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NPA Low Pressure -
Current Consumption mA 1.2 Typical Series Excitation Voltage Min (V) Max (V) Notes NPA-300 3.3V 3.28 3.32 NPA amplified analog NPA-500 5.0V 4.97 5.03 NPA amplified analog NPA-730 3.3V 3.28 3.32 NPA digital I2C NPA-700 5.0V 4.97 5.03 NPA digital I2C. 3
Telaire Air Quality Sensors
4 Miniature CO 2 Modules for OEM Integration T6700 Series The new T6700 Series is a miniature NDIR CO2 sensor that has accuracy and reliability of many larger
Module For crimped contacts Socket Without peripheral sealing 1 contact ...
Module For crimped contacts Socket Without peripheral sealing 1 contact #8 Supplied without contact Polarization N Serie3
Module 1765 With components soldered on pads 2 fuses 5 x 20
Module 1765 With components soldered on pads 2 fuses 5 x 20
Psyclone™ Protimeter Thermo-Hygrometer Operating Manual
Page 2 Protimeter Psyclone Starting the Psyclone for the First Time The Psyclone comes with two AA, 1.5V batteries already installed. To begin using the meter, extend the
2 Sensor for Automotive Applications -
Current Consumption • Active Mode Current (average): 20mA • Low Power Mode Current (average): 15mA • Sleep Mode Current (no measurement): 25uA • Peak Current (max): 120mA. 3 Cable and Connector Connection Mating Connector TE AMP 4-1718346-1 Socket Configuration 1 ~ Ground (Common)
Model 222B | PCB Piezotronics
Model 222B:PCB Link ICP® quartz force sensor, 6k lb comp., 2500 lb tension, 0.9 mV/lb
Psyclone™ Protimeter Thermo-Hygrometer Operating Manual
Page 2 Protimeter Psyclone Starting the Psyclone for the First Time The Psyclone comes with two AA, 1.5V batteries already installed. To begin using the meter, extend the
Module 1750 With inserted diodes BY 448 -
Module 1750 With inserted diodes BY 448
Mechanical; Shell material: Thermoplastic: Shell plating: Olive drab cadmium: Insert material: Silicon: Insert retention in shell (> to) 25.4 daN: Contact retention ...
Signal Conditioning Basics | PCB Piezotronics
The current-regulating diode is used instead of a resistor for several reasons. The very high dynamic resistance of the diode yields a source follower gain which is extremely close to unity and independent of input voltage. Also, the diode can be changed to supply higher currents for driving long cable lengths. Constant current diodes, as shown ...
Trending Current Range: 4-20 mA. Lower Threshold Level: 2 - 50 g. Upper Threshold Level: 2 - 50 g. Lower Weighting: 0.2 - 16 mA in 0.2 mA increments. Upper Weighting: 0.2 - 16 mA in 0.2 mA increments. Environmental. Overload Limit (Shock) 5,000 g pk: 49,050 m/s. 2. pk. Operating Temperature Range-40 to +212 °F
Smart Power Relay E-1048-8D - Smart Power Relay E-1048-8D... 2 1646 5 Type E-1048-8D Smart Power Relay DC 12 V/24 V, 1 A...30 A in DICE version (low-high) at control input IN+ Housing / temperature range 4 with housing-40 °C...85 °C (for rated current up to 20 A) 5 with housing -40 °C ... 85 °C (60 °C at IN = 30 A) improved ambient req. (IP protection class etc.)
Module 1765 With components soldered on PCB 2 resistances
Module 1765 With components soldered on PCB 2 resistances
Responsible Minerals Policy -
addition to the requirements of the current regulations, Amphenol has broadened its scope of minerals to include cobalt and mica and will continue to assess additional minerals as relevant initiatives or drivers emerge. We intend to continue to annually engage our supply chain to verify conformance with our high
Data Sheet R-Series V RP5 EtherNet/IP -
A short current pulse is applied to the waveguide. This creates a momentary radial magnetic field and torsional strain on the waveguide. The momentary interaction of the magnetic fields releases a torsional strain pulse that propagates the length of the waveguide. When the ultrasonic wave reaches the end of the waveguide it is converted into an
Model 604M25 | PCB Piezotronics
Model 604M25:Triaxial ring-style, industrial, ceramic shear ICP® accel, 100 mV/g, 0.5 to 5k Hz, side exit, 4-pin conn., triaxial single point ISO 1702
SIME0108SNGBR - Amphenol Air LB
Module With angled PCD contacts (SIM monomodule) Socket With peripheral sealing Contacts #8 Gold-plated (RoHS) Polarization N
00197742400 - Amphenol Air LB
Connector 1977 Male 13 contacts #12 With socket polarizer