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00170470502 - Amphenol Air LB
ABS14XX monoblock pipe clamps - Fuel zone; ABS14XX monoblock pipe clamps - Normal zone; Pipe clamps - series JN0413; Cost saving. Quick connection junction modules. 1750 modules. 1750 modules for crimped contacts; 1100 modules. 1100 modules for crimped contacts; 1119 splices for Aero.
Datenblatt E-Serie ET Analog 551898 -
Class I Zone 2 T4 IIC Zone 22 AEx tc T4 IIIC Dc Ex tc IIIC T130 °C Dc IP66/IP68 Ex nC IIC T4 Gc Ex tD A22 IP66/IP68 T130 °C −40 °C ≤ Ta ≤ 85 °C; Type: 4X; IP66/IP68 Abb. 2: Temposonics ® ET Zertifizierung (Ausführung A und E) Abb. 3: Typisches Anwendungsbeispiel: Metallverarbeitung
SIMMG0118NSN - Amphenol Air LB
ABS14XX monoblock pipe clamps - Fuel zone; ABS14XX monoblock pipe clamps - Normal zone; Pipe clamps - series JN0413; Cost saving. Quick connection junction modules. 1750 modules. 1750 modules for crimped contacts; 1100 modules. 1100 modules for crimped contacts; 1119 splices for Aero.
All Products - Amphenol
CoolPower® Slim Drawer Mini (SDM) Connectors offer a high level of mating configuration flexibility, current density, and a thin profile making it ideal for compact board-to-board power interconnects. The CoolPower® SDM series is available with two or four power lines and boasts up to 318A per linear inch in a footprint of only 5.6mm x 14mm.
Amphenol Sensing Innovations Brochure
Amphenol Sensing Innovations Brochure
Amphenol Assembletech
1. Contact Current Rating. 0.5Amperes maximum per pin when mated. 2. Voltage Rating. 40 Volts AC (RMS.) continuous maximum, on any signal pin with respect to the shield. 3. Contact Resistance Contact: change from initial value=30 mΩ max. Shell: change from initial value=50 mΩ max. 4. Dielectric Withstanding Voltage. 500 VAC for 1 minute no ...
2-Port Antenna
Lightning Protection Rating IEC 61000-4-5 Current Pulse Profi le, 8/20 μs 10 Repetitions Min. @ 8 kA Connectors (2x) 8-Pin Circle Connector According to IEC 60130-9 and AISG Daisy Chain In: Male; Daisy Chain Out: Female Pin3: RS485+; Pin5: RS485-; Pin6: 10-30V; Pin7: GND Female connector: 8 PINs; Male connector: 5 PINs 6176108G 6176108NG 1695 ...
High Current Pins to get your connections closer to uncut wire than ever before Amphenol is now offering high current pins that can be ordered with any Amphenol connector. PDS - 325 1. Connector Type 2. Shell Style 3. Service Class 4. Shell Size - Insert Arrangement 5. Contact Type 6. Alternate Positions 7. Modifications TV 96 RW 15-35 P A (HCP)
TN-17 Accelerometer Selection Considerations - PCB
ICP® accelerometers operate from a low-cost, constant-current power source over a two-wire circuit with signal/power carried over one wire and the other wire serving as ground. The cable can be ordinary coaxial or ribbon wire. Low-noise cable is not required. Constant current to operate the accelerometer comes from a
Model M354C10 | PCB Piezotronics
Model M354C10:Triaxial, thru-hole mtg, ceramic shear ICP® accel., 10 mV/g, 2 to 8k Hz, gnd iso, 5-ft integral cable, 5-ft extension cable to (3) BNC p
g87mp | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
g88mp | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol. Mini Power Plus 4.2 Connector System - G87MP Series - Amphenol CS. Mini Power Plus 4.2 connector system is a 4.20mm pitch power connector designed for wire-to-board applications. It is mainly used for power applications and supports current rating up to 13A per pin and wire gauge range from 20-16AWG.
Current Rating 180A 20A 25A 35A 130A 180A Wire Range/mm2 50mm 2 2.5mm2 4.0mm2 6.0mm2 35mm2 50mm2 Cable OD Range 15.5-16.5mm 4.8-5.8mm & 6.5-7.5mm 10.7-11.7mm 14.2-15.2mm Operating Voltage 1000V AC/DC Contact Resistance <0.3mΩ <2.0mΩ <0.3 mΩ HVIL Optional Optional N/A EMC Shielding Available N/A Housing Thermoplastic UL94 VO IP Rating IP67 mated
Dead Zone CYLINDER INSTALLATION The rod style Temposonics R Series posi-tion sensors (Model RH) are designed for installation into hydraulic cylinders. The sensor’s high-pressure, stainless steel tube installs into a 1/2 inch bore in the piston head and rod assembly as illustrated (right). The illustration above represents ...
c10-737307-000 | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
Search Results for c10-6426 Amphenol C10-731162-000(long) 70A C10-729922-000 (for 8AWG) C10-747999-000 (for 10AWG) POWERBLOK™ WTB Product Data 12 14 PGY™ Type Example Sizes Rated Current Application Mated Part Above Board (Solder) 3.6mm, 5.7mm 35~120+A Configured to customer applications Above Board HD Version ...
Model 3741F12200G Differential MEMS DC accelerometer, 13.5 mV/g ... - PCB
wide range in excitation voltage with low current draw. The positive output signal line increases with acceleration while the negative line decreases proportionally. The output lines have a common mode voltage above circuit ground. Consult the individual accelerometer data sheet on how to order the particular model most appropriate for your ...
Troubleshooting accelerometer installations - Wilcoxon Sensing Technologies
100° C, it is best to limit the current to less than 6 mA to re - duce self heating. Most data collectors supply 2 mA of cur - rent to the sensor; most online systems supply 4 to 6 mA. If a power supply that is not current limited is used, a CCD should be placed in series with the voltage output of the supply. En-
00117420000 - Amphenol Air LB
Ground modules for signal and low current distribution, where sealing (IP66 / IP68 and IP69K), space and weight-saving are prime requirements. Specifically suited for grounding applications, these modules can be screwed directly on the structure. They are available for 10 or 12 contacts size 20, male or female contacts, with or without components
Model 137B26 | PCB Piezotronics
Model 137B26:Quartz, free-field, ICP® blast pressure pencil probe, 250 psi, 20 mV/psi, 4-pin connector, with two outputs for T.O.A
pin receptacle. Power to the ENDEVCO Model 65HT, in the form of a constant current, travels through the same pins as the low impedance output signals. The following performance specifications conform to ISA-RP-37.2 (1964) and are typical values, referenced at +75°F (+24°C), 4 mA, and 100 Hz, unless otherwise noted. Calibration data, traceable
Constant Current Excitation: 2 to 20 mA. Output Impedance: ≤ 200 Ohm. Output Bias Voltage: 7 to 12 VDC. 9 to 16 VDC: Discharge Time Constant. 0.24 to 1.0 seconds: Settling Time (within 10% of bias) < 3 sec: Spectral Noise (1 Hz) 1200 µg/√Hz 11772 (µm/sec