Search Results for ring 조인트 플랜지 규격
RNJ - 축소형 플랜지 - 38999 계열 | Amphenol Socapex
rnj 커넥터는 he308/38999 시리즈 i에서 파생된 것으로, 세 축에 대한 재배열 기능을 제공하여 설치 및 유지보수가 용이합니다. 축소형 플랜지가 적용된 rnj 커넥터의 주요 특징 중 하나는 플랜지 크기를 줄였다는 점입니다.
Ring Terminal Temperature Sensor -
Ring Terminal Temperature Sensor RTS Series of Ring Terminal Temperature sensor of an NTC chip thermistor mounted in An eyelet tag for surface temperature measurement. Features • Suitable for surface temperature measurement • Sensing element electrically isolated from tag • Eyelet fits M3 to M6 screw size
Charles Universal Broadband Enclosure CUBE-PM63912 and CUBE-PM63915 ...
LT-PM63912XXX Page 2 of 15 27 th Printing 2. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION The CUBE includes an equipment compartment with 39RU of rack spacing. The PM63912 has front and rear doors while the PM63915 has
Amphenol Network Solutions > RING TERMINALS
Ring terminals are color-coded for ease of identifying cable size.
RT00188PNHEC Square Flange Receptacle, Male, with O-ring Seal and End ...
RT00188SNHEC Square Flange Receptacle, Female, with O-ring Seal and End Cap with Individual Rear Wire Seal, 8 Contacts, Size 2.5mm, 14-26 AWG, 23A/500V, Shell Size 18
4U4VT360X06Fxys4 - Amphenol Antenna Solutions
Canister, 2FT, 16-Port, Omni Pattern, XPOL, (4x) 1695-2700 | (4x) 3300-4200 MHz, Fixed Tilt
MIL-ST Fiber Optic Connectors
by compression ring or by a threaded adapter. US Navy approved Commercial-off-the-Shelf (COTS) ST connectors provide the same robustness with a spring force more consistent with commercial ST connectors. The COTS product is designed for use in shock-isolated environments, or to interface with commercial electronics and non-mil-spec ST adapters.
M28876 Fiber Optic Connectors - Amphenol Fiber Systems International (AFSI)
Amphenol Fiber Systems International 5 MIL-PRF-28876 Product Specifications Specification Measurement/Detail Mating Durability 500 cycles per EIA/TIA-455-21
Enclosures | Amphenol Network Solutions
Amphenol Network Solutions has a portfolio of fiber enclosures and boxes with a variety of applications including fiber cable splicing, fiber demarcation, and cable slack storage.
TV - 축소형 플랜지 리셉터클 - 38999 계열 - Amphenol Socapex
tv 축소형 플랜지 리셉터클은 크기와 무게가 중요한 군사, 항공 및 첨단 산업 애플리케이션에서 사용하도록 설계된 작고 가벼운 커넥터입니다. 이 리셉터클은 MIL-DTL-38999 시리즈 III 버전에서 파생되었으며 잼 너트 구성(TV07/TVS07)으로 제공됩니다.
Series III Core Range - Amphenol
communica tions ships/na va l submarine milit ary vehicles milit ary aircraft commercial aircraft series iii core range
DIN 41612 High-Temperature Headers and Receptacles
DIN 41612 High Temperature (HT) connectors from FCI Basics meet the fire safety standards required in Industrial (Transportation, Power) market. The 2.54mm pitch HT connectors comply with the relevant industrial standards.
Hermetically Sealed Connectors | Products - Amphenol Aerospace
The small and lightweight 2M Hermetic connector provides an exceptional airtight seal without sacrificing ruggedness and meets or exceeds most MIL-DTL-38999 environmental and performance requirements.
Twinax Contacts - High speed contacts - Amphenol Socapex
If you need a reliable and high-performance connector solution for MIL-STD-1553 and ARINC 429 standards, then the Twinax Contacts from Amphenol Socapex are the way to go. These contacts come in contact size 8 and are available for use with MIL-DTL-38999, EN3645, EN4165, and ARINC600 connectors. They are qualified further to EN3155-024 and EN3155-025, ABS1600, and ABS1607 standards, ensuring ...
sensors utilize stand-alone charge amplifiers which can be easily reconfigured for specific discharge time constants. These sensors can also be configured for scaling and/or cabled for
fractions decimals angles and tolerances are: dimensions are in inches: unless otherwise specified unless otherwise specified dimensions are in inches:
About Us. 암페놀-대신전자정밀(주)는 Amphenol Corporation의 한국 법인으로, 산업용, 군수용, 이동 통신 및 철도 차량용 커넥터를 주력 제품으로 생산하고 국내 시장 뿐만 아니라 수출 및 해외 암페놀 법인의 제품을 한국 시장에도 공급하는 공식 자회사입니다.
MFM Connector | Fiber Optic Connector | European Standard
The MFM Fiber Optic Connector is lightweight, with anti-vibration coupling mechanism and uses ceramic PC ferrule technology w/ a ceramic alignment sleeve.
TVOP - 광섬유 커넥터 | Amphenol Socapex
이 커넥터는 38999 계열 iii 셸을 갖춘 광섬유 커넥터 설계가 특징이며 견고성과 신뢰성을 제공합니다. 버트 조인트 터미널에 최적화된 인서트의 직경은 2.5mm로, 멀티모드 및 단일 모드 pc 또는 apc 버전 모두에 고품질 연결을 보장하며 반사 손실이 높습니다.
M12x1 PCB sockets two-part, angled, insulation body with O-ring
For use in these application cases CONEC offers M12x1 PCB sockets two-part with an O-ring integrated on the insulation body. Due to the O-ring, the socket connectors are sealed against moisture from outside, even when unplugged.