420DPP- 40 PC: Designed to work with an existing process control system for machinery health and process monitoring 420: Outputs a value between 4 and 20 mA that represents the overall vibration at the monitoring point D: The vibration is integrated to displacement to detect faults at the the 1x running speed
PCB Piezotronics | Measure vibration, pressure, force, and more
Popular Applications. Real-time remote monitoring for fault conditions in motors, gearboxes, pumps, conveyers, and bearing assemblies. Applications requiring true peak acceleration, acceleration and velocity RMS, velocity peak, crest factor, and/or temperature measurements
TULC Combination Sensor -
Governments around the world are creating legislation to control and reduce the amount of pollutants that can be released into the environment especially from the burning of ... • Digital filtering eliminates errors in level reading due to DEF sloshing due to vehicle motion. • Tank Profiling: Factory programmable strapping tables for ...
Get the latest information about Temposonics. Temposonics, company of the Amphenol Group, announces that the Temposonics® T-Series TH position sensors now feature Ingress Protection IP68, IP69 as well as NEMA 4 and 4X.
SSMC Connectors - Amphenol RF
Weapon Control Systems; SSMC Connectors Specifications. Electrical. Items; Impedance: 50 Ohm: Frequency Range: DC - 12.4 GHz: Voltage Rating: 250 Volts RMS Continuous: Dielectric Withstanding Voltage: 750 VRMS Min: VSWR (Return Loss) DC - 6 GHz: 1.2 +0.02*F(GHz) Max: Insulation Resistance : 1000 MΩ Min:
Data Sheet E-Series ER Analog - Temposonics
electronics. The magnet, connected to the object in motion in the application, generates a magnetic field at its location on the waveguide. A short current pulse is applied to the waveguide. This creates a momentary radial magnetic field and torsional strain on the waveguide. The momentary interaction of the magnetic fields releases a torsional
Guidelines for Mounting Test Accelerometers | PCB Piezotronics
After attaching the wrench or tool, use a gentle shear (or twisting) motion (by hand only) to remove the sensor from the test structure. Figure 5: Teardrop accelerometer model 352C22 and supplied removal tool model 039A27
Accelerometer Shock Sensitivity Calibration Using a Pneumatic Exciter - PCB
Control panel Air in Reservoir Poppet Valve Interlock Signal Conditioning Sensor Under Test Standard Projectile PC Data Acquisition Fingers Anvil ... by the rigid body motion from impact. Note that after the shock the two sensors are in free fall, with approximately zero acceleration after the event. Analysis of the flat regions before and after
Model 080A181 | PCB Piezotronics
Actual attainable frequency limits may be higher than specified, particularly for lower weight accelerometers, and may differ depending on axis of motion. An interface of silicone grease between clip and accelerometer aids in mechanical coupling to improve attainable frequency range.
shaker motion. It can be used with any charge or voltage amplifier. However, the ENDEVCO Model 2710FM13 Calibration Standard Reference Charge Amplifier, and the ENDEVCO Model 2786M3 ... QUALITY CONTROL STANDARDS. 6.2 OPTIONAL . 6.2.1 CS120AL Extends the frequency response calibration down to 2 Hz.
Data Sheet E-Series ER Analog - Temposonics
electronics. The magnet, connected to the object in motion in the application, generates a magnetic field at its location on the waveguide. A short current pulse is applied to the waveguide. This creates a momentary radial magnetic field and torsional strain on the waveguide. The momentary interaction of the magnetic fields releases a torsional
Case Study -
design: getting all these processes under control. To accomplish this, the reliable displacement measurement systems from Temposonics are essential,” says Mr. Studer. The installed MH sensors with CAN-bus output ensure problem-free motion sequences and monitor the position of the hydraulic cylinders with a sub-millimeter preci-sion.
Fluid-Trac 3-Wire Level Sensor
Epqshiu & . %% Ufdiopmphft. NNE 4 Fpd0 HU/CP Tfw0 & i-rcom Note: The Fluid-Trac® 3-wire level sensor comes with an integral gasket that must be used when mounting. Mating connector parts and bolts are not included. A mating connector kit P/N is available. Note: Gasoline range is different due to the density of gasoline vapors.Gasoline vapors are denser as
motion in the application, generates a magnetic field at its location on the waveguide. A short current pulse is applied to the waveguide. This creates a momentary radial magnetic field and torsional strain on the waveguide. The momentary interaction of the magnetic fields releases a torsional strain pulse that propagates the length of the ...
Introduction to Piezoelectric Industrial Accelerometers - PCB
The compression design is generally the simplest and easiest to understand. The crystal, quartz or ceramic, is sandwiched between the seismic mass and the base with an elastic pre-load bolt. Motion (vibration) into the base squeezes the crystal creating an output.
Model 71M series Piezoresistive accelerometer -
short duration shock motion. With a frequency response extending down to dc (steady state accelerations) these transducers are ideal for measurement of long duration transients, and permit integration of the accleration data to obtain velocity and displacement. U.S. Patents 4,498, 229, 4,605,919 and 4,689,600 apply to this unit.
CO2-based Ventilation Control Where Required and Recommended
CO2-based Ventilation Control Where Required and Recommended Amphenol Advanced Sensors ® Application Note Ventilation is an important part of maintaining a comfortable, healthy, productive environment for students
Data Sheet R-Series V RDV SSI (Doc Part No. 552140) - Temposonics
All settings under control with the smart assistants for the R-Series V The TempoLink ® and the TempoGate smart assistants support you in setup and diagnostics of the R-Series V. For more information of these assistants please see the data sheets: • TempoLink® smart assistant (Document part number: 552070) • TempoGate® smart assistant