Search Results for placa base pc
The Brain of Modern Vehicles: Understanding Car Computing
The connectors mentioned above handle connections between different units; however, inside the CCU, connections must also transfer power and data between PCB stacks.Data transfer inside the CCU utilizes the PCIe ® protocol while communication between the CCU and ECUs is based on Ethernet protocol due to Ethernet's capability to reach longer lengths (up to 15m).
Model 211B | PCB Piezotronics
Model 211B:Force ring, 5k lb comp., 18 pC/lb, charge output . Model 211B:Force ring, 5k lb comp., 18 pC/lb, charge output . Main Menu. 0 1 1. Total Customer Satisfaction +1 800-828-8840. Search. 0 Customer ... Zero-based, least-squares, straight line method. [2] Estimated using rigid body dynamics calculations.
Model 231B Link quartz force sensor, 5k lb comp., 1k lb tension, 18 pC ...
Link quartz force sensor, 5k lb comp., 1k lb tension, 18 pC/lb Installation and Operating Manual For assistance with the operation of this product, contact PCB Piezotronics, Inc. Toll-free: 800-828-8840 ... Zero -based, least -squares, straight line method. Entered: AP Engineer: JDK Sales: KWW Approved: APB Spec Number: ...
Model 215B | PCB Piezotronics
Model 215B:Force ring, 60k lb comp., 18 pC/lb, charge output . Model 215B:Force ring, 60k lb comp., 18 pC/lb, charge output . Main Menu. 0 1 1. Total Customer Satisfaction +1 800-828-8840. Search. 0 ... Zero-based, least-squares, straight line method. [2] Estimated using rigid body dynamics calculations.
High Power Connector Series - Amphenol PCD
aircraft handling and military base station installations. High reliability applications including vehicular, aerospace, industrial, automation, mining, offshore and other harsh environments can all be addressed using the Rhino 38999 which is derived from the standard MIL-DTL-38999 series originally designed by Amphenol. Critical features of this
Accelerometer Mounting Accessories | PCB Piezotronics
PCB ® manufactures sensors used by design engineers and predictive maintenance professionals to test and measure vibration, pressure, force, acoustics, load, and shock in research and development as well as industrial applications.. Divisions of PCB
Sensitivity(± 15 %) 0.28 pC/psi 0.041 pC/kPa Measurement Range 15 kpsi 103,400 kPa Maximum Pressure 35 kpsi 241,000 kPa [1] Resonant Frequency ≥ 175 kHz ≥ 175 kHz ... Zero-based, least-squares, straight line method. [3]Typical. [4]See PCB Declaration of Conformance PS158 for details.
Sensitivity(± 15 %) 0.25 pC/psi 0.036 pC/kPa Measurement Range 100,000 psi 690,000 kPa Maximum Pressure 125,000 psi 862,000 kPa Resonant Frequency ≥ 400 kHz ≥ 400 kHz Rise Time(Reflected) ≤ 2 µ sec ≤ 2 µ sec ... Zero-based, least-squares, straight line method. [2]Typical.
Model 079A15 | PCB Piezotronics (es)
Microphone stand (with boom attachment & adaptor) Boom connector has 5/8"-27 stud or converts to 1/4"-20 stud with included adapter. Height adjusts from 36" to 63", the boomlength is 30" and the base spread is 23".
Model 629A31 | PCB Piezotronics
Model 629A31:Triaxial, industrial, ceramic shear ICP® accel., 100 mV/g, 0.8 to 8k Hz, side exit, 4-pin conn., triaxial frequency sweep ISO 17025 accre
Model 421B31 Differential charge amplifier for Dynamic acceleration ...
17 pC/psi 350 mV/psi or µA/psi 10 Hz 5 kHz 421B31 Accelerometer 10 pC/g 100 mV/g or µA/g 10 Hz 1 kHz 421B3X Pressure Sensor or Accelerometer Configurable Configurable Configurable Configurable Installation Mount the base of the amplifier to a flat surface near the sensor, with the amplifier’s input as close to the sensor as possible.
Model 176A31 | PCB Piezotronics
Model 176A31:Differential charge output pressure sensor with UHT-12™ element, 6.0 pC/psi, +1400 F
Airmar WeatherStation® USB Interface Box
Airmar’s converter allows the NMEA 0183 data coming from the PB, LB and WX series WeatherStations®, and G2183, H2183, and GH2183 sensors to be displayed on a PC via an available USB port. This will allow the sensor’s data to be viewed in the WeatherCaster™ PC Software or other PC based navigation software.
Model 113B22 | PCB Piezotronics
Model 113B22:Platinum Stock Products; High frequency ICP® pressure sensor, 5000 psi, 1 mV/psi, 0.218" dia. diaphragm, accel. comp.
Model 357B04 High temp., ceramic shear, charge output accel., 10 pC/g ...
High temp., ceramic shear, charge output accel., 10 pC/g, 9k Hz, 10-32 top conn. (-95 F to +500 F) Installation and Operating Manual For assistance with the operation of this product, contact the PCB Piezotronics, Inc. Toll-free: 716-684-0001 ... This method involves attaching a base to the test structure, then securing the sensor to the base. This
Antennas | WiFi, Bluetooth, Cellular, GPS, & More | PCTEL
Bluetooth (2.4 GHz) Cellular + WiFi Cellular 2G (1900 MHz) Cellular 3G (850 MHz/1900 MHz) Cellular 4G (700 MHz, 1700 - 2100 MHz, 1900 MHz and 2500 - 2700 MHz) Cellular 5G (600 MHz - 6 GHz) Cellular CBRS/5G NR (3300 MHz-4200 MHz) Cellular LTE (700 MHz / 900MHz) FirstNet (758 - 798 MHz) Globalstar L Band (1610–1618.75 MHz) GNSS (B1 - 1559-1591 MHz) GNSS (E1 - 1575.420 MHz) GNSS (G1 - 1589.0625 ...
26 dB High Rejection Antenna with Enhanced Narrow Band Filtering
High performance: 26 dB amplifier; Superior filtering – multi-stage, narrow band high rejection filtering; Unique design – Quadrifiliar helix design and multi-stage filtering provide effective out-of-band rejection and lower elevation pattern performance than traditional patch antennas
Piezotrónica de PCB de baixo perfil para uso geral
Quando esta não está disponível, a nossa base instalada de fábrica fornece um ponto de fixação roscado conveniente para uma fácil instalação e utilização tanto em tensão como em compressão. Todas as células de carga de baixo perfil são fornecidas com a base de montagem instalada, mas podemos remover a base mediante pedido.
9dB-2pc VHF Ant with FME + PL259 Con, 17.6' -
17' 6" VHF Marine Band 9dB Gain 2 Pc Antenna, MFG# A1791-V, new sophisticated design with phased 1/2-wave elements in a collinear array with choking sleeve to suppress cable radiation. 2 pc. Base 105" Tip 105" Includes 20ft RG-8/X cable with PL-259 connector. Specifications.
Model 353B18 | PCB Piezotronics
Adhesive mtg base, 0.312" hex x 0.125" thk, 5-40 tapped hole, aluminum w/isolation hardcoat finish: 1: ACS-1: Single axis amplitude response calibration from 10 Hz to upper 5% frequency, NIST traceable: 1: Optional Versions (A) Adhesive Mount. Accessories: Supplied: 080A90: Quick Bonding Gel: 1 (B) Low bias electronics.