Search Results for section 26 of the insolvency act
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PCB Piezotronics | Measure vibration, pressure, force, and more
Created Date: 7/22/2002 10:41:21 AM
1690-2690 | 1690-2690 | 1690-2690 MHz 65° 1460 m
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B RTS010*6Pxx A5 - Amphenol Sine
MP24W23F MS24W23F 26-24 0.13-0.25 Gold Flash SP24W2F SS24W2F 26-24 0.14-0.25 Gold Flash MP24W23G5 MS24W23G5 26-24 0.13-0.25 Gold 5µ” SP24W2G5 SS24W2G5 26-24 0.14-0.25 Gold 5µ” MP24W23G10 MS24W23G10 26-24 0.13-0.25 Gold 10µ” SP24W2G10 SS24W2G10 26-24 0.14-0.25 Gold 10µ”
Enter Captcha To Access Drawing - Custom Cable
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Model 6634D Signal Conditioner IM6634D - PCB
• OUTPUT: DB25F connector (various output signals, as defined below in Section 4.3. Rear Panel Outputs Connector) Remote control ports: • Ethernet port – Instructions for the Web Interface via the Ethernet port is provided in this manual. The Ethernet port is used for both the web interface and the SCPI remote control interface.
Marine -
Career Opportunities. We are often looking for skilled and loyal new employees to join our company, so check this page to stay updated. Careers; Become a distributor
ETV38999 - アンフェノールジャパン株式会社
15-AC M 26 24 2 17-2 M 39 38 1 17-6 I 6 6 17-8H II 8 8 17-22H Coax 4 2 17-26 I 26 26 17-35 M 55 55 17-99 I 23 21 2 19-11H II 11 19-31 M 15 12 1 2 19-32 I 32 32 ETV38999 Insert Availability and Identification Chart * Two size 16 contacts dedicated to fiber optics. Consult Sidney, NY. † For RG180/U and RG195/U cables only. (Contact Sidney,
Antenas de plano de tierra GP 450 -
Modelo Producto No. Frecuencia; GP 450/l: 100000128: Tunable within 380 - 430 MHz: Agregar a la cotización: GP 450/h: 100000129: Tunable within 420 - 470 MHz
/ v v & } o o ] v v ( } o o X P } À n ] v v ( } o o v ] X P } À 'RPLQLF - ,PEURJQR *HQHUDO 0DQDJHU
SCBC Series - Positronic The Science of Certainty
11 Wire, crimp contacts included, 20 AWG - 24 AWG [0.5mm²-0.25mm²], with MC/FC 4012M power contacts
High Speed Solderless PCB Connectors - SV Microwave
18 GHz (select models to 26.5 GHz) Shielding Effectiveness: ≥ -90 dB; Dielectric withstanding Voltage: 1000 VRMS; Mating Cycles: 500; Mating Torque: 7 - 10 in - lbs; Inter-mate ability: 2.92mm; Temperature Rating-65°C to +165°C; Corrosion (salt spray) MIL-STD-202, Method 101, Condition B; Vibration:
FAKRA Generation 4.0 Solutions Guide - Chinese - Amphenol RF
安费RF800 627-7100 203 743-9272 FAKRA 4.0 订购信息 注:请联系工厂,获取组件零件编号。 FAKRA 第 4.0 代连接器 FAKRA 第 4.0 代电缆连接器由 (4) 个单独购买的组件组成;配有 TPA 夹的塑胶壳、触体子组件、接触针和压接套等。
range: dc to 26.5 ghz material: bodies & contact: beryllium copper per astm b196, alloy no. uns c17300, td04 insulators: ptfe per astm d1710, type i, grade 1, class b retention nut: stainless steel per ams-5640, alloy uns s30300, type 1; or astm a582 type 303, cond. a finish: bodies & contact: gold per astm b488, type ii, ...