Search Results for sars-cov-2 overall result
M-Series Touchscreen Modbus Terminal, Product Specification
Level Plus®. M-Series Touchscreen Modbus Terminal - Modbus RTU Product Specification, Part No.: 551164, Revision A 10-09. MTS Sensors. PrODuCt sPeCIFICatION / Data sHeet
550824K M Series MH Analog Data Sheet -
Stroke length: 50 mm (2 in.) to 2500 mm (98 in.) Voltage input: 12/24 Vdc Shock Rating: 100 g (single hit) / IEC 68-2-27 Vibration Rating 25 g / 10-2000 Hz/IEC 68-2-6 200 V/m EMI Immunity BENEFITS Rugged Mobile Sensor Direct Analog Output (Fully reversible) APPLICATIONS Continuous Operation In Harsh Mobile Conditions
D50P24A6GV00LF | D-Subminiature | Amphenol
D-Sub Standard Board Mount Connector, Input Output Connectors, Signal 50 way Pin Straight Solder, 500 cycles, Harpoons + Female Screw UNC 4 - 40 + Elec cont., 1.6mm PCB thickness.
4 pin connector | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
1/4-28 unf-2a 4-pin connector 2x .228 thru [2x 5.8 thru] 2 2 4 mm hex: recommended mounting torque of 10-20 in-lb [1.13-2.26 nm] 1.) mounting bolts not shown in top view for clarity 3 3 2 4 mounting surface should be flat to within .001 [.03] tir across sensor footprint with a finish of 63 [1.61] or better for best results 4 5.)
M4054 SERIES | Products | Amphenol Aerospace
The M4054 is a rugged, highly efficient, SOSA™ aligned, military grade 3U VPX, 1” pitch, 28V DC to DC PSU card that provides 12V and 3.3VAUX per VITA 62 and is capable of delivering up to 768W of output power.
Transmetteurs de vibrations | PCB Piezotronics
La surveillance des vibrations des installations et des machines de traitement peut fournir des données cruciales qui conduiront à une augmentation de la productivité et de la rentabilité.
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VITA Tools - SV Microwave
SMPM Female VITA 67.1/2 Contact Removal Tool Available Inventory: 44. 500-32-022. VITA Tool 500-32-022. Add to compare list Datasheet. Part # 500-32-052 SMPM Female VITA 67.3 Bullet Insertion/Removal Tool (Push/Pull) Available Inventory: 19. 500-32-052. VITA Tool 500-32-052.
Agnostic Embedded Rugged Media Converters - Amphenol Aerospace
Amphenol’s Agnostic Embedded Rugged Media Converters utilize Amphenol’s long-time trusted MIL-DTL-38999 connectors and receive data over a Samtec HQDP ribbon for attachment into a subsystem.
L-40969-029 - Amphenol Aerospace
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Wastewater Treatment Plant replaces THHN Wire
CUSTOMER’S RESULT: By switching to Chem-Gard, they were able to eliminate unwanted cable failures and eliminate costly downtime. Our Chem-Gard 200 did not fail even with open caps. The water treatment plant customer loved the performance and peace of mind that our Chem-Gard products provided to offer worry-free maintenance.
M22520/2-01 (4) Daniels K709 (M22520/2-37) M22520/5-01 M22520/5-45 (A) 21-033385-101 Quadrax Socket (90 Ohm) Contact Insertion into Connector Contacts are inserted by hand. Insert the contact assembly into the proper rear grommet hole. Contact must be aligned with hole and not inserted at an angle.
Super-Trex® Ultra-Gard™ Portable Cord - TPC Wire
Super-Trex® Ultra-Gard™ Portable Cord is highly flexible and rated for usage in harsh industrial environments with excellent resistance to impact, cutting, abrasion, oils, and most industrial chemicals.
Request a Cost Value Analysis - TPC Wire
When you request a cost value analysis from TPC, we'll identify your application-specific challenge, recommend a solution, and compare the current product(s) you are using to the TPC product that will best meet your needs. The result is a cost value analysis computation that includes: Material costs; Labor costs; Production downtime; Overall ...
Food & Beverage Industry - Amphenol TPC Wire & Cable
Trex-Onics® Overall Shielded Continuous Flex Multi-Conductor Cable is designed for industrial applications that require continuous flexing. Quick-Connex® M12 DC Micro Cordsets Cordsets made with Trex-Onics® Control Cable are designed for high cycle, constant motion applications and provide excellent defense against impact, cutting, abrasion ...
21-33382-41 (PIN) 21-33383-41 (SOCKET)
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Wire and Cable | Amphenol TPC Wire & Cable
We're the industry-leader in high-end electrical wire and cable used in demanding and abusive applications. Our rugged products are designed to withstand abuse from impact, abrasion, continuous flexing, caustic chemicals, and extreme temperatures.
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RG174 50 Ohm Coax Cable (RG-174 Coaxial Cables) - Amphenol
RG174 50 Ohm Coaxial Cables (RG-174 RF Coax Cable Assemblies) at Amphenol Cables on Demand -- Direct from one of the world's largest cable manufacturers and Inventor of the Popular BNC Connector - Our RG174/U coaxial cable assemblies feature a reduced diameter low-profile design for enhanced flexibility. Ideal for short, low-power signal runs between exciters, amplifiers, and antennas for GSM ...
c:userspdf901-10510-1 -
Title: Created Date: 7/20/2016 9:35:33 AM