Search Results for sars-cov-2 overall result
10154117-101LF | ExaMAX® | Amphenol
Amphenol is one of the leading manufacturers of examax 112gb/s high speed backplane connectors. Contact us today for more details of Examax, part number 10154117-101LF
PCB Piezotronics | Measure vibration, pressure, force, and more
PCB Piezotronics — Sensors to measure vibration, acoustics, force, pressure, load, strain, shock, and torque.
Model Number EX607A11 HAZARDOUS AREA APPROVED INDUSTRIAL ICP ® ACCELEROMETER Revision H ECN #: 26068 Performance ENGLISH SI Sensitivity (±15 %) 100 mV/g 10.2 mV/(m/s²) [2] Measurement Range ±50 g ±490 m/s2 Frequency Range (±3 dB) 30 to 600000 cpm 0.5 to 10000 Hz
Applications | PCB Piezotronics
PCB applications include: aerospace & defense, automotive, energy, noise monitoring. PDM & process monitoring, and test & measurement
Operation Manual GTE Analog - Temposonics
2.3 Installation, commissioning and operation The position sensor is an electrical apparatus for use in Zone 2 (ATEX/ IECEx/UKCA/CCC), Class I/II/III Div. 2 and Zone 2 and Zone 22 (NEC/ CEC) and must be used only in technically safe condition. To maintain this condition and to ensure safe operation, installation, connection
L717HDD78PD1CH4F | D-Subminiature | Amphenol
Dsub, Stamped Signal 3A, High Density, Right Angle PCB Through Hole, FP=8.89mm (0.35μin), 78 Pin, Bright Tin Shell+Grounding Dimples, Flash Gold, 4-40 Removable Front Screwlock, Ground Tab with Boardlock
Betriebsanleitung Level Plus DDA-Schnittstelle - Temposonics
5.2 Schnellstart – Vorgehensweise 1. Speisen Sie die Anschlüsse mit +24 V DC. 2. Schließen Sie die Datenleitungen an die Anschlüsse an. 3. Schließen Sie den PC (oder ein anderes Gerät) an die Datenleitungen an. (Verwenden Sie einen RS-485/USB-Konverter, wenn Sie einen PC einsetzen. Weitere Informationen: siehe Hinweis oben.) 4.
Defense | Markets - Amphenol
SV Microwave has released a new line of RF connectors for Ø.047" cable that features an extended-length ferrule to protect the solder joints and fragile cable sections from environmental stress. This cable connector product line includes threaded male SMA, 2.92mm, and 2.4mm configurations and female push-on SMP and SMPM configurations.
Defense | Markets - Amphenol
Amphenol is a world leader in the design, manufacture and supply of high-performance interconnect systems for harsh environment defense applications including vibration, pressure, humidity, nuclear radiation and severe temperature changes.
IT Datacom | Markets - Amphenol
AgilLink™ 1.50mm Wire-to-Board G886 series is the most common solution for transferring power and signal. This series can carry a maximum current rating of 2.5A. Amphenol ICC offers a comprehensive range of these headers including, vertical and right-angle DIP, and vertical and right angle SMT, to meet various customer requirements.
Industrial | Markets - Amphenol
Amphenol is a technology leader in the design, manufacture and supply of high-performance interconnect systems, sensors and antennas for a broad range of industrial applications.
3urgxfw frpsoldqfh dvvhvvphqwv duh edvhg rq $$2 dqg $&$' gdwd dqg 0dwhuldo 'hfodudwlrqv uhfhlyhg iurp rxu vxssolhuv ,w lv qrw rxu vwdqgdug sudfwlfh wr shuirup frqilupdwru\ dqdo\vlv rq vxssolhg pdwhuldov qru dvvxph oldelolw\ eh\rqg vxssolhg surgxfw frvw iru dq\ huuruv ru rplvvlrqv dwwulexwhg wr rxu vxssolhu
Model 045ER070BZ | PCB Piezotronics
Model 045ER070BZ:Very high temperature low noise PFA cable, 2-cond., twisted pair, shielded, 70-ft, 2-socket high temp. conn. (MIL-C-5015 compatible) to bl . Main Menu. 0 1 1. Total Customer Satisfaction +1 800-828-8840. Search. 0 Customer Cart Request a Quote. Log In.
PCB Piezotronics | Measure vibration, pressure, force, and more
2 sec 0.3 sec 18 to 28 VDC 2 to 20 mA <100 ohm 8 to 12 VDC 2246 (um/sec2)NHz 598 (um/sec2)/ÅHz 294 (um/sec2)NHz 9.1 mm x 6.6 mm 2.2 gm Adhesive/Solder Ceramic Shear Stainless Steel Welded Hermetic Header Pins Bottom Signal / Power Neg (-) Ground No Connection
ANALOG - Temposonics
Rod Style Sensors (RH): 50 to 7600 mm (2 to 300 in.) Velocity: Velocity output range: 0.1 to 10 m/s or 1.0 to 400.0 in/s Minimum velocity: 1.0 in/s or 0.05 x stroke length in inches, whichever is greater Maximum velocity: 400.0 in/s or 100 x stroke
0J áPÇRE HART ])f? f#0J áPÇRE - Temposonics
hart® インターフェース取扱説明書 取扱説明書 i 4 i 2. 用語の説明 6a重油 「一般的な原油」、api比重に対して60°fに体積を補正します。 6b軽油 「一般的な製品」、api比重に対して60°fに体積を補正します。
U10E038250T | SLIM-LINE-SAS | Amphenol
SlimSAS X4 Vertical Low profile, 30µin Gold plating, Latch pin length=3.0mm, 24G, T&R packing
962 filJSBL], 000 962 Recorder Load & Sigma%o 4 TM TECHNOLOGIES A ... - PCB
±2.5 mwv, ±4.5 mwv, VDC 5 VDC, 120 rnA Maximum 21 -bit 0.25% Maximum (F.S.) 10 kHz Software Programmable Manual or, Software Programmable (Automatic Reset) Quadrature A/B Track 5 VDC 1000 kHz Maximum 4.85 x 2.68 in 123 x 68 mm 240 x 128 Pixels, Backlit LCD Battery Low Indication
L`¿'ôž-‰_º—ÎèüÃ[Ùc€Q åq±«— 7œ´aÇ ”–á‘¥[΃cœÌý¶ œ;3Z& ðO*.Áo°;+{Ã=ãï^¡×f‚Ý÷¥ß ïWç~pF €¶ …#=ô:¸·aFàÉvè ÕuØ äùS|m ¡Lù17#ÂÅ ý`&d¢ hA\)Z†Fý«7Ùu å}ðLTgÒ §2q âUæUäMæ ñ:kꨩ³¦Žšë)q‚ØAY¤Œ vðø+öB+ƒç rõžfL{MÃű´Áçê u@®xد $à ...
Matrix MIL-DTL-5015 High Power Connector | Commercial Aerospace ...
The Matrix MIL-DTL-5015 is a crimp, rear-release high power connector that provides an improved alternative to the older MIL-C-5015 solder type.