Search Results for placa base pc
Dual-Band Dipole Antenna for 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz WiFi - PCTEL
The EMB-910004 antenna is a dual-band dipole designed to cover the 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz WiFi bands. The antenna design consists of 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz half-wavelength dipoles and a 5 GHz reflector.
Adhesive Fastening -
Support. Cables & Adapters. Mix and Match Cables 1kW; Mix and Match Cables 600W; Mix and Match CHIRP Cables; Transducer Identification. B744V/VL Newer Version
Protimeter Hygromaster Thermo-Hygrometer
or from a PC. Measurements can be saved and displayed in tabular and graphical form. The user selects four data logging parameters listed below: • Logging interval: 1 minute to 24 hours • Delayed start logging: 1 minute to 24 hours • Number of logs: maximum of 398 records • Job number: range from 1 to 15 Rel H2O/WME %RH Tair Tdew grains/lb
c902-9353-1 | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
Initially designed for legacy PBX phone systems, this CAT5e 2-pair data cable with RJ11 connectors has proven popular with AT&T U-Verse and Verizon FiOS ... c902-9353-1 | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol Search Results for 1.27 1.27 box MS, 97 AND 97B SERIES Note - Both versions, straight and diamond knurling available on coupling ring. ...
MGT-5015 High Power Reverse Bayonet Coupling Connectors
Termination options include crimp, solder, PC tail, threaded, or custom-designed bus bars. Upgraded socket contacts include the RADSOK® high current sockets and Amphenol’s Temper-Grip socket, which carries more current than a standard contact at higher temperatures than a RADSOK® ... RADSOK® technology is based upon a stamped and formed ...
SUPPORTED PC SOFTWARE G4 LD Utility – PC software supplied with the Model 831 that supports full sound level meter control, in the field firmware and option upgrades, data export to Excel®, and includes an integrated “Screen Grabber” to display the SLM screen live on a PC
Sensitivity(± 15 %) 0.25 pC/psi 0.036 pC/kPa Measurement Range 100,000 psi 690,000 kPa Maximum Pressure 125,000 psi 862,000 kPa Resonant Frequency ≥ 400 kHz ≥ 400 kHz Rise Time(Reflected) ≤ 2 µ sec ≤ 2 µ sec ... Zero-based, least-squares, straight line method. [2]Typical.
Model 357A07/NC | PCB Piezotronics
Model 357A07/NC:Low outgassing, miniature, charge output accel., high temp 1.7 pC/g, 15kHz, hermetic, titanium, M3 conn., to 500 F, No Cable included . f Main Menu. 0 1 1. Total Customer Satisfaction +1 800-828-8840. Search. 0 Customer Cart ... Zero-based, least-squares, straight line method. [2] Low frequency response is determined by external ...
c5 connector | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
These connectors use our complete line of crimp, solder, PC tail, and compliant pin contacts from size 0 to size 22D. Filter Connectors . Our Filter Connectors are based on the most popular Mil-Specs: D38999 Series I, II, III; 26482; 5015; and 2M Micro 38999. We also build Filter Adapters, Diode Connectors, and Metal Oxide Varistor (MOV ...
Kaye Validador AVS - Amphenol
significativamente a validação de software e a dependência contínua pela troca do PC, sistemas operativos e core loads. O Kaye Validator AVS oferece uma validação fácil, dedicada e confiável. ... ver cálculos com base no grupo e mensagens de eventos. Qualquer hardware ligado é apresentado com o número de série. Um código de
10317324f001 usb connector | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
CF-020010-29NZ – 16 channel 1000-Base-X / 10G to 10G-Base-SR / 1G-Base-SR multi-mode fiber optic media converter . Application Examples. Amphenol VPX switch coupled with Samtec HQDP cable, Amphenol Octonet Connector, and Amphenol breakout cable for system connectivity of 8X 10G-Base-T channels. 10G-Base-T can also be 1G-Base-T and 100-Base-T. ...
Across Ocean Systems | Levels/Pressures - Gemeco
Across Ocean Systems Levels/Pressures. Support. Cables & Adapters. Mix and Match Cables 1kW; Mix and Match Cables 600W
2.92mm Male Solderless PCB Compression Mount Connector, 2 Hole (CPW ...
Previous 2.92mm Female Solderless PC... Next 2.92mm Male Solderless PCB ... 5. Share on Facebook; ... This information is provided based on reasonable inquiry of our suppliers and represents our current actual knowledge based on the information they provided. Please contact for any Compliance or Environmental related ...
Model Number 176A07 CHARGE OUTPUT PRESSURE SENSOR Revision: C ECN #: 55057 Performance ENGLISH SI Sensitivity(+/- 20 %) 7 pC/psi 101.5 pC/bar Measurement Range 725 psi 50 bar Maximum Pressure(Total) 4,000 psi 275.8 bar
Sensitivity(± 15 %) 0.28 pC/psi 0.041 pC/kPa Measurement Range 15 kpsi 103,400 kPa Maximum Pressure 35 kpsi 241,000 kPa [1] Resonant Frequency ≥ 175 kHz ≥ 175 kHz ... Zero-based, least-squares, straight line method. [3]Typical. [4]See PCB Declaration of Conformance PS158 for details.
Amphenol ARINC 801 Connectors - Amphenol Fiber Systems International (AFSI)
2 to 32 channels and can support both PC and APC. AFSI also offers the companion ARINC 801 terminus, which uses a standard 1.25mm ferrule and sleeve that can be terminated with standard LC termination procedures. The terminus can be inserted or removed from the connec-tor with a standard size 16 contact removal tool. The ter-
LTR-150 Multi-Purpose Calibrator -
The LTR-150 is the most advanced, multi-purpose temperature calibrator. This device can function as dry block, liquid bath, or surface temperature calibrator, w
maintenance and condition based monitoring systems. Models 699B06 and 699B07 are ideal to field-check . accelerometers, velocity transducers and proximity probes . over a wide operating frequency (5 Hz to 10 kHz) and amplitude range. Calibrators are packaged in a ruggedized, weatherproof enclosure. With an integral quartz reference accelerometer,
Sensitivity(± 20 %) 17 pC/psi 247 pC/bar Measurement Range 20 psi 1.4 bar Maximum Pressure(Total) 400 psi 27.6 bar Resonant Frequency > 50 kHz > 50 kHz Transverse Resonance ≥ 5 kHz ≥ 5 kHz Frequency Response 10 kHz 10 kHz [1][2] Non-Linearity ≤ 1 % FS ≤ 1 % FS [3] Environmental Acceleration Sensitivity 0.01 psi/g .00069 bar/g [4]
All Products - Amphenol
Also available in size 8 with PC tails. ... FCI Basics D-Sub High-Density Board-Mount Connectors, based on the compact-D form factor, complete your board and system designs by providing high-density and high-speed interfaces. The high-speed, power, assembly, and mechanical packaging expertise, aids in getting the signals out of the box at ...