Search Results for part outline face matlab
Contact Us -
SSI Technologies, LLC. Prodej a marketing Inside Sales. 3200 Palmer Drive. Janesville, WI 53546. 608-373-9262.
Telaire | CO2, Humidity & Dust Sensors
As the world’s first and leading manufacturer of Non-Dispersive Infrared (NDIR) Carbon Dioxide (CO 2) Sensors, Telaire has been on the forefront of CO 2 sensors technology for over 25 years. Telaire holds 30+ awarded patents in CO 2 sensors, including the original automatic calibration algorithm - ABC Logic. In more recent years, Telaire has expanded its product line to include other air ...
Part Number Description C10-752162-000 BLACK, 5.7MM - AWG 4 C10-685188-000 BLACK, 5.7MM - AWG 4 Plug Connector with Crimp Terminals Part Number Description APD057PRC0201700B BLACK, 5.7MM - AWG 2 APD057PRC0401700B BLACK, 5.7MM - AWG 4 APD057PRC0601700B BLACK, 5.7MM - AWG 6 Receptacle Connectors: PCB Part Number Description
1143_Datasheet MiCS-6814 rev 8 - SGX Sensortech
Package outline dimensions The package is compatible with SMD assembly process. Operating conditions MiCS-6814 1143 rev 8 Sensor configuration The silicon gas sensor structure consists of an accurately micro machined diaphragm with an embedded heating resistor and the sensing layer on top.
模型 - Amphenol Sine
Part Number Description ATRT-100 Contact and Wedgelock Extraction Tool AT11-310-1605 Contact Removal Tool, Plastic, Size 16 Sealing Plugs (For both Machined or Stamped & Formed Contacts) Part Number Description A114017 Sealing Plug, Size 16, White A114017-SR Sealing Plug, Size 16, SR01 Series, Black AT13-217-1605 Locking Sealing Plug, Size 16, Grey
mating part: ahdm06-24-16p* ( * = seal type ) 5. all dimensions are for reference use only. 6 contact size and wire range: ahdm04-24-16sn a1 release new drawing 26aug20 sullen of: sh: rev: dwg no: title: rev description date revisions eco by appr 1 1 a2 ahdm04-24-16sn
5HI - Amphenol Sine
5(9'(6&5,37,21 '$7(5(9,6,216 (&2%<$335 $ 5(/($6(' '5$:,1* $xj /8&$6 352&(66 63(&,),&$7,216 0$7(5,$/ 63(&,),&$7,216 48$17,7< $33529$/ (1*,1((5
(8 5r+6 ,, &huwlilfdwh ri &rqirupdqfh $sulo 'hdu &xvwrphu ,q uhvsrqvh wr \rxu frpsoldqfh vwdwxv lqtxlu\ uhjduglqj wkh iroorzlqj surgxfw $pskhqro $hurvsdfh
Brandon Brown (Stainless Steel) • Oce: 1 07 - • Mobile: +1 (607) 643-2466 • Email: rownamhenol-aaocom oe Ryder (Aluminum) • Oce: 1 07 -001 • Mobile: +1 (607) 643-1808 • Email: rderamhenol-aaocom amhenol-aerosacecom • Connector Size B Thread Class 2A, Blunt Start per 9-3200-2 P
part number-40°c ~ +125°c rts6bs16n4s rts6bs16n4s03 dimension cable od range 14.5 mm 17.5 mm 10.0-14.0 mm 13.5-17.0 mm 32.5 31.8 82.0 max master keyway a2 -- update notes jul-05-2017 nick a3 -- update drawing mar-20-2018 white a4 -- update the description jan-27-2022 jun tommy tommy tommy tommy
%$7 - Amphenol Sine
Title: C:\Users\jhead\Desktop\New AT Metal Clips 23Mar2020\C-AT27-XXX-1200-A1.dwg Author: JHead Created Date: 3/23/2020 2:19:16 PM
C-SC000571xx REV A3 - Amphenol
Title: C:\Users\jhead\Desktop\ATV 38-Way Mate-Assist\Drawing Updates 6JUL2020\C-SC000571xx_REV_A3.dwg Author: JHead Created Date: 7/6/2020 1:52:29 PM
mating part: ahdbm06-24-91s* ( * = seal type ) 5. all dimensions are for reference use only. 6 contact size and wire range: 7. meet the dimension of implement bus breakaway connector of iso 11783-2. ahdbm04-24-91pn a1 release new drawing 04/jan/22 ian of: sh: rev: dwg no: title: rev description date revisions
Evaporator temperature sensor -
Title: Evaporator temperature sensor Author: GE Subject: The Evaporator temperature sensor measures the evaporator core temperature, so that the core does not freeze and diminish HVAC operation.
Amphenol Industrial Operations
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