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Thermometrics Ambient Sensor -
163.131 96.892 59.365 37.417 30.0 16.032 -10 0 10 20 30 40 Temperature (oc) 0.29 in 1178 øO.23 in 16.0 0.16 in Ø 0.27 in (7.0 068 in 117.5 Isa in
Charles Industries, LLC Joins Amphenol Broadband Solutions at SCTE ISBE ...
Charles’ Outside Plant expertise rounds out ABS’ end-to-end passive interconnect solutions offering. SCHAUMBURG, IL (Sept. 30, 2019) – Amphenol Broadband Solutions, the emerging connectivity leader for the broadband industry, is pleased to announce the addition of integrated environmental housings and enclosures from Charles Industries to its technology lineup at SCTE•ISBE Cable-Tec Expo.
Ampehnol All Sensors Products
Discover Amephenol All Sensors customizble ultra low pressure solutions by family.
iDAS Hybrid Combiner Data Sheet-x ID-REV2 - Amphenol Antenna Solutions
Units are available with N, 7/16 DIN, or 4.3-10 connectors. iDAS Passives 3dB iDAS Hybrid Combiner Features & Bene˜ ts: • 160W Power Combiner • High Isolation • Low PIM Tested and Veri˜ ed • Low VSWR • Low Dissipative Loss • High Environment Reliability; IP67 • ROHS Compliant ...
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TF137-CC1-060I - TwistFlex 60' (1.5 M)-CPR137G
Fabricated from spiral wound silver plated bronze strip. Includes pressure tight (15 psig) protective neoprene jacket. Allowable twist is 100°/ft for WR75 to 45°/ft. for WR229.
Congratulation AST win the award of "Best Supplier"
M14、M15、M19 Cable. NMEA2000 (M12) Cable. Test Fixture
EBY Electro - EB5600 Series - 5.00mm Spacing - SCREWLESS BLOCKS ...
Custom Terminal Blocks. Complete Design Services - Tell us your requirements and EBY can design the efficient, economical component you need.. Manufacturing For You - With EBY's manufacturing network, we can offer quantities and delivery times at very competitive prices.. With CAD/CAE, Solid Modeling and Rapid Prototype Techniques, our engineers can bring your concepts to life in as little as ...
EU Declaration of Conformity - AMPHENOL PROCOM
EU Declaration of Conformity Manufacturer: Amphenol Procom Address: Smedetoften 12, DK-3600 Frederikssund, Denmark Product description: 19” Rack-mountable Simplex Relay Combiner Product name/Type no: PRO-COM150-SRC-2 PRO-COM450-SRC-2 PRO-COM150-SRC-3 PRO-COM450-SRC-3
AST have become an $100mil company by the end of 2012.
M14、M15、M19 Cable. NMEA2000 (M12) Cable. Test Fixture
Newsletter. Bleiben Sie mit Amphenol-Air LB in Verbindung: Melden Sie sich dazu einfach zu CONNECTED – unserem kostenlosen Newsletter – an. Er liefert Ihnen regelmäßig interessante Informationen zu unseren Produkten, spannenden Anwendungen und Neuigkeiten aus unserem Unternehmen.
00177730504 - Amphenol Air LB
Module 1777 10 contacts #16
Ampehnol All Sensors Products | All Sensors
Discover Amephenol All Sensors customizble ultra low pressure solutions by family.
Datenblatt -
de Calais USB40/80 Truck Radio Datenblatt en Calais USB40/80 Truck Radio Data sheet fr Calais USB40/80 Truck Radio Fiche technique es Calais USB40/80 Truck Radio Hoja de datos de Calais USB40/80 en Calais USB40/80 fr Calais USB40/80 es Calais USB40/80 Truck Radio (7 620 000 130, 7 620 000 131, 7 620 000 132, 7 620 000 133)
TPC WIRE & CABLE CORP. USA 800-521-7935 CANADA 800-545-0122 MEXICO 001-877-283-1696 Speci˜cations ubject o hange. or omplete peci˜cations nd vailability, k our TC Sles Representative r all 00-521-7935.
18.0 ± 0 -
C O N N E C T O R S : 2.92mm Straight Male ( SF1511-60069 ) SMPS Size 16 Pin ( 9921-40001 ) C A B L E : Ø.047 Flexible Coax S H R I N K T U B I N G : M23053/5 P E R F O R M A N C E I M P E D A N C E : 50 Ohms F R E Q . R A N G E : DC to 40 GHz V S W R : 1.3:1 Max, DC to 18.0 GHz 1.5:1 Max, 18.0 + GHz I N S E R T I O N L O S S : 4.65 dB Max N O ...
Electronic Relay with Extra Functions - EXR10
Current rating 3) IN 1...30 A Short circuit current IK max. 70 A (IN up to 10 A) L/R = 2ms l 250 A (IN from 15 A) L/R = 2ms free-wheeling diodevehicles and emergency cars, special vehicles) integral Voltage drop UON max. in mV (at IN in A) IN 1 2 3 5 7.5 10 15 20 25 30 UON 50 55 60 80 90 110 70 90 120 140 Control input IN+ Control voltage ON 8. ...
6.0 ± 0 -
C O N N E C T O R S : 1.85mm Straight Male ( SF3311-60003 ) SMPM Size 12 Socket ( SF3211-6004 ) C A B L E : Ø.085 Flexible Coax S H R I N K T U B I N G : M23053/5 P E R F O R M A N C E I M P E D A N C E : 50 Ohms F R E Q . R A N G E : DC to 65 GHz V S W R : 1.4:1 Max, DC to 18.0 GHz 1.6:1 Max, 18.0 + GHz I N S E R T I O N L O S S : 1.78 dB Max
Ampehnol All Sensors Products | All Sensors
Discover Amephenol All Sensors customizble ultra low pressure solutions by family.
D-Subminiature (D-Sub) Cables for Sale | Cables on Demand | Page 9
D-Subminiature (D-Sub) Cables -- Featuring the world's largest inventory of d-sub cable assemblies, Amphenol Cables on Demand is your premier D-subminiature cable destination. Our D-sub cables are offered in every major pin-count and connector configuration including DB9, DB15, HD15, DB25, HD26, DB37, HD44, DB50, HD62, and HD78. Deluxe, Premium, Panel Mount, & LSZH versions are available for ...
Amphenol AAO/ACAD Product Compliance - Environmental Engineering
BFY171212P4D08M YES CONNECTOR, ELECTRICAL, RECEP. N/A Per review of the materials & processes utilized in the manufacture of the above -listed part number , Amphenol Aerospace Operations and Commercial Air Division hereby acknowledges the referenced product is in conformity with the following:
Digital Command Center Ethernet Switch Series
Our Digital Command Center series of rugged Ethernet switches is flexible enough to handle 12-32 channels of whatever fiber or high-speed copper you need.
Grounded module Pin With peripheral sealing 8 contacts #16 Polarization ...
Grounded module Pin With peripheral sealing 8 contacts #16 Polarization A Fluorinated silicone
EU RoHS II Certificate of Conformance -
EU RoHS II Certificate of Conformance November 26, 2018 Dear Customer, In response to your compliance status inquiry regarding the following product, Amphenol Aerospace Operations (AAO)
General Eastern RH/RHT Series transmitters
is with respect to Terminals “N” (power supply return) and/or “G” (signal ground) which are common at the transmitter. Output: Temperature (Optional) The temperature option (if ordered) is a separate circuit board but mounted in the same housing along with the relative humidity transmitter. The 4·20 mA transmitters output is linear and
Coach Multimedia Solutions -
10 11 Coach Infotainment series Zentraleinheit zur Steuerung von Kameras 4 x Video-in für analoge Kameras ETH RJ45 für IP-Kamera
Stromverteilungssystem PBM-1170-05-V0060 -
Stromverteilungssystem PBM-1170-05-V0060 2 1712 6 Maßbild Module zum Aufstecken Lastanschlüsse (Schutzschalter) separat bestellen
English – Page 2 – LID Technologies
LID Technologies stands for innovative know-how in TPMS, wireless electronics systems and pure automotive quality culture. The company has become one of the leading companies in the world creating such technologies.
main | B260 50/200kHz, 1kW, w/ FB, Garmin 6-Pin, DT
B260 50/200kHz, 1kW, w/ FB, Garmin 6-Pin, DT. Support. Cables & Adapters. Mix and Match Cables 1kW; Mix and Match Cables 600W
additional assemblies - 1 pair sm fiber length, ft model number 3 hbf058-08u1s1-3f 5 hbf058-08u1s1-5f 6 hbf058-08u1s1-6f 8 hbf058-08u1s1-8f 9 hbf058-08u1s1-9f
Amphenol AMAO Product Compliance - Environmental Engineering
Amphenol AMAO Product Compliance - Environmental Engineering 40-60 Delaware Ave, Sidney NY 13838 Amphenol Military-Aerospace Operations (AMAO)
Amphenol MP-6A28GNSGRN-014 Slim Category-6a Ethernet Cable (Thin CAT6a ...
Buy 14ft Amphenol MP-6A28GNSGRN-014 Thin-Line CAT-6a Ethernet Cables Direct from the Factory at Cables on Demand. Amphenol's NEW 28-AWG Slim Category-6a (Thin CAT6a) Network Patch Cables (Color: Green) are designed with a dramatic reduction of cable diameter (over 33%), enabling IT professionals improved cable routing flexibility and enhanced airflow in today's high-density server rack ...
Thermometrics temperature sensor solutions -
Global Excellence in Temperature Sensors The Thermometrics temperature product line contributes more than 70 years of technology experience in the
6.0 ± 0 -
C O N N E C T O R S : SMPM Female QB (3221-60004 ) SMA Low Profile Male ( 2911-61000) C A B L E : Ø.085 Flexible Coax S H R I N K T U B I N G : M23053/5 P E R F O R M A N C E I M P E D A N C E : 50 Ohms F R E Q . R A N G E : DC to 18 GHz V S W R : 1.4:1 Max, DC to 18.0 GHz 1.6:1 Max, 18.0 + GHz I N S E R T I O N L O S S : 0.82 dB Max N O T E S 1.
ZTP-115 Thermopile IR Sensor -
N o r m a li z e d O u t p u t Degree 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 0 20 40 60 80 100 T r an s m i s s i on (%) Wavelength (um) Unit: mm Pin arrangement: 1. GND Thermistor 2. Thermopile 3. GND Thermopile 4 . Thermistor Outline of Sensor Packaging and Pin Arrangement (unit: mm) AAS-920-151A-03/2014
EU RoHS II Certificate of Conformance -
MB16B-2041P(A15)(LC) YES CONNECTOR, ELECTRICAL, PLUG N/A Per review of the materials & processes utilized in the manufacture of the above -listed part number , Amphenol Aerospace Operations and Commercial Air Division hereby acknowledges the referenced product is in conformity with the following: Directive 2011/65/EU (as amended)
Thermometrics temperature sensor solutions -
Global Excellence in Temperature Sensors The Thermometrics temperature product line contributes more than 70 years of technology experience in the
4802-7000-02-CRYO - XMA
Industries. Space High performance from Earth to orbit; Cryogenic Increasing density and decreasing thermal noise; 5G Communication High frequency for ever-increasing network traffic; Mil/Aerospace Using Advanced Disruptive Principles to Ensure Future Success; Products. Attenuators. Reducing input power while maintaining signal integrity
ABS Coaxial Cable Product Type: TX15AT77-V Black -083M
ABS Coaxial Cable Product Type: TX15AT77-V Black -083M Document: tx15at77-v black -083m_1.8ghz18.docx Revision: 01.08.2019 Page: 2 of 2 uncontrolled copy
Amphenol Network Solutions > Products > Fiber > Fiber Distribution ...
LiNC Near-End Configurator with Spools. The Lightwave Integrated Network Cross-Connect (LiNC) provides pre-fibered MPO trunk spools of either 12 or 24 fibers so that you always have the length you need quickly. This panel includes 4x LC or SC breakout modules with MPO connectors in the rear, and 4x spools of fiber that can be paid out from the spool and routed wherever you need them to go.
1G Rugged Ethernet Switches – Base-T and Fiber
These fiber to copper media converters and switches support 10/100/1000BASE-T copper ethernet and a wide variety of fiber optic ethernet including single mode 1GBASE-EX or 1GBASE-LX, and multimode 1GBASE-SX.
32408024002 - Amphenol Air LB
Assembly 3240 0.3750-24 UNF (Ø 9,52) - H: 25 mm - pitch of 28 With wave-washers 2 terminals
SolucioneS para la induStria minera -
Fuente: Informe de TPC de análisis de costo y valor n.° 3521. ahorro en costos en general en 10 meses = $6,339 y producción aumentada en 54 horas Tyler McLaughlin tt electronics-iMS Solo deseo comentar que su pelacables de uso pesado nos ayudó a mantener un entorno de trabajo más seguro en el área de ensamble de cables pesados.
P1300 Low Pressure Sensor Die -
P1300 Low Pressure Sensor Die Silicon Pressure Sensor Die Features • High reliability, solid state silicon pressure sensors • Standard pressure ranges: 2.5 kPa (0.3 psi) and
FAQ - Amphenol Socapex
The « IP » defines the resistance of the product against solids (first number) and liquids (second number).
When mated, the Powersafe is defined as IP68.
Amphenol Assembletech
M14、M15、M19 Cable. NMEA2000 (M12) Cable. Test Fixture
Amphenol AAO/ACAD Product Compliance - Environmental Engineering
97-3101a-14s-1s(946) yes connector, electrical, plug n/a Per review of the materials & processes utilized in the manufacture of the above -listed part number , Amphenol Aerospace Operations and Commercial Air Division hereby acknowledges the referenced product is in conformity with the following:
NTC Type NDL -
Title: NTC Type NDL Thermometrics Epoxy-Coated Chip Thermistor Author: Amphenol Advanced Sensors Subject: A range of epoxy-coated chips with bare 0.0098 in \(0.25 mm\) tinned monel lead-wires.
Certificate Num ber AS-1224-06 Integrated Cable Assembly Initial ...
This is to certify that the management system of: Integrated Cable Assembly Holdings S.A. de C.V. Main Site: Boulevard del Raquet No. 34-C Col Nuevo, Nogales Sonora, 84094,
Amphenol conducted the second quarter full fire extinguisher assessment
M14、M15、M19 Cable. NMEA2000 (M12) Cable. Test Fixture