Search Results for rtx 5000 -ada tdp
RX 5000 is a maintenance-free and very reliable construction. Specifications. Electrical; Model: RX 5000: Frequency: 100 kHz - 30 MHz: Antenna Type: Self-supporting wide-band receiving whip antenna for LF, MF and HF bands: Polarisation: Vertical: 3 dB Beamwidth, H-Plane: Omnidirectional:
High Temperature Charge Mode Accelerometers - PCB
High Temperature Charge Mode Accelerometers. Charge mode output accelerometers from PCB ® use piezo-ceramic sensing elements that output an electrostatic charge signal proportional to the applied acceleration. These sensors can operate at extremely high temperatures because they do not contain the built-in signal conditioning electronics that limit the temperature range of ICP ® accelerometers.
Model TLD356B18 | PCB Piezotronics
Model TLD356B18:Triaxial, high sensitivity, ceramic shear ICP® accel., 1000 mV/g, 0.5 to 3k Hz, 4-pin conn., TEDS
Quadrax Contacts | Products | Amphenol Aerospace
Environmental Sealing: IAW connector specification Corrosion Resistance: 500 hours salt spray EMI Shielding: 360 degree shielding on each pair Mating Cycles: 500 cycles Voltage Rating: 500 Vrms max @ sea level Dielectric Withstanding Voltage: 500 VAC RMS sea level Temperature Range:-65C to 175C Bandwidth: Up to 1.25 GHz Data Rate: Exceeding 2.5 Gbps. Voltage Rating: 500 Vrms max. @ sea level
Model TLD356A32 | PCB Piezotronics
Model TLD356A32:Triaxial, mini (5 gm) high sensitivity, ICP® accel., 100 mV/g, 1 Hz to 4k Hz, titanium hsg, 10 ft mating cable supplied, TEDS 1.0
Model 422E53 | PCB Piezotronics
Model 422E53:In-line charge converter, 1 mV/pC, +/-5V output, -5% frequency 5 Hz . [1] High frequency response may be limited by supply current and output cable length.
rtx 40 series vs 50 series | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
Search Results for mfk2252aw -001-tl30g-50 MIL-DTL-38999 Series I, II, and III Connectors - Amphenol Aerospace Designed for the frigid temperatures of space and other extreme cold-weather environments, Amphenol Aerospace’s new Deep Space 38999 series is perfectly suited for below-zero applications. ... userspdf 625200-001-tt30g-50 - Amphenol.
L-725.pmd - Amphenol Aerospace
Torque Values Electrical Connectors L-725-3 Revision August 2008 1. Introduction: This publication contains minimum and maxi-mum torque values recommended by Amphenol Corporation, - Amphenol Aerospace
.5000-28 UNEF thread. Style Designation (PT) PLUG SHELL STYLES 06 Straight 08 Angle 09 Flange Mount Receptacle 05 Straight, Less Rear Accessory RECEPTACLE SHELL STYLES 00 Wall Mount 01 Cable Connecting or Line Mount Receptacle 02 Box Mount 03 Wall Mount, Less Rear Accessory 04 Line Mount, Less Rear Accessory 07 Jam Nut IH Solder Mount Hermetic
Model 3741F12100G | PCB Piezotronics
Model 3741F12100G:Differential VC MEMS accelerometer, 27 mV/g, 100 g, 10 ft integral cable, pigtail termination.
LT-5000SP-1_PR6 - Charles Industries
Adhere to the following personal safety precautions when installing or working with any of the 5000 SP series C-Chargers: 1. Someone should be within voice range or close enough to come to your aid when you work near a lead acid battery. 2. Have plenty of fresh water and soap nearby in case battery acid contacts skin, clothing, or eyes.
High Temperature Accelerometers | PCB Piezotronics
High Temperature Accelerometers. PCB® offers specially designed and tested ICP® and charge mode accelerometers for testing in extremely high temperatures.
Model 1631-06C PCB L&T S-Type Load Cell, 5,000 lbf rated capacity, 150% ...
PCB L&T S-Type Load Cell, 5,000 lbf rated capacity, 150% of RO static overload protection, 2mV/V output, 5/8-18 UNF threads, integral 10 ft cable w/ open end, nickel-plated steel Installation and Operating Manual For assistance with the operation of this product, contact the PCB Piezotronics, Inc. Toll-free: 716-684-0001 24-hour SensorLine: 716 ...
PCB Product Finder for Torque Sensors (en)
3425 Walden Avenue Depew, NY 14043. Sensorline SM 716.684.0001. +1 800-828-8840
Self-Supporting Wide-Band Receiving Whip Antenna for the LF, MF and HF ...
RX 5000 is a maintenance-free and very reliable construction. SPECIFICATIONS Electrical Model RX 5000 Frequency 100 kHz - 30 MHz Antenna Type Self-supporting wide-band receiving whip antenna for LF, MF and HF bands Polarisation Vertical 3 dB Beamwidth, H-Plane Omnidirectional Impedance 50 Ω Mechanical Connection(s) N(f) Materials
BNC Straight Crimp Plug RG-174 RG-188 RG-316 Times LMR-100A 50 Ohm
RF Connector BNC Straight Crimp Plug RG-174 RG-188 RG-316 Times LMR-100A 50 Ohm
Model 422E52 | PCB Piezotronics
5000 g pk: 49050 m/s² pk: Maximum Vibration (5) 100 g pk: 981 m/s² pk: Electrical: Excitation Voltage: 18 to 28 VDC: 18 to 28 VDC: Constant Current Excitation: 2 to 20 mA: 2 to 20 mA: Output Voltage: ±5.0 V: ±5.0 V: Output Impedance: 100 Ohm: 100 Ohm: Output Bias Voltage: 9 to 13 VDC: 9 to 13 VDC: Maximum Input Voltage: 40 V: 40 V ...
Pressure Sensors | PCB Piezotronics
Key features of PCB pressure sensors. Fast, micro-second response time; Resonant frequency to ≥500 kHz; Measure small pressure changes at high static pressure levels
Model TLD356A15 | PCB Piezotronics
Model TLD356A15:Triaxial, high sensitivity, ceramic shear ICP® accel., 100 mV/g, 2 to 5k Hz, titanium hsg, 4-pin conn., TEDS 1.0
HydrogenSulfide sensors Datasheet - SGX Sensortech
PS1-H2S-5000 PS4-H2S-5000 TechnicalSpecifications Sensitivity 10 ± 3 nA / ppm MeasurementRange 0 – 5000 ppm ZeroCurrent ± 20 nA MaximumOverload 10000 ppm ResponseTime T50 < 10s, T90 < 30s Repeatability < 1% LowerDetectableLimit(LDL) ≤ 5 ppm LinearRange 5000 ppm Resolution(16BitADC) 0.1ppm Performance OperatingHumidityRange 15-95% RH